I Do

Timeline: This fic takes place during the July 1st show, when Manny renews their vows at Laurel Falls. I have also included Danny’s vows in the story….So, this is a peak into Danny’s mind when the ceremony is happening. I hope that you like it!!

All I am, All I'll be

Everything in this world

All that I'll ever need is in your eyes

Shining at me

When you smile I can feel

All my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine

And a thousand sensations seduce me

I never thought this day would come. For all those months, I had been playing this moment in my head, and now, it is finally here. But nothing compares to the real thing. I was never a big believer in true love. Looking back, I realize that all my relationship had nothing to do with love, it was just about sex. I am ashamed to admit it, but it is true. I used to laugh at the idea of marriage.

Marriage was just too complicated and messy for me. But that all changed when I met Michelle. Then I realized that I just had not found the right person. But with Michelle, I had found the person that I wanted to share my hopes and my dreams with. She was my angel. She was the one who gave my life a purpose.

Things were not wonderful as they seemed. Michelle and I met under the worst of circumstances. I was forced to marry her in order to protect her from my mother, and she hated me. It was so hard to believe that I was in love with a woman who constantly taunted and insulted me, but I was. I loved Michelle more and more each day.

In the end, we hurt each other so badly that it seemed that we would never make it. But we did. As I stand here, listening to Ray’s speech about marriage, I find myself lost in those beautiful brown eyes of Michelle’s. I think that my heart is about burst when I see all that love in her eyes. Love reserved for me and only me.

I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don't have to think twice

I will, love you still

From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you’re asking do I love you this much

I do

Every night before I fall asleep, I say a prayer of thanks to God. I thank him for bring Michelle into my life, and for making sure that I didn’t lose her. Sometimes, I think that I will wake up one day and all this will be a dream. Being a Santos, I had always believed, never entitled me to a life of happiness. I know that it will not always be easy for Michelle and I. And knowing that Michelle accepts all of me, I feel like I can do anything. With Michelle by my side, I will be able to achieve my goals and make the Santos name respectable. I will be able to live the life that I always wanted.

I will never forget the day that Michelle admitted that she cared about me. It was the happiest day of my life. I had always hoped that one day Michelle would love me. It happened when I threw her in the shower. I still smile at that memory of Michelle soaking wet in the shower. That night we were able to be honest and help ease each other’s pain. It was the moment, when Michelle took her place by my side, and never left. No matter what life throws at us, we will be able to face it together.

In my world, before you

I lived outside my emotions

Didn't know where I was going

'Til that day I found you

How you opened my life to a new paradise

In a world torn by change

Still with all my heart

'Til my dying day

As I say my vows to Michelle, there are a million more things that I could say. There are not enough words to express my love for her. My life has never been the same since I met her. I was just roaming through the world without any direction or any care. Nobody else mattered to me.

But Michelle opened up a new world for me. She showed me a world filled with so much love, kindness, and opportunities. She offered me the world, and the chance to make something good out of my life. By marrying her, I was finally doing something good; I put another person’s needs before my own. From that moment, I had made myself a vow that I would protect her with my life. And now, after having her taken from me by her own brother, I promised myself that I would never take her for granted, and I would make her proud of me.

Michelle, Michelle when you entered my life, I was changed forever. You're so full of love and life and goodness. You are a treasure and I promise I will treasure you always. With you in, my life is richer then I had ever dreamed it would be. You make me want to be the best man that I can be. The man you can be proud to call your husband. I want make all your dreams come true and I will. And as god is my witness I vow to protect you, to honor you and to love you forever. You are my life.

This day will stay with me forever. The image of Michelle’s face is permantley etched in my brain. I can’t wait to tell our children about our wedding day, and how happy I was. I want my children to know how much I love Michelle, and I want them to be proud of being a Santos. I am so blessed that God gave me a second chance with Michelle, and I am glad that Ray is here to witness this event. Ray has always been like a brother to me, and he was the one who refused to give up on Michelle and I.

I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don't have to think twice

I will, love you still

From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you’re asking do I love you this much

I do

My heart is beating in nervous anticipation. All my dreams have come true, and now, those words that I have longed to say, are caught in my throat. I can barely breathe. Yet, I have never been this happy in my entire life. As I look into her loving eyes, I hear myself say, “I do.”

From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you’re asking do I love you this much

I do

If you’re asking do I love you this much

I do

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"I Do (Cherish You)" performed by 98 Degrees. It can be found on their album 98 Degrees and Rising and on the Notting Hill Soundtrack

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