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Black Cloud Rain Parts 1 to 7

Black Cloud RainParts One to Three By Andrea PART1

July 4th, 2020 It was a beatiful morning in Springfield. The whole town was quite busy at this time of year but, this one was different. There reigned thispeaceful and calm athmosphere. As most summer days, the shining sun was wakingup and gracing the large blue Springfield sky. But so many things had changedin the last 20 years. So many lives had changed. If not its sun, itscitizen had suffered and enjoyed many changes through the years.

Over the cemetery it was, the warm summer sun, looking down on itsbeloved. A tall young woman walked into the alley, wearing simple clothing suchas jeans and t-shirt. Her long, dark and straight hair blown by the softjuly breeze. She slowly walked her way through the graveyard, as the sun litup her lightly tanned skin.

It was early in the morning, dawn, just like she'd always loved it best. Watching the sun rise had always been one of her fondest memories as achild. But today, the sadness in her eyes as she walked towards two graves put aside from the rest at the back of the cemetery, was so visible no onecould have missed it. She took a deep breath and found it hard to swallow her tears as shestared down at them. Two large stones with engraved names on it. Two names that brought her such emotions, she couldn't possibly describe them. She bent down on the ground before them and slowly reached to touch the names. "Danny and Michelle Santos" Her eyes became teary and she closed her eyes for one second, feeling the texture of the stone beneath her fingers.

On her knees before the graves she had just placed beautiful whiteroses on, she opened her eyes and breathed deeply. "Hi..." she whispered in a shaky voice. "I-it's been a long time..."she said. "But it is finally over. No one will have to suffer anymore..." she continued her hand carefully stoking the grass in front of her. She lifted her body up a little and took a piece of paper out of herpocket. she took a long hard look at it and placed it near the flowers with adeepsigh. "I am so sorry..." she said teary at the sound of her own voice. "I never meant for that..." She stopped herself as the emotions came flowing back to her. Shelooked again at the names engraved in the stone and a small smile curved herlips. "There is so much I wanted to say to much I didn't have the time to explain." she started as tears began to cover her tanned cheeks."Ray told me to pray for everything that's happened. He said you would hear me...." she said as she looked up momentarily. "You know how good Inormally am with words....but I couldn't before and I am so deeply sorry."

Her eyes went back to the graves of both people she had loved the most in her entire life. "You once said loving me had made both of your life worth living even more....." she stated as she began to cry. She stopped for a moment sobbing, her fists clenched. "Was it worth dying too?" she asked lower as if she didn't really want to know the answer.She closed her eyes for one second and then spoke again. "Now everything is out....I read your diary....and I know now. I know that you always were my only mom." she said crying. "Please find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have done." she said all her previous strenght slipping away.

She sat on the grass now and kept her eyes fixed on the ground. "Ray also suggested confession, and even though I never did I know he is right. But....I don't think I can do it without you here to help me."she whispered as the tears came back even wilder now. "I-I have no words for what happened. And after all this time....I can't do it anymore." "Now that it is finally over....I have followed your guidance father....I have to confess for I will never be in peace." she said.

The young woman looked up to the blue sky, tears rolling down her face and neck with so many emotions that some were even foreign to her still,and whispered as she joined her hands:"Bless me father for I have sinned." ------------------------------------------------------PART 2O ctober 7, 1999

Michelle and Danny were kissing each other outside the lighthouse.Danny's hands were all over his wife. God he loved to say these words. "You my beautiful wife, taste like I feel." he whispered with a huge grin on his face in between kisses. "well then I must taste very lovey-dovey!" Michelle answered himsmiling. "You have been gazing at me like that all afternoon..." "And sweet...." he said as he kissed her neck while she was trying to concentrate on opening the door. "And passionate...." he continued kissing her right shoulder. "And sexy...." A soft giggle came out of Michelle when he said those words. "You feel sexy?" she laughed softly. "Very....But only when I'm with you." he said as she turned around to meet his lovely gaze.

"Lucky me..." she whispered giving him a long lingering kiss. She had now managed to open the door, under his weakening touch. "Keep going...." she whispered enjoying his lovely praises. "You taste like beauty..." he now said his mouth landing on hers."Passion...." "I said that one already..." "You said that one." they both said inunisson as he picked her up in his arms. "And love.....and lust..." he said and she smiled at him lovingly. "You're a bad girl you know...." he teased her as the effect of that look took over his entire body.

"mmm" she nodded enjoying the feel of his mouth on her neck and the soft words he spoke to her ears. "You taste very hot...." he continued as he laid her on the bed. He looked down at her for a moment with one of his sexiest grin andadded: "And way over dressed Mrs Santos..." "Well we're going to have to do something about that...." she smiled at him her hands softly massaging the back of his neck. "Your wishes are my command..." he told her as she lovingly unbuttoned his dark blue shirt.He bent down over her and kissed her again.

"And you my perfect husband, taste very playful today." she said her last words ending into a bare whisper. "And what kind of games do you have in mind?" Danny asked her slightly pulling back.They both shared a teasing look. "Let me show you...." she whispered kissing his chest. "mmm....Honeymoon round 2...I like that game." he smiled. Michelle slightly pulled away from him and quickly rectified his latest statement ."Well I'd say more like round.....24...." she said kissing him again. "36......47....." she continued as their lips met again.

They had just spent an emotion filled summer together. That was the important part....they had been together. Finding out that some Santos siblings in San Cristobel had been part of Reva's long lost years and the disapearance of her son had been quite an adventure. But the best adventure of all was yet to come. They had finally married, in a private ceremony there, in San Cristobel, in the midst of all the craziness. They had spent their first night as willingly-married near the ocean in a beautiful beach house. They had found time for each other, time to have everything they had promised. And it's only after they extended their honeymoon twice, that they finally decided to step back into Springfield reality.

Strangely at first, reality had been quite a shock. A lot of changes had gone on since they had left. Carmen and Ben were secretly seeing each other....although Michelle saw it right away, and Jesse had left town after Drew had turned down his marriage proposal. She had now been voiced Max legal guardian and Buzz and Selena were finally a couple. An odd couple but a loving one. Even carmen had suddenly resigned herself to invite them over for dinner. It was a beginning..... Since they had been back, they hadn't seen Carmen or even went near the Santos mansion yet. They had been back for a week now and had only enjoyed the privacy of the lighthouse.

"Danny...." Michelle said aloud as he kept kissing her."What is it baby?" "What's that noise?" Michelle breathe as his lips left hers. "What?" Danny asked as he pulled away. They both listened carefully for a while and heard the same noise again. Danny sat on the bed and locked eyes with Michelle. He looked at her weirdly as to stop her questioning."Wha....It's not me!" "I know it's not you silly...." she laughed as she sat close to him on the bed. "I've heard a lot of noises coming from you these past few months." she added in a husky voice." but that is definitely not you darlin'" she smiled again teasing him. She got up and looked around the room, and that is when she saw it. It was all wrapped up in white blankets in the corner of the lighthouse.

"Danny....." Michelle let out as she rushed to the tiny baby left in the corner. Danny got up as quickly and walked over to Michelle as she carefully picked the baby up in her arms. "Whose baby is this?" Michelle asked him holding the baby tight in her arms, as she instantly stopped crying. "I don't know...." he answered looking around them. "Who would do that?Why would anyone leave a baby the lighthouse?" he continued. "Wait..." Michelle told him as she handed him the babyé Danny held the little girl in his arms, nervously at first, then it just seemed to fit them perfectly. The sweet little baby rested her head on danny's barechest as Michelle looked on smiling at the sight of herhusband with a child.

She then rushed to the pile of blankets on the floor and found a note left there with a couple of baby things. She and Danny sat down on the bed and Michelle read the nore while holding the little girl's hand in her fingers.The note read: "Please take care of my baby. Give her a change to life." Michelle looked over at Danny and then at the little girl peacefully asleep in his arms. A smile curved her lips at the sight of them both. She reached over and gently touched the baby's head. "What are we going to do?" she whispered as to not wake her up.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Back to 2020 "Why?" the young woman asked. "That is where it all brought me to them God." The young woman whispered, tears in her eyes as she held the flowers in her hands. "This is where I came in....When it all started.

Part 3 October 7 1999

When footsteps were heard in the stairs, Danny rushed to the door and quickly opened it."Danny...." Ray said with surprise. "Ray. Thank you for coming on such short notice." Danny told his cousin shaking his hand and leading him inside the lighthouse. "Don't worry about it. What is it that I can...." he started walking inside the room.His question was cut short at the sight of Michele craddling the little girl in her arms. The smile on Ray's face soon led the way to a confused look in a matter of seconds.

"Ray....It's not what you think..I...This is..." Michelle only managed to get out. She sighed and smiled to Danny. They both shared a look and turned back to Ray. "Ray....We found her here inside the lighthouse. Someone left her here with a note." Danny explained. Ray touched the little baby's head and after the news sunk in, he asked: "Do you have any idea who she may belong to?" "No. That's why we called you..." Michelle said with pleading eyes. Right then, they heard someone walk up the stairs in a hurry. "Michelle! You'd promised to call as soon as...." the female voice said walking through the open door. The three of them turned around to face the door and the same expression of surprise appeared on Drew's face. Her eyes fell upon the tiny baby wrapped in blankets in Michelle's arms and she found herself at a loss of words for the first time in God knows how long.

"I was just.....who is this?" Drew asked shocked. "Drew....we..." Michelle started. "We found this baby here." she told her blankly. "Alone??!!" Drew exclaimed. "Seems like someone wanted you two to find her here." Ray said as he took the piece of paper in his hands. Drew walked towards Michelle and took a look at the sleepy baby in her arms. "Who would do that?" She pointed out taking the note in her own hands and reading through it. "I have no idea but we can't leave the baby here while this person makes up her mind." Michelle said her voice voicing her concern for the newbornchild. "Looks to me like this person has made up her mind already." Ray said sadly. "Well how could anyone abandon her child like that?" Michelle inquiered. "There could be a million reasons...." Drew said almost to herself. Michelle then realized the impact of her words. "I'm sorry....i didn't mean to imply that...I learned about Selena." Michelle started feeling guilty about what she'd just said. "It's fine....Actually Selena and I are fine with it now." Drew reassure her with a smile. "The question is, what are you going to do with this baby?" They all stayed silent for a while and Danny looked over at Michelle.They had had some time to talk about it before Ray and Drew got here.

"We thought about calling the police but....What if this baby is in danger? The note says to let this baby live..." Michelle explained. "It didn'T exactly say that...." Drew rectified. "Well there is no way to know what they meant by that note...." danny added. "What if she is?" "Then we have to find out who left her here and why?" Drew said. "But until we do, someone has to take care of her...." Ray stated as both he and Drew turned to danny and Michelle. "We talked about it and we can keep her safe here....but we will need your help." Danny said as they all sat down on the bed.

Danny and Michelle decided to take care of the baby girl while Drew and Ray would try and find out who left her alone there with this note. They kept her at the lighthouse, where they stayed for weeks, avoiding any useless contact with family and friends. Drew and Ray had promised not to say aword until this was resolved for good.

"Come on you know I've had a few slips but never anything serious!?"Drew laughed with an innocent look on her face. Ray laughed at that statement and Michelle looked at her seriously. So did Danny. "Alright.......alright...." Drew laughed again. "I won't say a word. I promise." she added looking more serious than ever this time.,p> While they were hiding at the lighthouse, they kept in contact with everything going on with Drew and Ray with Danny's cellphone. Danny would carefully disconnect it at night as to not wake the baby up.(Halleluhia!) Drew came and took over when Danny and Michelle had to go out and make some public appearances so the whole town wouldn't send a search troup after them. Ray dropped by everyday also. After three weeks of searching, no one came up with a clue as to who this baby belonged to. It was like she had come from nowhere.

Danny and Michelle had grown attached to the little girl by now and as the days went by they decided on what would be best to do. They made the biggest decision of their lives. A decision that would bring them joy and haunt them all at once for the rest of their lives. A decision filled with oppositions anssupport, with laughter and tears.....with life and death.

Black Cloud Rain Part Four By Andrea

OCTOBER 29, 1999

“Rick….Please understand….” Michelle started. “Understand what Michelle? You can’t be serious about this!?!” Rick yelled through the roof.“Rick!” Michelle started louder. “God Michelle you’re out of your mind with this!” Rick shouted cutting her off. “Great!!” She shouted in anger. “Can you shout any louder?!? I don’t think the fifth neighbor heard that one right!” “Rick….” Abby started putting her hands on his chest as to calm him down.

The baby girl started crying and Danny took her in his arms. Her cries soon stopped as Danny walked slowly back and forth in the kitchen.

“Let me…” Meta offered. “I don’t think any child should be exposed to such arguments….” She said as she picked up the little girl. Danny handed her the small blanket and a warm bottle.“Thank you Meta. “ “We won’t be long.” Michelle stated through her teeth after her husband thanked her great aunt. “Take your time.” Meta said as she left the Bauer kitchen with the baby in her arms.They all stayed silent for a while, not sure what to say or where to start.Then Rick broke the silence as he stepped towards his sister. He took a long hard look at Danny and then back at to Michelle. “Michelle. Is anyone forcing this on you?” He asked point blank. “What?!!!” Michelle exclaimed even more shocked by her brother’squestion. “God Rick….” Danny sighed. “No one is forcing me to do anything! No one can force a baby on anyone!! God…..” Michelle shouted back angrily. “Then why?” He asked again. “God Michelle! You have no right to take a baby that belongs to someone else and pass it off as yours!” “Pass it off as….!?? And what gave that woman the right to abandon herjust like that huh?! Oh Yeah Rick….That’s much better! And what gives YOU the right to judge me!?” Michelle said through her teeth once more as she walked towards the table and leaned on it, turning her back to her brother. Danny followed her and quickly put his arms around her.

“Michelle you know I didn’t mean it like that…..” Rick said a bit calmer. “It’s just until we find out who left her and we will give her back.It’s only for the time being.” Danny tried to explain to make him understand. “What if they don’t want her back?! Danny…..What if you never find them!? Then what??” Rick demanded his temper rising again. “That’s the risk we are willing to take.” Danny said after locking eyes with Michelle.“No…..That’s the risk YOU are willing to take. I think I know my little sister better than you do and she wouldn’t….” Rick started. Michelle sighed and turned her back on him again. “She is not little Rick!!” Abby shouted as she stepped in front of him, instinctively. “The sooner you get that in your head the better off you will be! The better off we will all be!” “Abby….” He started, but she cut him off again. “No! Michelle is not just your sister now. She is Danny’s wife and she has friends and her own family and her own life outside of yours. And YES,if she wants to, that life includes that little baby girl in the other room. She can take care of herself Rick…” Abby said trying to reason herhusband. “I know that but to take care of a baby…..” Rick said. “Gee Rick….Thanks!” Michelle said almost in disgust. “Michelle you know that is not what I mean…..” “Rick there’s a little girl, right there in our living room, who needs us. Who has been left all alone and who needs us to take care of her. And I am NOT going to turn my back on her. “ Michelle stated as a matter of fact. Rick sighed in exasperation as she spoke those words. He knew hissister and when she had something in mind it wasn’t anywhere else.

“There are people who are paid for that Michelle. Paid to take care of abandoned children like this one…” Rick argued. “I’m not going to leave this baby in the care of strangers only to find her off somewhere….or dead in two months because of who she might be….”Danny told him. “Who is she?” Abby asked. “We don’t know…” Michelle said as Abby looked more and more confused. But she respected their decision and that is what she wanted Rick to do also. Unfortunately he had never been as understanding as Abby. Thank God he had her to bring him back on the firm ground at times. “And what tells me she won’t be dead in 2 seconds by being with you?”Rick shouted.“You know what Rick?!” Michelle shouted back almost in a desperate voice. “We didn’t come here to get your approval or your blessing. This is OUR life! It’s our decision and I’m sorry to enlighten you like that all of the sudden but you have NO say in it! We wanted to share the news with you so you wouldn’t be caught off guard. I have made my choice and so has Danny. So you can all turn away and walk out if you want to I don’t care!!! Go ahead!!” She added throwing her arms in the air. “But I won’t….I’m tired of trying to make you understand….understand about my marriage, about my friends and choices. We will not turn our backs on this little girl….so either you accept it or we have simply nothing more to talk about.That’s your decision Rick.” Michelle told him as she took Danny’s right hand in hers.

Their conversation with Carmen seemed like an old movie your rewind over and over again. When she saw Michelle walk in her living room, holding Danny’s hand and carrying the tiny baby in her arms, she was sure she was going to faint. She had shouted as much as Rick at first, even made threats if the baby turned out to be dangerous for the family, but as soon as she held her in her arms, Michelle saw something in Carmen she had never seen. Was it joy? They had thought about “passing the baby off as theirs” like Rick had put it, since they had’t seen anyone in Springfield in months. It might have been possible but Carmen is too much of a curious and powerful woman to fool like that. And with all her connections, she would have figured the truth out one way or another.

Danny and Michelle sat down with her and explained how they had found the baby at the lighthouse and felt like she might be in danger, and how they had decided to keep her until they found who her real family was. They knew the laws, and their rights…..And they knew the risk they were taking, but that wasn’t going to stop them. Carmen finally agreed with them , seeing their point…..or so she appeared to. With someone like her you could never really tell. But anyhow, she agreed to help them.

“Isn’t it ironic?!” Michelle thought to herself. With Carmen, even in between threats and insults, you could still speak up and argue. With Rick, it was plain yelling non stop. Most people who saw Danny and Michelle with the baby were very much surprised at first, saying they had no idea Michelle was pregnant when they left for San Cristobal in June. But soon enough, they were all over the child saying things like “She looks just like her dad.” Or “She definitely has her mother’s eyes…” They couldn’t help but smile to each other when people did that. They found it amusing how people always say thingslike that….if they only knew, Michelle and Danny always thought.

The only people posing a little problem had been The Lewises. After all they were with them at San Cristobal and they were positive Michelle wasn’t pregnant there. They had managed to make them swear not to say a thing about that. Reva and Cassie had convinced Josh not to tell anyone about it.And their story made sense really…. If they made the count right, Michelle would have gotten pregnant invery early April, and given birth early at 8 months, in early november. That is when they finally showed the baby around and took her out of hiding.Since the baby was almost new born when they found it the story seemed plausible. At least that is the story they told anyone who asked. They figured they would tell them all the truth once this thing was resolved and that the baby was safe with her family again.

Back at the cemetery in July 2020

“You didn’t know……” she whispered. Then she looked up to the sky and repeated. “They didn’t know…..They had no idea what resolution meant….”She said. “You were so happy and in love.” She said looking back at her parent’s stones. “I have been told this so many times, I can almost feel yourlove now….as I stand here with you again.” “Please forgive for I never saw that is where I should have been allalong. With you….Danny and Michelle Santos. But I’m here now, finally after all this time, hoping that you will someday find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have done.” She cried as she lovingly stroked the stones infront of her.

Black Cloud Rain Part Five By Andrea

December 24, 1999

It was all it needed to be. It was the simplest thing in the world, yet one they would rejoyce in remembrance years from now. It was the three of them, Drew and Ray. Their decision had been a bit unexpected but Danny and Michelle were about to give this little baby the greatest christmas gift anyone could ever want : a name.

No, she wasn't theirs....and no, this name probably wouldn't be legal when they found her family, but in the meantime, they had both agreed that this baby girl needed to be named. Danny had suggested they at least give her that to hold on to until they find out who she truly is.

It was christmas eve, and Father Thomas had happily accepted the last minute request. The candel lit church seemed so big and peaceful at this time of year, especially empty like tonight.The mass was to start only in two hours. Michelle and Danny had wanted to do this in private, and considering Rick's longtime coming in this situation, they hadn't bothered to invite anyone. Drew and Ray were the only ones present. By that time, drew was having problems with Jesse. Her whole situation with Max wasn't pleasing him the way he used to say it did. He slowly lost interest in adopting the boy, and Drew slowly got more and more involved in Danny and Michelle's good deed.

"I'm so happy you could come." Michelle greeted her as Drew entered the church. "I wasn't going to miss that for the world Michelle!" Drew smiled. "Same here..." Ray said behind Drew. Michelle hugged her cousin-in-law and Danny shook his hand. Ray was dressed in a black suit that fitted him like a true style that is,Michelle thought. Ray was so gentle with the baby and Danny became so soft and tender around the little girl that both men would have never been recognizable, hovering and giggling around this tiny human being.

Danny was also wearing a Versace suit and Michelle was dressed in a in a light blue ensemble,with her hair tied in the back, exactly like the last time she had come into this church a few months back, when the bomb threat stopped their secret wedding. Drew was in a pale dress resembling the one she had at Danny and Michelle's first public wedding ceremony. Michelle had never seen Drew giggle around a baby before. It was like this little girl brought her softer side up to the surface, in a way no one or nothing ever could before. Needless to say, she and Ray hadn't been there for five minutes that the baby had already flown in their arms. Of all the bad responses, the contradictions, the warnings and the opposition they had gotten from the rest of their families, Drew and Ray's support meant the world to them.

"You don't know what this means to me Drew." Michelle said as she hugged her. "I think I do Michelle." Drew smiled. "Awww" Michelle sighed as she nervously laughed and looked around her. "Must be christmas time!" Drew laughed with her as they roke their embrace. "Yeah....maybe it is." Michelle said as Father Thomas came out. The ceremony went perfectly. Danny and Michelle watched as the small miracle before them was finally aknoledge in the name of God. Drew and Ray watched stood by their side as they also witnessed and offered along with Danny and Michelle the most precious gift ever; an identity, a name....a family. Alessia Santos.

She didn't even cry, she didn't stir...she was mesmerized by Michelle's eyes one second and amused by Danny's chin the other. She loved the comfort on Ray's arms and the genuine warmth of Drew's. They were almost a real family.

"In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit..." Father Thomas said as Danny stroke the little dark hair of the baby almost asleep in Michelle's arms. This of tonight, for as long as she would want it, was Alessia Santos.

They stood outside the church, as some parish started to enter for Father Thomas famous Christmas mass. The streets were all decorated with mistletoes hanging from the lamp posts and bright lights in ever window. "Mind if I hold my god daughter for a while?" Ray asked smiling as Michelle carefully handed him the child. She and Danny smiled from ear to ear as they watched Ray and Drew inserious conversation with Alessia about light bulbs.

"Well..." Danny sighed smiling to his wife. "Do you have any regrets?"he asked seriously."No." she smiled back. "It has been quite a month..." Danny stated pulling Michelle closer to him. "That's an understatement..." she softly laughed. "But it was worth it.The simple thought of this little girl being somewhere with God knows who during this time of year...I'm just glad she is safe." "She is, and she will be." Danny whispered as they both smiled and entangled their hands together.They both looked at each other and smiled. "You know, you can stop smiling now. " Danny told Michelle definitely not obeying his ownwords. " I'm sorry, I can't stop smiling." Michelle said with a huge smile on her face. "It's Christmas, I have a perfect husband, a little girl who needs me, and I even hugged Drew." She added."Why Mrs. Santos, I believe somebody might think we're happy!" Danny teased her."I am. " Michelle said as she rested her forehead on his. "I really want to kiss you right now." He whispered with a boyish sexy grin on his face."Please do." she smiled. And he did just that. They had kissed so many times, but each kiss was different. Each kiss had a deeper meaning, a deeper feeling. Danny knew he would never get tired of Michelle's kisses. The way she slung to him,breathed close to him and ran her fingers in his curls always made him crave for more.It always reminded him how lucky he was to be with this woman. And the same thing happened to her. The warmth in his embrace and the love in his kisses reminded her each day how lucky she was to be with this man.

"Aren't you staying for father Thomas's mass?" Drew asked Ray who was making funny faces to little Alessia. "No...Beside, I'm not going to miss this young lady's first Christmas."he said kissing the young girl's nose.Drew smiled and took the tiny hand into hers. "So you are coming to the Bauer traditional Christmas eve gathering?"She asked him playing with Alessia."Oh...I don't know, you know..." he started. "Come on! It'll be fun. Beside I thought you weren't going to miss a minute of your god daughter's first Christmas?!" she said tempting him. "Well....if you put it this way, how can I refuse..." he smiled as they started walking back towards Danny and Michelle. "I knew we'd win him over..." Drew whispered to Alessia.

"Oh God...It's starting!" Ray teased facking despair. Soon they both were smiling, walking their way in the hall. Danny and Michelle were still kissing and a little hand interrupted them.Both started laughing when they noticed Alessia softly hitting Danny's cheek. "I think somebody wants a kiss too...." Ray said as Michelle took the baby in her arms."I'm sorry..." Danny said in his little boyish voice. He grabbed Ray's neck and moved in closer to plant a big kiss on his cousin's cheek. Ray stopped him as Drew and Michelle burst out laughing. Danny looked at Ray confused and then laughed with both women. "Very funny..." Ray smiled as they all walked on the sidewalk.

Suddenly Michelle stopped Danny and stared at Drew and Ray standing in front of them."What's wrong?" Drew asked. "Well...someone wanted a kiss..." Danny pointed at Ray while he and Michelle smiled to each other. Ray looked up and saw that he and drew were standing right under one of the mistletoe hanging from the lamp post. Drew laughed nervously as ray leaned in and gave her a quick kiss, barely but softly brushing her lips. They both turned around and looked at Danny and Michelle smiling at them. "Happy now?" Drew laughed as she threw her hands in the air. They hadn't realized how long they had been walking around. They were now near the park, when the church's bells rang. Midnight, finally. "Merry Christmas!" Michelle said hugging both ray and drew. They all greeted each other under the Christmas lights. "This is the best Christmas ever." Michelle whispered wrapping her left arm around Danny's neck. "It's all because of you. Merry Christmas baby." Danny said before kissing his wife tenderly.

Alessia chuckled at those words which sent Michelle laughing. Danny's lips lifted away from Michelle's and she made him a suggestion. "I think somebody might be jealous of that nickname mr. Santos."Michelle grinned. the five of them walked to the car parked on the other side of the park and headed to the most talked about Bauer Christmas festivities. This was one of many Christmases, but in Michelle and Danny's heart, this one stood out.

Back in the cemetery 2020

"Thank you. You gave me the most precious thing that night. Not only a name I could be proud of, or a life that was worth living, but you gave me what mattered the most to you." she said smiling as if trying in vain to remember that night. "You gave me your heart." she whispered as her hands went straight to hers.

To say that the years that came after were pure bliss and all peachy would be the biggest lie ever told. But to say that

they have went through hell would also be lying. Through some bad times, mostly involving their respective families there have been plenty of memories that they would all treasure forever.

They stayed at Casa Santos for the first year of their marriage. Nothing lovely and wonderful to be under the same roof

as your once biggest enemy, but carmen had learned to butt out when needed. Danny actually didn't give her the choice.

It was her pride or him, and she chose somewhere in the middle, settling for a little bit of both. Danny slowly worked his way out of the business, never completely since the Santos name would follow him forever, but he managed to get out on his own and build a life Michelle could be proud of. It took years to make, finding it harder than he expected and a lot more risky than he thought, but he and Michelle had vowed in church to protect Alessia and they were going to do so. That was Danny's way of making sure they would all be safe.

Alessia was growing by second, her curious mind wanting to learn and know everything that came her way.

She also grew more and more attached to Danny and Michelle, whom she now called mama and papa with all the love a child can hold. Danny's decision to leave the family business was even more triggered by that and his marriage to Michelle. He had promised Michelle one night that Alessia's first words were not going to be those of hate or horror. So he left.

On her first birthday, he offered her and Michelle a gift that he had been wanting to give them for a long time.

As of this day, Alessia wouldn't be a simple Santos. she would be Alessia Bauer Santos.

"So she can be proud of both of her names." Danny had said.

And the little girl picked up on the name pretty quickly. No child was more proud of her parents. She spent every waking moment following Danny or asking questions while tagging along with Michelle.

Drew was also a big part of Alessia's life, so was Ray. They took their roles towards the child very seriously and were always there for her. Drew was now back on the dating circuit, but somehow seemed to pick her dates a bit more carefully now.

February 16, 2002

"Come on tell me...." Michelle almost begged.

"No! There's nothing to tell Michelle." Drew insisted while setting up the tables at Millenium.

The club had become a little more sophisticated yet still very hip. It was now the place in town.

"I know there is someone...." Michelle teased.

"Alright! alright.....but there's nothing going on between me and .....that person. We kissed maybe twice....or three times max!" Drew added with a tiny bit of sadness and guilt in her voice.

"And that is bad because....???" Michelle asked confused by Drew's expression.

"That's not bad...I mean yes it is....because...because he is not available." Drew finally confessed to Michelle. "It's not going to happen!" She added smiling slightly.

"Hold on....back up....he's not available? Since when is that going to stop you?" Michelle laughed.

At the sight of Drew's face she added : "I'm sorry...It's just that if you think he's the right guy for you you should go for it Drew.

You've been alone since Jesse left truly deserve a great guy..."

"Not this time Michelle" Drew said. "This time I'm playing by the rules."

"I don't remember reading any rules about love." Michelle insisted. "Does he like you?"

"He couldn't even if he did...." Drew said. "And there are rules..." she added rolling her eyes at the thought of it. "I'm going to play it fair this time. This is not allowed Michelle, trust me."

"Drew.....Ray does like you." Michelle had said as a matter of factly before leaving.

Michelle's words had stayed with Drew day and night for a long time. Danny and Michelle knew it. Since that Christmas in the park, they had known that Drew and Ray were a bit more than just friends. Ray had stayed in the seminary but had never brought himself to be ordered priest.

Since the bomb, his life had changed and when Alessia came into their lives, he had been confused. He kept working with the church, but spent most of his time with Danny, Michelle, Alessia and Drew. His feelings had changed over time, although he hadn't admitted it yet. Danny had been surprised at first when Ray had confessed kissing Drew a second time, but deep down he knew it was coming.

Alessia grew to be an intelligent young girl. The energy within that child and her will to learn and know everything amazed Danny every day. And ever since she discovered the joys of speaking, she had become unstopable.

Danny always teased that she picked that up on Michelle all the way. She was very articulate and outspoken for her age. A five year-old who spoke more clearly than children twice her age. She spoke like a true dictionary, knowing both Spanish and English very well. That she had picked up on Carmen. That was one thing Michelle liked in Carmen. She stepped on her pride when it came to Alessia. She liked the little girl enough to do so and teach her things that had nothing to do with the business.

That was a rule Danny and Michelle had been very stricked on. Nothing from Carmen's world was going to touch her or else.....they didn't even want to think about what they would do. Carmen had even learned to tolerate and be polite to Michelle.

March 3, 2004

"Daniel used to love it and I thought maybe you would let me take Alessia. If she hates it then that will be the only time." Carmen had asked Michelle in her living room.

"Come on mama let me go..." Alessia had begged.

"I doubt she could ever hate anything! But....the Opera!?? Danny liked the Opera?" Michelle said stunned.

"Of course. Although he hasn't been since he was 13 years old. "Carmen smiled. "You can come with us if you'd like." She had offered.

Michelle had never really recovered from that act of kindness from Carmen. Was that actually an invitation? She had gone with them. Michelle, Alessia and Carmen going out together. Danny hadn't believed her at first. But one thing was sure, Alessia loved it, just like every new thing she ever experienced. Michelle had always been sure Alessia wasn'T capable of hating.

How wrong could she have been? How was she to know? No one could have known what their futur held.

Alessia was wise also. Poor little RJ had trouble keeping up with the little Bauer Santos chatter box. He had a lot of trouble beating up his dear friend at her own games....if he ever did. Alessia knew how to use her girly charms on the little boy early on even with a year of age between them. at five years old, alessia was knew who she was and wanted to be: Danny and Michelle's daughter.

All those years spent under Danny and Michelle's care turned an helpless child into a lively happy little girl. Although everyone noticed the obvious differences between hers and her parent's looks, long dark and straight hair, green eyes, a lot of her mannerism were the same as theirs.

Alessia Bauer Santos had become with the years the true mirrored image of Danny and Michelle. When she was nervous, she played with her hands the same way Michelle always did, and no one could pull the two finger Santos salute like her. Not even Danny himself. Her time spent with Drew and Michelle taught her to speak a hundred miles an hour. Michelle never saw Alessia sitting by herself silent. She was into books, school, sports, music, movies.....and most importantly, she always kept a smile on her face. But only Michelle had the priviledge of Alessia's secret smile.

A smile that graced Michelle so many mornings when Alessia dragged Michelle out of bed to watch the sun rise. For no reasons, that was Alessia's favorite part of the day, and it soon became Michelle's also. The smile on the girl's face as she woke her mama up, carefully trying not to wake her daddy, was priceless. She never knew why but Michelle saw herself deep in Alessia's eyes. Those mornings were the only times that Michelle ever saw her sit still, quiet for more than five minutes, just holding Michelle's arms around her tiny body.

Alessia would slip into one of Michelle's baggy sweater, looking like a tiny mouse in it, and they would sit and laugh outside in the backyard until Danny woke up and joined them. Michelle's sweater would always smell that smell children carry with them at this young age. Alessia just couldn't help it.

These mornings and when she was sad, which didn't happen often, she would crawl into Danny and Michelle's closet and put on one of Michelle's sweater or Danny's shirt. She said it made her feel better to be in her mama and papa's things. It made her belong.

In 2005, when Alessia was 6 years old, what should have been a sign, or a late warning happened. By the time, everyone even Rick, had fallen for the dark haired girl. Everyone had almost forgot how it all began. Reva and Cassie kept reminding Michelle that they were indeed alessia's family. That after all this time, it would be almost impossible to find her mother and father. Cassie and Michelle had come to meet many times as Alessia and RJ became quick friends.

Everyone still had doubts and theories about how strangely Danny and Michelle came back from their honeymoon with a baby, but the simple sight of them silenced them.

July 4, 2005

It was the Bauer barbecue. Everyone was there and ready for a big party. Michelle had begged Rick to invite carmen and Ben this year.

Abby had finally convinced him. So that left no one missing or hiding in the shadows, everyone was there. Or so they thought.

"Danny we can't do this..." Michelle giggled as Danny kissed her neck.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because...." she laughed again. "There are people here."

"Yes....there is you and me....and that is definitely people."

"Danny...I'm already a very bad cook. If you don't let me concentrate this house will burn down." she told him kissing him softly on the lips.

Outside the window stood a tall frame, looking inside the house. No one knew, no one had noticed.

Back in 2020 "It wasn't your fault mama. And it wasn't yours either papa." Alessia whispered with a smile. "You couldn't know it was going to be like that, that this was a warning." she said remembering that day.

"I learned fear that day....I learned what it felt like to be scared, for I had never seen it with my own eyes before. I am so sorry because of me you had to see it everyday for the rest of your life after that. I am so sorry...." Alessia cried in silence.

That day was supposed to be filled with joy and laughter. Everyone had gathered together there at Rick's house for the

annual Bauer Barbecue. No one could have prepared Danny and Michelle for the inevitable. Although even after that

day, they were never sure how it all happened, the feeling of fear entered their minds and hearts, and never left.

July 4, 2005

Michelle finally finished with her attempt at cooking and got out of the house with Danny right behind. Abby was

talking with Cassie near the pool, where Bill, Pilar and Marah were. Rick was burning burgers as usual with Phillip

in toe. Max, Susan and Lizzie were laughing and talking with Reva and Josh about stories from San Cristobal. Ray was

there also, dressed casually in light colors, talking with Drew at the table. They almost seemed like any normal

couple, although their path was very complicated. At this point, Michelle and Danny knew that Drew was in love with

Ray and that Ray had the same feelings towards her. Ray had decided to quit the priesthood, which was taking a bit

more time than he had planned. But the two of them were still just friends, spending time together and hanging out

like normal people. All the kids were running around laughing and playing hide and seek. RJ bumped into Michelle

while running around and looked up at her.

"Oups.." Michelle laughed. "Looking for someone?"

"I can't find Alessia....again." RJ said.

Danny and Michelle looked at each other and shared a huge smile.

"Well...she loves to hide near the trees over there..." Michelle whispered to him.

A huge smile spread on his face and he quickly ran over there, searching for Alessia.

"These two are like speeding trains!" Danny laughed as Michelle turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "And the poor boy can't place a word with her..."

"Oh and she knows it!" Michelle smiled. "She knows it and loves it..."

"She reminds me of someone....just can't remember her name right htough..." Danny said thoughtful.

Michelle softly hit his arm and kissed him on the lips to shut him up. Danny didn't protest one bit and quickly kissed

her back.

Suddenly, a young voice interrupted them.

"We can't find her...." RJ and Maureen said pulling on Michelle's blue dress.

"Did you look in the house?" Danny suggested.

"Yes we did....She is not anywhere." RJ said again. "This is no fun anymore..."

"We called her name but she is not coming out." Maureen added in the same tone than RJ.

Cassie soon walked over to them and asked what was going on. She went inside the house with Michelle to look for

Alessia while Danny searched outside around the backyard. Nothing. She wasn't inside and she wasn't outside the

house either. Drew came inside looking for Michelle when she found her and Cassie frantically searching

everywhere. "What's going on? What's wrong?" Drew asked feeling there was something wrong.

"We can't find Alessia." Michelle said starting to panic.

"What?! What do you mean you can't find Alessia?" Drew panicked also.

Michelle and Cassie quickly explained to Drew that RJ and Maureen were playing hide and seek with her when she

disapeared. Danny came back rushing inside the house and the look on his face answered Michelle's questions.

That day they spent 4 hours looking for Alessia everywhere in town. Frank stepped on the 24 hour rules for a missing

person when he saw Danny and Michelle's face. They knew that Alessia was in some sort of danger, they could feel it.

Somehow when everyone had been frantically searching every inch of the town, Michelle got a phone call on her cellphone.

"Hello!" Michelle almost shouted on the phone.

"Is this Michelle Santos?" the woman asked.

"Yes it is...." Michelle said waving her hand at Danny, Frank and Cassie.

They came closer as Michelle listened, impatiently. For a moment there was no sound heard over the phone.

"Are you still there?" Michelle asked trying to stay calm.

"This is about the little girl under your care..." the person finally said.

Michelle knew from this moment that this person knew. She was aware Alessia wasn't their daughter. That sent a shiver down Michelle's spine.

"Do you know where she is!?" Michelle quickly asked.

"You will pay! You and all the Santos family will pay for what you have done..." The woman said before hanging up the


"No wait! What have I d..." she started before she heard her hang up at the other end.

Michelle started crying and dropped the phone on the floor. Danny rushed to her and held her in his arms as she let all the emotions she had held back during the day out.

"She said we would pay..." Michelle sobbed into Danny's shirt.

"I'll trace the call." Frank said as he picked up Michelle's phone.

Michelle regained control of herself and wiped her tears away as Cassie held RJ tight in her arms. Everyone had now

gathered in the kitchen, waiting for a sign of this little girl everyone had been mesmerized by since the day she came

into their lives. "It's a motel near the University." Frank said walking towards the door.

The ride to that motel seemed like days. Michelle and Danny sat in the back of the police car as they rushed to the

place where the call came from. Michelle couldn't help but feel something had happened. The look in Danny's eyes told

her that her fears were shared. Danny and Michelle had known from the start that Alessia was in danger, even when no one else believed them.

When they finally got to the motel, they barged inside the room. Room 10. The first number had been taken down and

at what was left of it, Michelle figured it must have been room 310. When they walked inside the dark room, they were surprised to find nothing.

There was not a sound, no one. Then Danny heard it. It was a voice he could never forget. The voice of his little girl.

Michelle ran over near the bed and right there hidden under the bed was Alessia, covering her eyes with her small hands, crying. Michelle wrapped her arms around her daughter and rocked her back and forth as the tears rolled on

her cheek like rain. The police came running inside and searched the entire room, while Danny and Michelle held on

to their little angel. The three of them sat on the floor for a long time, under everyone's stare. Frank was there,

looking for clues or anything that could help them, but nothing mattered now. They had found Alessia and that was all they cared about.

"Don't let them hurt me mama...." Alessia cried burrying her face in Michelle's summer dress.

After that day, Alessia would never be the same.

Danny asked questions, or mostly shouted them at Frank, who never found out who did it.

"What happened? I want you to find that woman right now!!" he had yelled.

Michelle hadn't let go of a bruised Alessia the entire night. There were small bruises on her arms and on her neck.

Michelle could see in her daughter's eyes that something terrible had happened. Alessia's eyes didn't have that same

glow and joy as they always did before. AS Danny wrapped his arms around the little girl she held on to his neck so tight he could barely breathe.

"I won't let you go baby....It's ok....shhh." he whispered in Alessia's ear as she cried in his arms.

Back in 2020

"Why? Why take me and give me back like that....I know you never understood why she did it this way, and to be honest

with you I never did either." Alessia whispered. "Why didn't you remember her words? You would still be alive...I would have your here." she cried.

"I found the meaning to fear that day, at five years old in that motel room. You were my parents. I know it now...I should have knwon it all along. You always thought I was incapable of hating mama." she said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry I disapointed you. I saw fear that day, and it led me to hate. But I want you to know that I have never hated you. I have feared you once, but I haven't been afraid of you in a long time."

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