Casey's Last At Bat
The outlook wasn't bright for Edna
Her mail hadn't arrived and it was
late in the day,
Her birthday had come and no one
seemed to care,
No visitors or presents were likely
to appear.
Casey the postman must be her last
Yet he seemed to be nowhere near,
Out onto her porch she went to wait,
Hoping Casey was coming but running
Even here there was no joy to be had,
Her neighbors dogs were loose - and
very mad!
The three little pit bulls ran about
in a rage,
Like wild animals escaped from a
Muffy and Fluffy and Scruffy they
were named,
For having very nasty tempers they
were famed,
Edna May was about to run back inside,
When suddenly a smiling face she
Casey was running toward her gate,
Little suspecting he was about to
meet his fate,
With a bag of mail and a present
neatly wrapped,
Once inside the gate the dogs had
him trapped!
Muffy scowled and Fluffy yowled and
Scruffy howled,
But Casey's big smile remained unfouled,
Fear not Edna May his manner seemed
to say,
Three angry pups won't ruin your
But the three pit bulls had ideas
of their own,
At the prospect of lunch their mouths
did foam,
Unalarmed Casey put down his bag
of mail,
And pulled from the fence a very
big rail.
Edna May was entranced by memories
of days gone by,
As she looked at the once Mighty
Casey, a twinkle in his eye,
She seemed to hear the roar of the
ballpark crowd,
As Casey strode forward strong and
tall and proud.
Muffy was eying his knee with beady
little eyes,
Fluffy gazed a little higher at his
muscly thighs,
But Scruffy was true to his breed,
And toward Casey's throat he did
With bulging biceps Casey swung his
lumber at Muffy,
Strike one! Undeterred he next went
for Fluffy,
Strike two! Yet Casey still didn't
The last dog was sure to be a cinch!
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Mudville-- mighty Casey has struck out.
© 2000 by Michael Sullivan
All Rights Reserved