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Tai Chi News.

March 2001

The Gweedore Experience

The Tai Chi weekend in Gweedore proved to be a great success with over 25 of our members attending the sessions. From the feedback everyone greatly enjoyed the experience, in particular those members who had never been to West Donegal before on the tai chi experience.
The community is once again very pleased that our own members behaved themselves impeccably, and our friends in Gweedore noticed this also. It was also an occasion where we got to know each other better, and this was possible because of the good amount of leisure time we had together. Thank you all for making the event such a success. Our involvement and support has secured the future of the Gweedore commuunity who needs additional funding to keep their classes going

"Let the spirit of peace be spread abroad, in my heart, in my group, and throughout the world"


Book Early for the Gweedore Weekend

Members wishing to travel to Gweedore with a weekend with Wen Hui and her Belgian friends should now book with Vonnie Harvey. Tai Chi workshop on Saturday 7th April 2001 is priced at £10. Accomodation available £15, contact Dorothy Brown.


Preparations for the Visit of Master Wen Hui

Now that the Gweedore weekend is over we have set about organising our week-long Festival of Tai Chi, which will take place between 2nd-9th April 2001. Wen Hui and her Belgian friends will arrive on the 2nd, and she is very excited about coming ot the city again. We have a programme of events arranged for the visit, and members will be notified of the schedual in the very near future. There will be a social night out with our visitors to the Brunswick Superbowl on Thursday the 5th of April in the evening, at which 10-pin bowling, food, and entertainment will be available. We are asking Tai Chi players to organise themselves into teams of four for the bowling. Price is £8 per bowler, and this will include: Bowling, chicken and chips, spot prises, and entertainment afterwards. See Charlie for application forms, but remember there are only 16 lanes available, and there are also the visitors from Belgium who will take up approx. four lanes. If you are interested please book early. Members not taking part in the bowling are very welcome to come along and enjoy the evening with us. Staff at the Foyle Arts Centre are also keen to join us with a team of bowlers. This is not a competition, rather a night of fun. No competitiveness please.


H.H. Dalai Lama's Instructions for Life

Take into account that love and great achievements involve great risk.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Follow the three "R's":
Respect for self; respect for others, and resonsibility for others.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.
Learn the rules so that you know how to break them properly.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realise you have made a mistake take immediate steps to correct it.
Spend some time alone every day.
Open your arms to change, but do not let go of your values.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good honourable life, then when you get older and think back you will be able to enjoy it a second time.
A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation of your life.
In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Do not bring up the past.
Share your knowledge, it is a way to achieve immortality.
Be gentle with the earth.
Once a year go somewhere you have never been before.
Remember the best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
Judge your success by what you give up to achieve it.
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.


International Participation in Tai Chi Classes

Members will have noticed that over the past month or so we have had the pleasure of spending time with fellow Tai Chi players from the following countries: Germany, The Peoples Republic of South Africa, and the USA. It is always a delightful experience to share time with friends from overseas, and enjoy the richness of their respective cultures, and, of course, their company as welcome friends. In particular we recognise and acknowledge the friends who have come to the city to work in the medical profession, and we thank them sincerely for the good work they perform for the sick people of the area.


Welcome back Jackie O' Dogherty

The Tai Chi Community and all our membership are delighted to see Jackie back after her recent illness. Jackie unfortunately had to withdraw from the Gweedore weekend, but we look forward to sharing time with her in West Donegal in the near future.


Wen Hui on Channel 9 TV

Local TV station Channel 9 are to cover Wen Hui's visit when she is in town during April. Don't forget to watch.


Help Design the Walled City Festival Tai Chi T-shirt

Members will be aware that each year we provide a demonstration team of Tai Chi players for this event. As in previous years we will be designing a new T-shirt, and in this regard we would be obliged if our members would consider submitting a design for the T-shirt. Remember that the event is to celebrate the ambience and importance of the historical city walls. The theme must be complimentary to this rich heritage. Last year the design featured a sketch of the city walls in 1669, and the great wall of China. One suggestion so far was to include a sketch of the Tower Museum.


"Kelly Live" at the Brunswick Superbowl and Gweedore

Our own Tai Chi player singer/songwritter Liam Kelly will be provding the entertainment at the night of 10-pin bowling at the Brunswick Superbowl (5th April), and also at the weekend at Gweedore (7th April). be advised that if you have any secrets you wish to protect, you must be careful r they may appear in song. You have been warned!!!!

"The love for another person implies not ther possession of that person, rather the affirmation of that person, in all their uniqueness" (Eric Fromm)


The Tai Chi Community assist the Fountain Community

During the month of February Tai Chi members Charlie Morrison and Edel Street spent an afternoon with the fountain community groups taking part in a day of alternative therapies. We thank Jeanette warke of thr Shared City Project for the kind invitation. we also applaud her for the sterling work she is delivering in the city and rural communities, that allows all people of common interests to come together. The Shared City Project is a noble and exciting community initiative, which deserves the support of all. well done Jeanette.


Sale of the Foyle Arts Centre

At the time of writing there have been no further developments with regards to the proposed sale of the Foyle Arts Centre. As promised members will be kept fully informed of developments as they occur.
