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Tai Chi News.

April 2001

Warm Welcome to Our Freinds From Belgium

The Tai Chi Community extends a warm welcome to our Tai Chi Master Wen Hui, her son Peter Jan, and our Belgian guests. We hope their time is full of happiness and joy, and that they enjoy every minute of their time in our city and in Donegal.
We want them to feel comfortable all the time they are here, and assure them, should they require any help and assistance that they please let us know. We intend to do our utmost to assist and resolve any problems which may arise.
Our Belgian friends will be staying at Da Vinchis Quality Hotel, on the Culmore road. We encourage our members to call and see them to have a chat, or perhaps show them around the city. We may also need some of our players to give them a lift to class, if they find they are passing by the hotel on the way to class.


Remember the Dates
(Tai Chi Festival)

Monday 2nd April
Normal class
Tuesday 3rd April
Class (Wen Hui) 7p.m.
Wednesday 4th April
Class (Wen Hui) 7p.m.
Thursday 5th April
Ten Pin Bowling
Friday 6th April
No activities
Saturday 7th April
Normal class 10a.m.
Afternoon Gweedore workshops
Sunday 8th April
Tai Chi workshops Gweedore
Monday 9th April
Visitors Depart. (Normal evening class) 7p.m.


Chinese Horoscope

The year of the DOG is for those people born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, and 2006. DOGS are said to have a deep sense of loyalty, justice, and responsibility. They are often hard workers, practical, trustworthy, and generous people.
The years of the RAT are: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008. RATS are usually bright people, sociable, and very ambitious.They show great perserverance, and are oppertunists in order to attain their goals. Despite their appearance of calmness they can be easily angered.


A Profile of Wen Hui

Wendy comes from the city of Shenyang, Lioaning Province, in NW China, which is situated approximately 1000km north of Beijing. She studied hard Kung-Fu from age seven, but moved to study Tai Chi when she was attending middle school, to help with her studies. She attended university in Shenyang and went on to study for her masters degree in Medieval Philosophy (in English), at the University of Leuven, Brussels.
She has lived in Brussels for over ten years, and is married with a son Peter Jan. Her husbands name is Long. She first came to Derry in 1992 as part of the city councils "Impact '92" celebrations to teach Tai Chi to the locals. She has since visited the city annually.
During the month of May 1992 she organised and set up the Tai Chi Community in the city, and today she is very proud of the way we have continued her work, and grown into the vibrant group that we are. She then organised study visits for members of the commuity in her hometown in Belgium. A number of our members also spent prolonged study periods in China during 1995 and 1997. Wen Hui had arranged that they studied under some of Chinas most famous and renowned Wushu masters. Wendy has a great affection for this city and its people. She has often said that she would have liked to have settled here, where she has many good and long-standing friends.


Gweedore Weekend

Any member who has put their name down for the weekend in Gweedore, Co. Donegal, should have paid in full by now for the course. The fee is £10 sterling, and this must be paid for in advance. We do not intend to run after people at the last minute. If you do not book early you cannot be a player. Accomodation is available and must be paid for in advance. Those who have not paid can pay when they arrive in Donegal. (£15 sterling). Those travelling be advised when they arrive as to where they can eat and the location of the entertainment on Saturday evening.



People are unreasonable, illogical and self centred, Love them anyway.
If you do well people will accuse you of being selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
If you are successful you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness amkes you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
People need help, but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and you will get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.
Fr. Adrian Porter RIP from Carndonagh, Co. Donegal was recently killed in a car crash on the Culmore road, he distributed this verse to local school children. It is from a sign in a childrens home in Calcutta, India.


Thank You Terry Watt

Terry Watt is the sports programme planner with the city council, and as such has been a consistent friend and supporter of the Tai Chi Community. Again this year he is providing us with excellent support and advice. On a more personal note we are delighted that Terry is travelling to Colorado, USA in June this year to defend his World Masters Judo Title. Consequently we wish him the ultimate success. A true gentleman of sports, Terry reflects all that is best about local sport. He is a great credit to his family circle and the sports people of this city, and we take enormous pride in his achievements. As a former pupil of Foyle and Londonderry college he would have spent a significant period of his school days studying within the Foyle Arts Centre building.

"As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."


Census 2001

Members should be aware that Census day is on Sunday 29th April 2001. It is therefore important that each citizen realises the importance of participation. Census data is critical in planning for the future. The provisions of hospital, health, road infrastructure, education, and other services including local government services are calculated on census returns. Please return your census form on time.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most".
Nelson Mandella.


Public Consultation

Recently the Community presented a submission to the consultants involved in the future development of the Fort George site. Our position is that we have witnessed enough building of pathetic sectional modern buildings in this ancient city. No more please!


Respect for Each Other

One of the fundamental principles of the Taoist way and philosophy is that of respect for each other. So it is for Tai Chi players and practitioners. Always respect each other in class despite all our diversity. In China, during class no one moves unless directed to do so by the master. This is not because of a sense of power or egotism, rather a very fundamental and sincere expression of respect for the sifu (teacher/master).


Tai Chi Festival Begins

Our long wait for the visit of master Wen Hui is over, and we are delighted to have her here with us at last for our "Festival of Tai Chi", which will last approx. one week. A specially composed song has been written by our own entertainer and songwriter Liam Kelly. Quite a few pleasant words will be sung about her over the coming days- listen carefully.
