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Tai Chi News.

December 2001

Happy Christmas 2001 to all our members and their families.

A Happy and Holy Christmas to Everyone

The Tai Chi Community wishes all our members, the staff, clients and all our friends at the Foyle Disablity Resource Centre a very special Christmas filled with many joys and spiritual blessings.


Do Some Exercises During The Holiday

Members are encouraged to continue some form of regular exercise over the holidays to ensure that the body does not stiffen. Experience has taught us that sometimes, especially after a holiday break, it can be difficult to return to Tai Chi class activity without some stiffness being experienced.


10 Important Points for Tai Chi Practise.

1. Holding the head up, as if suspended from above.
2. Hollowing the chest slightly to raise the back.
3. Loosening the waist.
4. Be substantial and insubstantial.
5. Sink the shoulders and drop the elbows.
6. Use YI (intention) and not physical strength.
7. Co-ordination of the whole body.
8. Internal and external co-ordinations.
9. Continuous flow of movements without breakages.
10. To seek stillness within movement and movement within stillness.


"Maybe in our own family we have someone who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? let us know the poor in our own families first. We have old people: they are put in institutions and they are never visited; with less and less time even to smile at each other, with less and less time to be together. Love begins at home, if we can only make our own homes temples of love."
Mother Theresa

Can Pregnant Women Practise Qigong (Chi Kung)?

Yes, but vigourous exercise is not recommended. Actually practising Qigong correctly is good for both expectant mothers and their babies. However, there is a risk that should they practise wrongly the foetus may be harmed. For example if a pregnant woman stretches her arms upwards too vigourously, it may have an adverse effect on the baby.
However, if a lady is experienced and competant in Qigong, then the very gentle, proper breathing and meditation are all very beneficial. Experience shows that expectant mothers who gently visualise in their meditation normally deliver healthy babies.


"We have to realise that to be forgiven, we have to be able to forgive. If only people in Northern Ireland and in other places could learn to forgive, I think peace would come to them."
Mother Theresa

Places to Avoid When Practising Tai Chi

Crowded and noisy places where the air is stale or smelly, near rubbish dumps, at or near a cemetary, near factories or extremely heavy traffic flow.


Christmas Holidays

The last Tai Chi class will be on Saturday 22nd December 2001, just before the Christmas holidays. Members have indicated that people want to keep classes going as long as possible.
Also there will be no class on Monday the 31st December 2001, because of the new year celebrations. Class actvity commences again on Saturday 5thJanuary 2002.


Members Christmas Night Out

Warmest congratulations to Vonnie Harvey for once again taking on the responsibility of organising our members Christmas night out on Friday 7th December. What started last year as a spontaneous arrangement proved to be a very enjoyable and fun night for all those in attendance.
Members who were at the event in the Foyle Golf Club warmly praised the quality of the food, service and entertainment. Many members have already booked for what promises to be a good night out. Also, if we are lucky enough, we may even get Pat (the high horse)McCay to do his Elvis impersonation for us.


A new Year Approaches, A Time to Reflect

As we enter another new year it is, perhaps, a good time to reflect on the history and ethos of our community. Since our humble beginnings in 1992, we have strived and progressed into what is now a very dynamic and sustainable force for community action in the city and beyond. This, of course, would not have been possible if not for the dedication of the community's organisers, instructors and loyal members. Over the years many people have remarked that even in in their first visit to our classes they immediately felt comfortable, and could sense the welcome & friendliness of our members.
This is pleasing and is one of the fundamental reasons why we exist. That is, to embrace all. Especially people who would not normally feel comfortable in crowds or new surroundings. Many have also said that they first came to Tai Chi classes because of various illnesses and conditions, and to hear them say that they have improved their quality of life through Tai Chi practise is a reward that words cannot adequately describe.
Most have gained great personal benefits via this wonderous and gentle exercise form. For them to study in a friendly environment is always an added confidence builder. Everyone is welcome here, and they should always feel comfortable with us. They do not have to divulge their personal business or particular medical problems to anyone. Be assured that the organisers and instructors reap rewards beyond measure in the knowledge that peope can come here and go away feeling much better and invigorated through the work we do.
Our community work would not be possible but for a number of dedicated people who do all the hard work behind the scenes. They are extraordinary human beings who unselfishly give up their time and energy to benefit others. You all know who they are! They are a great blessing to our community and the people of this area.
Sometimes we do get our disappointments, but such is the diversity of life that we accept this, deal with any issues and move on to continue our work. all our members should realise that they have individual and collective ownership of the community and all we do.
This is our ethos, and so it will continue. A happy new year to you all and may it be filled with substantial and sustainable health benefits.


Chinese Classics

According to "Classic Internal Medicine" all diseases are latent in the condition of the Chi (Qi), or vital energy. It is said that if one can keep the two opposite vital properties (Yin and Yang) that permeate the whole body in harmony, then diseases will be kept at bay. If possible the student should try to get in some Tai Chi and Qigong practise each day in order to promote good health and strengthen the body's constitution.


Chiron Bookshop Closes

Chiron Books, our source for obtaining books and videos over the years, has closed recently. Operated by the Tai Chi Union secretary, Ronnie Robinson, he has decided to close his bookshop because of difficulties in obtaining regular supplies. At the moment we are trying to source out another outlet for our purchases.


Get Well Soon

Members will have noticed that one of our long serving members, Pat (the high horse) McCay, has not been at class for some considerable time. Unfortunately, Pat broke his leg and is currently housebound. However, we are all looking forward to seeing him at our Christmas night out. We miss him and wish him a speedy recovery.


The Benefits of Tai Chi

The gentleness of Tai Chi ensures that everyone practising it should not normally suffer from muscular injuries or strains. Rather the TC player will obtain greater strength while developing increased flexibility and supplenness. Most people who pactise the art regularly will find their sleep deep and restful, and their nervous system will be soothed and calmed.
Those who suffer from certain types if illness, such as arthritus, rhematism, lumbago or multiple sclerosis can receive great benefits from practising TC. People with weight problems will discover that with sincere and regular practise of the exercises fatty tissue will break down and help reduce the body's weight. TC will also help sharpen the mental faculties developing a strong and purposeful mind.
