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Tai Chi News.

February 2001

"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes"
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"

Tai Chi Player ill

Jackie Doherty has been in hospital recently, and as a consequence she was unable to travel to gweedore for the Tai Chi weekend. A very popular member of the community easily identified by her infectious smile, she is sadly missed at class by all her friends. We wish her a speedy and successful recovery. We look forward to her company in class.


Tai Chi Community Computer Crashes

During early January our computer crashed resulting in a lot of data being lost. However, much can be re-written from hardcopy, but of course this will take some time to complete. In the mean time we can still produce our monthly Tai Chi news letters.


Thanks to Vonnie and Dorothy

A special word of thanks is due to Vonnie Harvey and Dorothy Brown, who have worked so hard with the organisation of the weekend in Gweedore. most people do not realise the time, hard work, and commitment which goes on behind the scenes when such a major undertaking like this is being planned.


Welcome New Members

The Tai Chi Community welcomes new members who have joined us since the start of the year, and we wish them every success in the study of the art of Tai Chi. Please feel free to partake in all our activities, and if you have problems or special needs please contact Charlie, who will advise accordingly.


Tai Chi Weekend in Gweedore, February 3rd & 4th

Any member who put their name down for the weekend in Gweedore, Co. Donegal should now have paid for the course. The fee for the 2 days is £20 sterling which must be paid in advance. The weekend is being organised by Charlie Cullen leader of the Gweedore Tai Chi Community, and he needs payment early so that he can book and hire the hall for the weekend. A number of people ahve already paid for their accomodation in advance. Those who have not paid can pay when they arrive in Donegal (£15 sterling). Those travelling will be advised when they arrive as to where they can eat, and the location of the entertainment on Saturday evening.


Useful Tips for Tai Chi and Qigong Practise

Hold the balance by the intelligence of the body - by instinct or the sense of equilibrium - and not by brute strength. When you keep the balance by strength, it is physical action; when you keep the balance by the intelligence of the body, it is relaxation in action.

You must savour the fragrance of a posture. Until you can become relaxed you cannot savour the fragrance

After practising, reflect on what you have done. If you do not reflect, there is confused action. Pause between each movement. The self has to find out whether the posture has been done well or not.

Moving Meditation
Never perform the movements mechanically, for then the body will stagnate.

Precision and movement
Extension brings space, space brings freedom, and freedom brings precision. Precision brings truth.


Sale of the Foyle Arts Centre

The University of Ulster has indicated that they will be meeting all the community groups who use the Foyle Arts Centre for their activities. The meeting is planned to take place in the near future and at which the Tai Chi Community will be represented. Sources inform us that the University authorities are keen to have a strong association with user community groups who rent space inthe building, and that this should not change.


Use your Personal Registration Number

Please enter your personal registration number when signing in for classes. This is very important as it allows us to comply with the law, and account for all our members should there be a fire or other emergency within the building. It also allows us to keep our membership register up to date. Members who have forgotten their personal membership number should consult the register, which is always on the table and available at each class.


District Sports Council Supports Tai Chi Community

Members should be aware the over the years the Londonderry District Sports Council has been a consistent and regular supporter of the Tai Chi Community, especially on the occasions when we set about organising workshops and seminars etc., which normally involves bringing visitors from overseas to the city. The Tai Chi community sincerely acknowledges this generous support, and is pleased to announce that the vist of Wen Hui will receive similar support again this year. The relationship with the local District Sports Council is extremely important to us, as it allows us to keep our costs to a minimum, which in turn is of great benefit to our general membership. It should be noted that the Tai Chi Community is a registered member of the Londonderry District Sports Council.


Some Tips for Beginners

In the practise of all forms of Qigong, including the various styles of Tai Chi, there are a few guidelines that will give the most rapid growth and learning, while helping you to stay in the comfort zone. Relax deeply and allow the mind to be free of concerns and considerations. In China this state of mind is sometimes called "cheerful disinterest", "neutral", and "emptiness". Practise daily if possible. The results you seek are the results of perserverance. Chinese tradition says, "preserverance furthers". Carefully and correctly implemented, Qigong and Tai Chi are safe to practise even up to several times a day. The practises are gentle and based on enhancing natural biological and energetic mechanisms of self-restoration. If you are unwell enough to be off of work or school you have time to carefully do lots of Qigong or Tai Chi practise.


Spring Clean with Tai Chi

Regular practise of Tai Chi can help give the body and spirit a "Spring Clean", in that it can remove the Cha (negative energy) which is the cause of so many of the physical, mental, and emotional ailments that plague us throughout life. Cha can accumulate and add their psychic toxins to your system at any time. so try to practise each day for your wellbeing and health.
