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Tai Chi News.

February 2002

"“We like those who admire us. We do not always like who we admire.”


Tai Chi Legs

Legs are used to support the body at all times, when you are lying down muscle changes are taking place at all times. When the body turns, the legs play an important part in all Tai Chi movements. Never oppose the natural dynamics of your body. Body weight must be kept balanced during Tai Chi practise by the legs; the knees are always slightly bent, and this you already know complies with the natural laws of gravity. As you practise the TC form you will understand that weight distribution changes with each particular stance. A golden rule in TC is that when the foot is moved, the heel is always placed on the floor first, then the ball of the foot, and finally the toes, just as if you were walking naturally. No matter what angle the foot may be at, if you walk sideways, forwards, or backwards this rule is applied. It is not easy at first to conquer this, constant practise is recommended.


“It’s what we learn after we think we know it all that counts.”


The Supreme ultimate

For the truly dedicated TC player the Supreme Ultimate means the acceptance and understanding of nature’s harmony and at the same time, conquering our body, mind, spirit and our own Chi energy with the universal (Li) energy.


Tai Chi Festival 2002 Time to Organise

Plans are now being made for the second annual “Tai Chi Festival” to be held in the city and county Donegal in April 2002. A week of events will be organised around the visit of our Tai Chi Master Wen Hui, who will be travelling from Brussels to lead us in our 10th anniversary celebrations. A detailed programme of activities is currently being drawn up and will be released when finalised.
The main events for our members will be a night of ten-pin bowling at the Brunswick Superbowl on the Thursday evening and the week will finish with a weekend of Tai Chi in Gweedore. Co. Donegal. Booking forms will be available for each of these events and costs will be kept at a minimum so that our own members can enjoy the occasions. Master Wen Hui will also be attending our usual classes and will be giving instruction to local schools and community groups. The festival is supported by the Londonderry District Sports Council.


Your Membership Number

Members are reminded that when attending class personal membership numbers must be inserted in the appropriate Column of the attendance sheet. Statutory regulations demand that accurate records must be kept.


Aileen Hurley R.I.P.

Tai Chi Community members were extremely saddened by the untimely death of one of our most popular and loved members, Mrs. Aileen Hurley on the 31st December 2001. May she rest in peace. Aileen first came to Tai Chi classes several years ago at the University of the Third Age, and like the rest of us, she became aware of the benefits of this art. She decided to join our main class and was a regular member ever since. As we go through life we meet certain people who have a lovely natural spirituality about them which influences us all. Aileen had this special thing in abundance, so it was always a great treat to have a few minutes conversation with her at class. We can’t forget her infectious smile, her normal way of greeting everyone; we will miss her so much. Just before Christmas she was saying how much benefit she had received from Tai Chi practise, and was looking forward to starting back after the holidays. We are very pleased that a number of our members, who learned of her sad passing, were good enough to attend her requiem mass, which had a large attendance. A special thank you to Sharon who attended and presented sympathy cards to Aileen’s family. We know that our members would have been there in great numbers if they had known the sad news. It is difficult to reason or understand sudden death, especially that of a dear friend who has enriched our lives with her presence. Le gra Aileen.


"“Always investigate before you speculate”


“Chinese New Year” The Year of the Horse

A truly majestic yet vibrant animal, the Horse is placed seventh amongst the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. The Horse thrives with vivacity, has irrepressible enthusiasm and is also charming and sociable. Likeable and trustworthy, with understated elegance they never step across to the egotistical. Coupled with their agility of mind and speed of thought they make excellent champions as well as leaders. However, the horse also has a quick temper and a fierce kick. They can also show their self- centred side, which can manifest as fits of stubbornness and disdain, which can alienate the onlooker from the horse’s true heart.


Concentration to Detail

Over the past several months Tai Chi players will have observed that we are now concentrating our efforts in class to introducing much more detailed instruction.. Improved knowledge will bring great rewards for the student. This can be likened to the old adage “Where water flows, a channel is formed”. Students must pay attention to all the points, otherwise, over a period of time, movement will be difficult to correct and the posture will tend to be stiff and dull. Tai Chi is an art of softness enclosing hardness; and techniques, physiology and mechanics of the art have deep roots in philosophical principles.


Get Well Soon

The Tai Chi Community would like to wish the Resource Centre manager; Cathal McIlhatton a speedy recovery after his recent knee surgery.


The North West’s Tai Chi Network.

Since the first visit of our own Chinese Tai Chi Master Wen Hui in 1992, Tai Chi has become phenomenally popular in this area and due to the vision of it’s founders the art has now been delivered to hundreds of Tai Chi enthusiasts. Through hard work and dedication, our core group has developed and sustained the community and brought it to a new level of success that it enjoys today.
This we feel is because we have consistently adhered to our fundamental ethos of operating as a “grass roots” community group. However, we should not be complacent. For something to remain sustainable, it must have at it’s foundation a good organisational structure, which continually meets the needs of our members. Our community activities are open to all our registered members, and all we ask is that people stick to a few basic rules. We are non-competitive in all our actions and expect everyone to respect each other.


Wen Hui May Visit the City a Second Time

in June 2002 the World Judo Masters competition is to be held in the city. We have been approached by the organisers about bringing Wen Hui over from Belgium to take part in the specialist demonstrations. Competitors will be arriving from all over the world to partake in this prestigious event. Wen Hui will be especially welcome.


Tai Chi Practise in the Summer.

Some of our newer members may not be aware that when the good weather comes we normally have our classes outdoors, which of course is great for us all to be closer to nature’s energies. It is such a lovely feeling to practise and meditate in the warmth of the summer sun.


“A first class will and a second class brain will defeat a first class brain and a second class will.”


The Gates of Vitality

Your ultimate source of internal warmth and bodily functions emanate from an area deep within your abdomen more or less between your kidneys. This area is known to the Chinese as Ming Men (gate of heavenly vitality) which transfers your Jing (essence) into original Chi. If you focus on this point during Qigong practise, it will naturally help to keep this vital energy burning. This is a good and necessary thing because if the “fire” declines, all the body functions will decline, causing tiredness, mental depression and general feeling of coldness.


“To really know a certain type of man. observe his behaviour with a woman, a flat tyre, and a child.”


Thank You Foyle Disability Resource Centre

A special word of thanks goes to the centre manager, Mr Cathal McIlhatton and his staff for arranging for the heat in the building to be turned on for our classes. Very much appreciated by all especially those members who require additional warmth this time of year.
