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Tai Chi News.

January 2003

"Happiness Grows at Our Own Firesides"


Time for Planning

Now that another New Year is upon us it is time to plan for the coming year. Unfortunately there will be no Walled City festival this year which was always an excellent opportunity for our demonstration team to show off it skills. At this stage we have no knowledge that the Council are arranging an alternative festival. However the annual Festival of Tai Chi will once again take place in April. The dates have not been set yet but we will keep you all informed as things develop.


We Remember

During the year 2002 sadly we lost two of our very popular members; Aileen Hurley and Hazel Kelly who passed away from us. We remember them both with great affection and pray that they are happy in their new domain.


Computerisation is Working

Since the TC community introduced the laptop computer in November 2002 we are delighted to say that our administration processes have improved greatly. Because of this success it is our intention to conduct all, community activities through this medium in future.


"Never let a fool kiss you, and never let Q kiss fool you."


No Smoking inside the Building Please

The Centre management has issued an instruction to us that smoking is not permitted within the building during any class. Centre staff and clients have complained that when they enter the building some mornings that they can smell smoke in the foyer and in the area between the automatic doors. Community members are advised that if they want to smoke during the break they should smoke outside the building in the area of the summer seat where there is a receptacle (specifically for receipt of cigarette butts), attached to the wall for that purpose. This instruction applies to all groups who use the centre in the evenings. Please comply accordingly.


"When you are down you are not necessarily a failure. It's staying down that makes you a Failure”

Terry Watt Appreciated

Terry Watt, Programme Planner for the City council has fully supported the Tai Chi Community since it's humble beginnings in 1992. Terry is also our external overseer and joint signatory to all our banking transactions.
An extraordinary sports- man and athlete in his own right, he is current World Master's Judo Champion and has a very long list of credits including taking part in the Olympics and I Commonwealth Games.
The Tai Chi Community are deeply indebted to Terry for his continued support and encouragement over the years as he was always there to give advice on how to deal with our contentious problems and issues.
After consultation with our master, Wen Hui and the 'core group' it has been decided to present an appreciation award to Terry during the Festival of Tai Chi in April 2003. It is of course only fitting that the presentation be made by Wen Hui during hey visit to the city. This is a wonderful opportunity, long overdue, for us all to say thank you to Terry for all he has done for us.



The Tai Chi Community would like to extend our sincerest sympathy and condolences to our esteemed member Philomena McCauley and her family circle on the recent sad passing of her father. RIP


Festival of Tai Chi 2003

Plans are now being made for this years Festival of Tai Chi and of course the accompanying the visit of Master Wen Hui to the city which will take place around Easter. Once again many events are planned including Tai Chi activities and instruction for members. A night of 10 pin Bowling and a weekend in Gweedore, County Donegal with the TC master. Announcements as to duties etc. will be relayed in class and in the Newsletter. All bookings for planned activities will be made and stored in the laptop computer and any monies collected for events will also be recorded there to ensure accuracy.


Healing You

When going to the doctor, think less of expecting the doctor to 'heal you'. Rather, think in terms of you and the doctor in partnership. Ask the doctor what helpful habits or activities you can engage in to facilitate your healing.


“If you want to be original be yourself, no two people are alike"

Thank You

The members of the TC community would like to thank Liam Kelly for an exceptionally well organised and enjoyable Christmas night out at Eglinton and the Dupont Social club As usual the entertainment provided by Liam was out of the top drawer and really enjoyed by all. It was also important that for the first time we held the event on the East bank of the river which made travelling easier for I our membership who live in the Waterside, Eglinton and Greysteele areas. Someone said that the smoke was coming out of Anna Mc Laughlin's and Eddie Moiley's feet with all the dancing, some night.


Mark Mc Evoy

One of our most popular members Mark Mc Evoy has recently earned his Masters Degree at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. The Tai Chi Community shares the joy of this occasion and warmly congratulates Mark on this magnificent personal achievement. A very well mannered young man, Mark is passionately interested in Tai Chi and is a great credit to this community. Well Done Mark.


"After all that is said and done, there's more said than done"


Reiki Classes

One of our own community members Dr. john Wong has indicated that he is prepared to hold classes in Reiki for members of the community if there is a enough interest. A master of Reiki in his own right and a qualified teacher Dr. john is prepared to arrange classes if authorisation from the centre management is forthcoming. At the moment approaches are being made in this regard and when further news is available we shall keep you all informed accordingly.


Benefits of Tai Chi Practice

If you look at many long long-term Tai Chi practitioners, Chinese or Western, you will observe and find very vibrant people, often at the pinnacle of their lives and professions. Tai Chi players do not fear or run from change rather they find it is essential to a full life
