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Tai Chi News.

July 2002

"Some dream of worthy accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them "


Walled City Festival 2002

Once again members of the Tai Chi Demonstration Team have excelled themselves at the festival and put on a first class display of the art that we can all be proud of. It is a great credit to all that a local voluntary community group can come together, learn an ancient Eastern art form, develop it and present it to the people of the city on such an important day. Well done everyone. Many members of the public came forward after the demonstration, including visitors from Canada who and said they were very impressed with our performance. Well done.


"Keep your ideals high enough to inspire you, and low enough to encourage you".


Muscle Action and Tai Chi

When describing muscle action, it should be understood that the body's entire muscular system is being engaged. The action just gives us focus and direction. Muscles have a number of functions: some act as an agonist, giving us movement; some stabilise other parts of the body; some act as synergists, assisting in the actions. Some work in opposition to the prime mover, in order to generate a greater amount of control. An important part of Tai Chi practice is that particular muscles help stretch the whole body. This cannot be achieved nor fulfilled to the same extent by conventional static muscle stretches. Our goal is different, use the Tai Chi principal; when one part of the body moves, the whole body also moves. It is therefore critically important that before we engage in Qigong and Tai Chi practice that we must always prepare ourselves by carrying out a series of ‘warm-up exercises'. All muscular exercises must not be forced, rather try to attain elasticity through gentle stretching of the muscles.


Tai Chi Community Annual Membership

Since moving to the Foyle Disability Resource Centre last year we have strictly adhered to our 'Member's only’ rule. This simply means that only registered members can participate in our classes and other activities. This has proved to be very successful and allows us to comply with current law in relation to safety and being made accountable for the safety of every person that we bring into the building. It also enables us to be focused towards the good up-keep of the building by our members who respect this excellent facility. You need only to observer that after each class our Tai Chi players always put back the tables and chairs etc. which makes it easy for clients, users and staff who use the building on a daily basis. Membership Registration Forms for the year 2002/03 will be available in late July early August with the renewal date being September 2002. So if you want to be registered for next year keep on the sweet side of Danno Ryan as he is the 'Dude' will be responsible for co-ordinating the registration process.


Discomfort with Exercises

If you ever discover any discomfort with any of the exercises, stop immediately. Pain is a very subjective state and each person will deal with it differently. The mind needs to be clear about the different qualities of pain. Sharp pain, or pain that does not stop once the exercises has ceased maybe a cause for concern. Pain gives out the signal to stop and the mind duly co-operates. This is the body's prime protective mechanism. In a heightened emotional state or with strong will power the mind can override the signal to stop. One's attitude to pain depends on one’s past learned conditioning, emotional needs, behaviour, predisposition etc. Remember sharp pain that is sudden is telling the person to stop and should be heeded. Sometimes certain movements awaken old memories (tissue memories) that the physical body has been holding on to and this can result in a person experiencing severe pain.


Car Parking for Members

It has not gone unnoticed that members are parking their cars very sensibility when attending classes at the centre. This is really appreciated. Thank you.


"Keep your face to the sunshine and the shadow will fall behind you".


Summer Holidays

Many members will soon be taking their annual holidays and nowadays most people prefer to take their break at different times. This is not a problem with the TC Community, as we do not officially break for the holidays. The reason for this is because people go away at different times and also the fact that many members like to keep up their regular practice for a variety of reasons. Some members with specific medical conditions need to keep up the regular exercises otherwise they may become stiff and out of shape (many of us understand this from experience) and require continue TC practice as often as possible. Therefore classes will continue on the same days and times (Mon. & Sat) all through the summer months.


“For every minute you're angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness"



According to medical guidelines it is not encouraged to raise hands higher than the heart or to shoulder level for sustained periods, if one has heart problems or high blood pressure. For females, prior to menses, the liver energy, which is said to store blood in Traditional Chinese Medicine, can become constricted. This is because the Spleen/ Pancreas is in a charged, excessive condition and controls the Liver. The liver is energetically connected to the sinews, tendons and ligaments. Qigong exercises, done regularly, can assist in keeping the energetically flow moving. It is usually advised not to partake in vigorous exercise just prior to or during menses, as this can lead to increased blood loss. If one is suffering from amenorrhoea, and it is a problem, then the gentle practice of Qigong at this time can help. Of Course regular Tai Chi and Qigong activity is also helpful to those suffering from various illnesses and conditions.
