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Tai Chi News.

June 2002

Walled City Festival Demonstration Team

Walled City Festival Demonstration Team will perform in the Guildhall Square on Saturday 8th June 2002 at approximately 12.15 p.m. Those taking part in the Demonstration Team are asked to wear their new T. shirts to ensure uniformity.


¡°You¡¯re as old as you feel but never as important"


World Masters' Judo Competition 2002

The World Masters Judo Competition takes place this month in the Templemore Sports Complex. We have a particular interest in this premier event because of our close relationship with the local judo community. We wish the local Judo players every success whilst competing against the best in the world and we are convinced that they will do the city proud as they have always done in the past. A special congratulatory word to Terry Watt, our local world champion for the tremendous work he has done in putting the art of Judo on the map and also for his unstinting work, which has brought this most prestigious event to the city for the first time. It will be well worth a visit in June to the Templemore Sports Complex to see these great athletes from all over the world in action.


"When our mind is calm and our mental state is tranquil. Our Chi converges. All stiffness and negative contradictions in our nervous system and muscles will be removed, and even our inner organs work more effectively. We breathe longer and deeper and our body¡¯s structure becomes stronger than ever"


Feeling the Form

Tai Chi is not just a technical exercise; you must fell your form and be aware of each of the movements as you pass through them. It is therefore quite difficult to convey in words or images the feelings and subtle movements of the form. It is a prerequisite to feeling the form that you must relax and drop all thoughts and tensions. In time the form will change, as will the perception and feelings within the form. Everyone that practices the form goes through various stages of experiencing different levels of awareness. The natural way of Tai Chi will expose itself to you in time. Be patient.


"It is what we value not what we have that makes us rich"


"Better to be approximately right than precisely wrong"


Qi Gong: A Few Suggested Guidelines

When practising Qi Gong perhaps you may like to consider the following if maximum benefits are to be gained.
Exercise each day in the morning in a fresh and tranquil and serene place.
Drink a little warm water before you exercise.
Do not sprain, over-twist or outstretch your muscles whilst warming up.
Definitely no physical exertion, fatigue, overheating or alcohol before exercise.
Keep your spirits high and your posture erect.
Proceed slowly and steadily.
Do not be nervous or stiff.
Be calm and concentrated and breathe as naturally as possible.
Persevere the key to your success.
Do not be anxious to see quick results.
Avoid disturbances from the "Seven Passions".
"The Seven Passions" are: Joy, Anger, Worry, Obsession, Sorrow; Fear, and Shock.


"Promise not tomorrow because tomorrow belongs to no one"


Tai Chi T -shirts & Sweatshirts

There has been a swift uptake by members who wish to buy the new Community T-shirt and this has been very helpful for the organisers with most people paying for the order within days of ordering them.
In previous years there have been difficulties with getting the money in and this year with the introduction of our new policy' pay as you order' has worked extremely well. In addition is has cut out most of the Unnecessary administration work attached to such undertakings. Thank you to all that co-operated. T-shirts will be distributed to everyone at TC class on Saturday 8th June just before we proceed to the Guildhall Square for our demonstration at the Walled City Festival.


Use Qigong to Awaken the Body

The practice of Qigong is to open and awaken the body, especially the joints, and to build and circulate the Chi energy. The core exercises are then practiced prior to playing the tai chi Form and awaken the fascia, ligaments and organs.


The Vital Energies

According to Classics of Chinese Internal Medicine, 'All diseases are latent in the condition of the Chi, or vital energy". It is said that if one can keep the Yin and Yang, the vital properties that permeate the whole body in harmonious proportion, nourishing, one¡¯s blood and vital energy will ward off diseases which attack the body. Life span can be extended to ensure a long and healthy life free from senile decline. The beneficial effects of Qigong on health are well proven and established.


Well Hui Visits China

Wen Hui and her two young sons will be travelling to her home city of Shenyang, NE China, at the end of July to visit her parents. It will be their first opportunity for her family to see their new grandson Volter.
Chinese people have very strong family bonds and the arrival of a new child is considered a great blessing for a Chinese family. It will also be an occasion for Wendy to take it easy for a while and enjoy a holiday away from family chores and work.


Charlie Visits Wen Hui

Charlie will be travelling to Brussels on 26th June to attend the christening of Wendy's new son Volter, whom you all met when he was in the city in April. The invitation was extended during the time of the Festival of Tai Chi in April when she was in the city. Wendy and her family are delighted that because of her long association with the city over the years that a representative from the TC community wilt be present during this important family occasion.


Tai Chi Community Assists Foyle Disability Resource Centre

Since mid April members of the Tai Chi Community, Charlie and Danno, have been teaching the clients of the FDR centre, Qigong and Chinese exercise. The classes take place two times a week normally on Mondays and. Thursdays at lunchtime. The classes so far have been very well received by those participating and are kept a fun level to ensure that everyone enjoys the occasions. However the programme being introduced is quite sincere and serious in that people attending may appreciate the importance of daily exercise and the use of proper breathing techniques as being tools to improve well-being, health and personal co-ordination. The participants are very keen and eagerly participate in each of the exercises.
