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Tai Chi News.

March 2002

A Happy St. Patrick's Day to all our members.


Springtime Festival of Tai Chi (Events)

Although some final tuning has to be made a number of activities have been arranged which are as follows:
Wednesday 3 April 7 -9 p.m. Wen Hui leads Tai Chi class.
Thursday 4 Apri18.30 p.m. Ten Pin Bowling @ Superbowl.
Saturday 6 April 10-12 noon Wen Hui leads Class for members (normal charges).
Saturday 6 April 12 noon Travel to Gweedore Class at 2.30 p.m.
Saturday 6 April (Evening) Dinner and Entertainment in Gweedore.
Sunday 7 April (time to be arranged) Tai Chi in Gweedore.- return home at leisure.
Monday 8 April 7.9 p.m. Class with Wen Hui!


"The person who does things that really count usually doesn't stop to count them"


Book Early for the Ten Pin Bowling

Given the very successful night we had at the Brunswick Superbowl last year members are strongly advised to book their places early so as to avoid disappointment. At £8 per person will include chicken and chips, spot prizes and live entertainment afterwards. See Charlie for details and bookings.


The Chi (Qi) in Qigong

In a nutshell, Qigong is largely about drawing energy or Chi in from the space around us. Heavenly Chi (Tian Qi) and Earth Chi (Di Qi) helps us to meld and regulate those energies within us. The major goal of the practitioner is to harmonise this flow of Chi to prevent dis-ease within the internal organs. Disease means the opposite of ease which reflects the fact that if an organ receives an improper amount of Chi (especially too much), it will become agitated, like fire, causing it to malfunction. Our goal is to reach a state of ease rather than disease. In a sense, it is a bit like giving yourself a good Shiatsu.


"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret"


Wen Hui Performs Tai Chi in Chinese Embassy

Wen Hui was recently invited to the Chinese Embassy in Brussels to perform Tai Chi to celebrate the Chinese New Year. This is a very important accolade for her personally and also a great honour to be invited to perform in front of some of the world's political leaders. She was delighted to perform and was quite surprised that she had been asked. She really enjoyed the experience and the Embassy has asked her to perform at future events.


What About These 18 Exercises of Qigong

Tai Chi Qigong is based on a continuous flow of slowly executed movements which themselves give positive health benefits. However, if done mindfully, with internal visualisations, the effects are enhanced. Many of the movements have been amplified to improve their therapeutic effect rather than their martial arts application. Therefore Qigong can easily be describes as a form of moving meditation.
The 18 Exercises are practised as an active external method. That is, slow movements to generate Chi in the limbs. Attention should be affixed to any sensations being experienced. Imagine that the movements are being subjected to some form of subtle resistance. For example if your arms or legs are moving forward imagine that you are pushing something away from you. Alternatively, imagine that you are carrying out your exercises in a swimming pool with the volume of the water gently resisting your movements. This enhanced Chi within your limbs is automatically directed into your body to rejuvenate your organs. It can also be directed out through your hands to facilitate healing. Simple internal visualisations are safe and easy to learn with practice.


"Do it now! Today will be Yesterday Tomorrow”


"You reach middle age when all you exercise is caution"

Step with an "Empty Foot'

A number of the Tai Chi movements require us to perform what is called 'An Empty Step". For example, ‘The White Crane Spreads it's Wings’ and ‘Strum the Lute’ are two such movements. If you want to experience what an empty step feels like, try standing on your right leg with the knee slightly bent. Put you're your left foot on the ground in front of you, but don't put any weight on it. Keeping all your weight on your right leg, pick up your left foot and place it on the ground behind you, again no weight. Keep moving your left foot backwards and forwards until you are perfectly stable your right leg, and the movements of your left foot doesn't cause any change to your posture.


“The best time to do something worthwhile is between yesterday and tomorrow”

Tai Chi Weekend in Gweedore, Co. Donegal

Vonnie Harvey is now taking bookings for those wishing to spend the weekend in Gweedore with Wen Hui. It is helpful to members who are travelling to be allowed to pay for the event by instalments. Costs are as follows:
Bed & Breakfast £15
Tai Chi course with Wen Hui £10.
Application forms can be collected from Vonnie at any class. Those going would need to book early, as numbers will be limited.


The Walled City Festival 2002

The time for the annual Walled City Festival (month of May) is fast approaching and therefore it is time to start practising our Tai Chi form so that our Demonstration Team will once again do us proud. As in previous years we will be demonstrating Tai Chi in the Guildhall Square at the opening of the Walled City Festival.
Each year the Tai Chi demonstration is normally covered by TV crews so it is important that our timing is right and we all look our best on the day. Also each year in conjunction with the festival organisers we produce a new T -shirt for the event. Once the design and colour of the garment has been agreed we will be taking orders from our members.
Those members not taking part in the Tai Chi demonstration will be able to buy one of the T- shirts at the same price as those who are members of the demonstration team. We shall have details of the design and cost in the near future. Soon the Demonstration Team will begin serious practise of Tai Chi form just as in previous years. Members who will not be performing on the day are very welcome to come to the Guildhall Square on the day and enjoy the festivities.


Tai Chi Members take up Classes at the FDR Centre

Members of the Tai Chi Community have recently taken up classes in computers and picture framing at the Foyle Disability Resource Centre. Well done.


Tai Chi Community Entertainers

Our own singer songwriter Liam Kelly will be providing the entertainment at the night of Ten Pin Bowling at the Brunswick Superbowl and also in Gweedore during the visit of Wen Hui. Those who have not had an evening with Liam before are guaranteed a real good evenings entertainment.
Each year Liam usually writes a song for the occasion so anyone who has a little secret to hide would need to be cautious as they may well appear in one of his songs. In addition we can expect the one and only Pat 'the high horse' Mc Cay to do his Elvis impersonation and no doubt Mark McEvoy also will be keen to display his vocal skills.


Foyle Arts Centre Closes

The Foyle Arts Centre, which had been the home of the Tai Chi Community for several years, is set to close at the end of the month. We have many happy memories of our time there and we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Paddy Casey and his staff for the kindness and assistance we received over the years.


Thank you

A big word of thank you to all the members who help us put the tables and chairs back in position after each class. Very much appreciated.


Lost Property

Recently some members have left some items behind after class. These can be retrieved in the steel cabinet in the storeroom in the main hall.
