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Tai Chi News.

May 2001

Walled City Festival Tai Chi Demonstration Team

Members will be aware that the Community provides a team to demonstrate the Tai Chi form each year at the walled city festival, in the month of June. At each class we practise for this event. It is therefore important that we always practise together in order to improve our timing and develop our detail of form. When we are in front of the general public in the Guildhall Square we want to ensure that everyone is doing the exact same move together at any given time. Normally we do the form two times so it is therefore important that each placyer knows how to start into the form the second time without stopping.


Walled City Festival T-shirts

T-shirts for the Walled City festival are currently being organised, and again the t-shirts will be available to regular members of the Tai Chi Community and more particularly to those who will be part of the annual demonstration team. At the moment we are negotiating a price with the suppliers, when we have the appropriate details you will be informed accordingly. We will also of course let you know as to the design. It is however important also to know at an early stage how many people will be taking part in the event, and how many garments need to be ordered.


Wen Hui Returns to Belgium

Wendy returned home to Belgium on Monday 9th April full of praise for the members of our Tai Chi Community. She was delighted to make the aquaintance of old friends, and enjoyed the many conversations she had with all of them. Again this year she was particularly impressed by the strength of our community and the quality of the work we do together. She really enjoyed the night of Ten Pin bowling, and the weekend in Gweedore, and was particularly sad when she had to leave. She is already planning to return next year, and has assured us that she will be back to full fitness. As she awaits the arrival of her new baby we wish her good health and great happiness.


Belgian Visitors Impressed with our Hospitality

The Belgian visitors who accompanied Wen Hui on her visit to the city have asked that we relay our thanks and appreciation to our members who helped make their stay enjoyable.


Summer Tai Chi Outdoors

Each year when the warm weather arrives we encourage our members to practise the form outdoors in the open air. Great additional benefits can be had from Tai Chi practise outside. Unfortunately the weather is not always suitable, and we have to take into account that some of our members have specific medical conditions which prevent them from going outside unless it is quite warm. Depending on the weather our Saturday class will take place in the car park in the sunshine.


Thank You

A special word of thanks is due to all the members who helped with the arrangements and logistics necessary for the success of our recent Tai Chi Festival. In particular a number of individual members desewrve to be mentioned, specifically for the amount of work they did leading up to, and during, the weeks activities. Liam Kelly for his music and song, surely a high spot for us all, and of course this dude is a laugh a minute. Sincere thanks Liam. Vonnie Harvey and Dorothy Brown for the months of preparation and hard work that they carried out in what was probably the most difficult and frustrating part of organising any event: collecting money, and arranging accomodation and transport. also the major responsibility they undertook to organise the successful Gweedore weekend. Thanks babes!!


The Dawn Chorus at St. Columbs Park

We have been contacted recently about the possibility of attending this years "Dawn Chorus" in the park. Some members will recall that in past years a substantial number of our Tai Chi players regularly took part in the annual "Dawn Chorus" at St. Columbs Park. The Dawn Chorus is an occasion, usually held on a Saturday morning when wildlife enthusiasts gather in the park at about 5.30 study and listen to the various species of bird. On hand is an expert who, during a walk around the park, gives an explaination of the various kinds of indigenous birds, thier habitats, mating calls etc. After the walk, which normally takes about an hour, the Tai Chi Community members who are present give a demonstration of the Tai Chi form in the amphitheatre, and this has always been greeted with enthusiasm by the bird watchers. When the demonstration is completed everyone returns to St. Columb's Park House for breakfast. If you are interested in going along please watch the press for details, or announcements at class.


The Sale of the Foyle Arts Centre

There has been no significant movement over the past month or so as to the sale of the Foyle Arts Centre to the university. We shall monitor the developing situation, and keep you informed. We have been promised the oppertunity to consult with the authorities, but as yet nothing has happened so it is reasonable to assume that we shall continue to use the building into late summer or beyond.


Chiron Books Moves to New Address

Chiron books have been in touch with us to inform us that they have moved to a new address. Operated by Ronnie Robinson, Secretary of the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain and Ireland, he supplies us with books on Tai Chi which are specially written in English and imported by Ronnie for sale to players and enthusiasts. As from the 1st May 2001 the new address and telephone number will be as follows:

1 Littlemill Drive,
G53 7GE
Tel: 0141 8103482
Fax: 0141 8103741


Thoughts on Tai Chi Practice

In any style of martial art, basic groundwork is the most important aspect of one's training. A good grasp of the fundations is vital to one's level of progress. Many students still neglect this fundamental principle because of a desire to learn more without first consolidating and digesting what they have already learned. A famous Chinese saying describes this adequately "People often seek the far and neglect the near."

The 12 most common Faults are:-

Bending the head
Bending the neck
Exposing the shoulders
Protruding the elbows
Hunching the back
Crouching too much
Forced extension of the Stomach
Lifting of the buttocks
Not tucking in hips at the joint
Tightening of the coccyx
Locking up the knees
Incorrect foot positions.
