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Tai Chi News.

May 2002

Wen Hui (Wendy) Returns Home to Belgium

Wendy has returned home to Brussels after really enjoying her visit to the city and is grateful for the time she spent with us all. She was particularly thrilled to have spent so much quality time with so many old friends here. She says that her trip to N.Ireland is always the highlight of her year and as soon as she returns home to Belgium she eagerly looks forward to coming back again to visit.
Over the years she has often said that Derry is her favourite place and if things had have been different she would have liked to have settled down here as she feels so at home amongst the friendly people of this city. We are fortunate to have such a skilled Tai Chi master as our friend and as long as there is a demand for Tai Chi, Wen Hui will be coming back to visit us each and every year. We are profoundly grateful to her for teaching us her native Chinese art of Tai Chi and recognise the importance of this valuable cultural exchange between our countries. She possesses a special place in our hearts as we do in hers.


‘A friend is someone who is always afraid of letting you down but never does'

Building Security "Do Not Touch"

It is unfortunate that once again we have to insist that our members must not interfere with any switch, device, alarms, doors or open windows within the building. There are a number of very complicated security alarms around the building. Including the windows and if they are interfered with, then the alarm system will be activated. If an engineer has to come to the building there is a 'call out' cost of £85. In future anyone who activates the alarm will be asked to pay the call out fee (£85) and if they refuse to do so their membership may be terminated forthwith.
Since we came to this facility some six months ago this message has been delivered verbally and through the newsletter but still there are some that fail to get the message. This is an astonishing way for some adults to behave and by their actions they are most definitely putting the future of this community at risk. If it continues the management of the centre can and would be justified in terminating our lease. Those who are guilty should take this final warning very seriously, as we do not intend to let this community be destroyed by such careless activity. Future breaches will be strictly enforced without exception.


The Arms and Hands

When practising Tai Chi never fully straighten the arms, but always keep them slightly bent. Keep your elbows pointing down, except on occasions when the arms are raised above head height. Always ensure they are completely relaxed, irrespective of how they are moved or held. Hand movements not only have a meaning in their flow from one direction to another, but there is a far greater depth and meaning within the essence that they contain.
Perfection in the execution of movements of the hands and arms is a very important element of Tai Chi because of the intricate movements and patterns they have to execute. Complete control over them is essential at all times, whether they are moving, stationary, open or closed into a fist.


Head and Neck

When practising Tai Chi you should imagine that an imaginary silk string is holding your head erect from above without tension or stiffness. Act naturally and align the head and neck with your spine.


Walled City Festival 2002 Saturday 8th June 2002

Members who are taking part in the Tai Chi demonstration will now be practising seriously for the big day. The important thing to remember is to keep in time with the four 'markers' or 'pacesetters' that will be sited at each corner of the group. Make sure that in whatever direction you turn you must keep the same time as the 'marker'. This will ensure that everyone is doing exactly the same thing and the same time. Detailed instructions and advice will be issued to all participants before the event.


Gweedore Weekend

A special and sincere thank you is due to all those members who helped out with the planning and organisation of Wen Hui's recent visit to the city. Whilst in Donegal we were blessed with beautiful sunny weather for the entire time of our visit.
Liam Kelly once again provided us with excellent entertainment, which is always the icing on the cake at these gatherings. His repertoire of songs ensured that everyone had a great fun night in 'Connie’s' Bar. Thank you also to our great friends, Charlie Cullen & William Coyle in Gweedore. We look forward to an even better visit with them next year.


"Life Force"

While we are alive, Chi or 'aliveness' permeates every part of our body, keeping each cell and every bodily function alive. Cells are always dying throughout our body but are being constantly being replaced by our own unique “Life Force”. However, as we get older not enough of the essential cells required for correct organic functioning are replaced. Therefore the more Chi that reaches these cells, the less prone to decay they will be. Chi when flowing smoothly and abundantly in a cycle throughout our bodies helps to maintain healthy and vibrant cells. Regular Tai Chi and Qigong practice will assist our life force.


"There is a perfect antidote for melancholy in good and wholesome activity"


The Beautiful Movements

Why should this beautiful sequence of movements be known as the 'Supreme Ultimate (Tai Chi)? Does it mean that we have to always achieve absolute perfection in every single movement that we execute, or does it mean that we are aiming for the ultimate goal in all parts of this wonderful and unique art form?
Many have gained great benefits from the practise of Tai Chi while others have obtained an excellent ‘feel good’ factor from regular participation. The best advice is, if it is working for you and makes your particular problems or conditions improve then keep at it. Not everyone wants to be an expert; most are happy that this art can and does improve his or her quality of life.


“A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience "


The Gate of Vitality

Your ultimate source of internal energy emanates from an area deep in your abdomen, more or less between your kidneys. This area is known as the Gate of Vitality that transforms your essence into original Chi. Focusing on this area during Qigong practice will naturally keep this fire energy burning. This is good because if this 'fire' declines all bodily functions will decline, causing tiredness, mental depression and a general feeling of cold.
Warmth is also required in this area to ensure that your digestive organs properly break down and assimilate food. Nowadays it is quite common to observe young people especial/y young ladies wearing skimpy garments that expose their stomach and lower back areas to the elements. This is indeed a very dangerous practice and can have in the longer-term catastrophic consequences for health matters. It is advisable to keep these areas of the body warm at all times to as avoid 'coldness’.
Regular Qi Gong practice is an excellent way of ensuring the 'life fire' burns constantly and as you practice always direct your mind to this area and co-ordinate it with your breathing.


"Silence may not be the best defence, but it is certainly the most annoying”
