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Tai Chi Newsletter.

November 2000

Tai Chi: A Silent Discipline

Tai Chi is a silent discipline, and should always be practised in a silent room free from noise or other disrupting influences. Quietness is essential to aid the student's concentration. The Tai Chi student is encouraged through regular paractise of the art to learn how to establish silence within themself. Such an ability requires a great deal of practise. However, when the silence has been established a student should have the ability not to be distracted by meaningless noise around them.


Order In Class Please

Whilst on the subject of silence, it must be pointed out that some of the members are very slow to come to order when class is about to start. Members should realise that the purpose of Tai Chi practise is to have an appreciation of respect for fellow members. Loudness and aggression are not part of the Taoist way, and have no place during Tai Chi practise. Remember, when class is called to order, please show the respect you would expect to receive yourself.


New Members

New members of the community should be aware that the Tai Chi Community is not about competitiveness, or how one person is better at the form than another. This could not be further from the truth. Egotism is a negative emotion. Tai Chi is a personal journey to enlighten your mind, body, and spirit. The movements are based on hundreds of years of study of the universal energies of natural elements by the Chinese, and how Humans harmonise with the Oneness. It doesn't matter if you are slow in learning some of the movements. In fact, it is better for your personal development to proceed slowly, so that the real meaning will, in time, present itself to you truthfully. Most westerners seem to want things to happen instantaneously and NOW!! Many people, when they see Tai Chi performed, want to learn as quickly as possible. This is not the way because the Taoist Philosophy does not work that way. We enter a learning process through Tai Chi which will help sustain us as human beings. There is no end to the process, and like the Universe, it's energies are always changing. It is of course nice to look at these beautiful movements and think, I would love to do that now. Have patience, and be able to enjoy it for the rest of your life.


The Five Element Qigong

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, all things in the universe are made up of five elements. The five elements represent five major internal organs of the body, and are interrelated. While one evolves from another, they also negate each other. Metal gives life to earth, earth gives life to water, water gives life to wood, Wood to fire, and so on. The negative relationship also works in a continuous circle; earth negates water, water negates fire, fire negates metal, metal negates wood, and wood negates earth. The elements have different properties; earth nurtures living beings, metal is sharp and changable, water runs down and irrigates the earth, while wood is characterised by growth, and fire is hot.


A Brave and compassionate man will kill or be killed.
A Brave and calm man will preserve life.


The Tai Chi Community, Why we do not Advertise!!

I remember many years ago, when I first became interested in Tai Chi, I read a passage in one particular book which said that if you are truely interested "the teacher will come". At that time, being somewhat sceptical about this statement, I decided to go with the flow and keep an open mind. In 1992, our own Tai Chi master, Wen Hui, came to the city, and started something which has sustained itself over the years. Tai Chi is the way of humility, and consequently we knew that if we offered authentic Tai Chi we did not need to advertise. Those who truely seek out the art have always found us at the Foyle Arts Centre.


Knowing others is wisdom.
Knowing the self is Enlightenment.


Make Tai Chi Part of Your Lifestyle

Many times I have been asked this question "What is Tai Chi?" This question also arises when Tai Chi demonstrations are given. The problem is that Tai Chi is an experience, a way of life, and words cannot express the truth in it. From the beginning the student should understand that Tai Chi is not somethign you can study like dancing or cooking. Oriental disciplines, on the other had are totalities, a way of approaching all of life, and therefore must be practised sincerely, to be part of every second of your life.
Tai Chi demands the development of a state of mind and spirit that reflects the world as it is seen through the artsdisciplines and philiosophy. During the exercises, the mind, soul, breath, balance, coordination, and various parts of the bodyare combined to work simultaneously and spontaineously during each and every movement. As the student leaves the room, the same Oneness (the tao) should be occuring, that was present when involved in the Tai Chi movements and exercises.


Those who know do not talk.
Those who talk do not know.


Patience in Tai Chi Practise

In the Western world, we normally go through life trying to force things to be the way we want them to be, rather than waiting for the correct moment to act. Tai Chi, on the other hand, teaches the student that this should not happen. Patience is the essential requirement of Tai Chi study. It is an unending journey through an infinite universe, so what is the hurry?
A student once came to his Tai Chi master and asked:

"How long does it take to learn Tai Chi well?" The master replied:
"Ten Years." The student then inquired:
"What if i try twice as hard as everyone else?" The master answered:
"Then it will take you 20 years!"


What is firmly established cannot be uprooted,
What is firmly grasped cannot slip away.


Tai Chi Community T-Shirts, and Sweatshirts Available Soon

A sample is available for inspection. The T-shirts will cost £5, and the Sweatshirts £10. This price is what we are being charged by the supplier for their production and printing.
All garments must be paid for before an order is placed. The reason being that in the past we have had some disappointments.
Anyone wishing to purchase one or other of the garments should put their name on the list as soon as possible.


Tai Chi Weekend in Gweedore

The Tai Chi Community in conjunction with the Gweedore Tai Chi Community are holding a weekend of Tai Chi and meditation in Gweedore on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February 2001.
The weekend will be hosted by Charlie Cullen, leader of the Gweedore Tai Chi Community. This is the third time we have visited West Donegal, and if it turns out to be anything like the last visits it will indeed be memorable. The weekend fee is £20 sterling for the sessions, and it is anticipated that the local B&B is around £20. Those wishing to travel to travel for the weekend should see Vonie Harvey, and Dorothy Brown, who will be the facilitators for the sessions and accomodation.
Members can pay up for the trip, however it should be pointed out that the session fee must be paid up in advance via Vonnie& Dorothy, so that they can be passed on to the Gweedore people. We want to avoid registration delays on the first day.
It may also be helpful if members paid for their accomodation in advance, rather than take the chance of not having arranged accomodation prior to travelling. Again, contact the facilitators if you require assistance. An application form will soon be circulating for those wishing to book the weekend.
