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Tai Chi Newsletter.

October 2001

Charlie Visits Tai Chi Master Wen Hui

Charlie visited our own Tai Chi Master, Wen Hui, and her family last week in brussels, and is pleased to in form you that she and her new son are doing well. The visit was also an oppertunity to pay respect to the master who gave us all this wonderful gift of Tai Chi. She sends her regards to all, and is looking forward to seeing everyone next spring. Discussion took place with regard to her visit and it is hoped that another week long festivcal of Tai Chi can be arranged during her stay.


Members Only

Those who have not yet obtained a membership registration form should do so now.

Yearly membership Fees:-
£5 Employed &
£3 Unemployed.
It is important to realise that a person cannot attend classes unless they are fully paid up members of the community. It is also compulsary that each member enter their personal identification number beside their name in the attendance record book at each class. This rule will be stricly enforced in the interest of public safety, and also to ensure that only registered members attend Tai Chi classes.


New Premises

Now that we have moved our activities to the excellent facility of the Foyle Disablity Resource Centre at Glen road we would like to inform you of a number of codes that have to be recognised and strictly adhered to:
Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the building.
Cigarette butts nust not be discarded inside or outside the building.
All must sign the attendance register at each class.
Car Parking must be courteous and disciplined.
Fire exits must be kept clear at all times.
Full and proper respect for the centre and its facilities will be expected from all our members. Members are also advised that they should not wander around the building, as there are offices and other activity areas which are for the specific use of others.
Tai Chi activities wil take place in the main hall.
Fire safety advice will be given to all Tai Chi players and all fire emergencies (if and when they arise) will require all to strictly follow the advice given.
Litter must not be discarded within or around the premises including all the paths, roadways and grass areas.


Chinese Doctor Opens Clinic in the City

A fully qualified Chinese doctor has opened a clinic in the city at 46, Great James Street. Dr. Yan specialises in the full range of Chinese Traditional Medicines (CTM). She also provides acupuncture. The clinic which has been recently refurbished is exceptionally clean and attractive. A consultation area and two private treatment rooms are also available. In addition many important Chinese herbs can be prepared for specific conditions and illnesses.Dr. Yan can provide assistance with skin problems, digestive disorders, pains and injury, asthma, arthritis and heart conditions to mention but a few. Anyone wishing to have a consultation should ring (0)28 71261071.


The Way of Tai Chi

"The ancient masters in China knew very well that written texts would not carry their messages very far and that knowledge was not transmissible through the written word only. They coded their message in another language; the language of the body......


Charlie Cullen in Hospital

Our fellow Tai Chi player Charlie Cullen, leader of the Gweedore Tai Chi Community is going to hospital very soon for surgery pm a hip joint. We send him our best wishes and hope that he has a swift and successful recovery. Charlie has, over the years, been an extraordinary and kind true friend to our Tai Chi Community, and provided us with excellent hospitality as only the Gweedore people can during our many weekends in west donegal.


The Energy of the Human Body

Energy is the foundation of our own health. When our energy is at it's peak, our immune system is at full strength. When our energy declines we become vulnerabe to illness. All healing depends on energy. Energy comes to us in many ways, but ultimately it is our own reserves of energy that provide the inner strength that keeps us healthy.
Energy is the foundation of life, without it we die. If we learn to increase our energy to higher levels, we can use it to support ourselves and others when we are hurt or unwell The energy that our bodies need is not mere fuel, it is much more than that. Like everything in the universe, our bodies are a source of energy. This was the same conclusion that the natural scientists of ancient China reached centuries ago, through painstaking observation of their own bodies and the world around them. They found that people responded in very different ways to similar events and environments.
What seems to have no effect on one person, could just as easily lead to serious illness in another. For example; some people can walk all day in the rain with no adverse effects, while some of their companions would have caught cold by nightfall.


"Tai Chi without regular practise gives suparficial benefits at best!"
"Everythign we do physically goes through our intent first, The intent directs the Chi, and the Chi moves the body. It is always this way, and this will give you a clue that for everything you do physically something has to have already happened inside you. As your mind and Chi moves, the body will follow. *****


Class Fees

The Tai Chi Community is pleased to announce that our charges for classes will remain the same at the current price of £2. We shall; continue to keep our charges to a minimum and maintain this as long as possible, so that Tai Chi can be available to all especially marginalised members.


Welcome new Members

The Tai Chi Community sincerely welcomes our recent new members, particularly those who have illness or disability. We wish to ensure that everyone feels part of an ownership of the Community and the thigns we do. Our own existing members are encouraged to make a point ofwelcoming our new members, and to impress upon them that our community is all-embracing, user friendly, and non-competitive.


Thank You Foyle Arts Centre Staff

The Tai Chi Community would like to record its sincere thanks to Paddy Casey, Colm, and Sean at the Foyle Arts Centre, for the many years of help and assistance. It is sad to leave such an excellent facility and solid friends. We wish them well in their new career paths within the council. We know that wherever they go within the council services they will continue to provide the people of the city with sincere dedication and service.
