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Tai Chi News.

October 2002

Try to Know Your Chinese Meanings

Tai Chi Chuan pronounced “tie chee chawn", sometimes spelled Taijiquan means 'supreme ultimate fist’, or 'highest martial art’
Tai means Supreme.
Chi means Ultimate.
Chuan means Fist.


Remember to register for membership of the community. Only registered members can attend classes


Registration Process 2002-2003

A big thank you to Danno Ryan for the efficient manner in which he has organised our Members Registration this year. This is normally a difficult task because of the allocation of membership numbers can change from year to year. However many our regular membership have once again submitted their renewal forms on time and this has allowed Danno to let them retain their old membership numbers which is very helpful in administration terms.


Tai Chi Community Members Christmas Night Out

Plans are being made to organise our annual Christmas night out for this year. Members have indicated that they would like this to take place in early December before the Christmas holiday rush begins. A three-course dinner will be provided.
This year the event is being organised by Liam Kelly in the Dupont Social Club at Maydown. Liam will also provide the entertainment during the evening, which many know is a guaranteed night’s entertainment. Those wishing to attend the evening should contact Liam ASAP so that places can be booked early. Members are of course welcome to bring their friends Of' partners to the dinner dance.


A Tai Chi Punch Line

A corporate executive arriving promptly for a Qigong class informed the instructor, "My doctor said Qigong would be good for my heart condition, so I want to learn Qigong. But I heard about that weird breathing you do. I want you to know that I am not into the breathing thing'.
The instructor responded,
“We’d better hurry and get you into the breathing thing before it's too late because I don't do CRP."



Some doctors believe that our central nervous system is affected by the rhythms of our breath. This means that a restriction in a freely moving respiratory system could lead to disease, since the central nervous system regulates all other organs.
The goal of Tai Chi is to foster unrestricted breathing. By doing so Tai Chi may improve central nervous system function, which may reduce incidence of disease.


The Three Stages of Learning Tai Chi

Tai Chi is taught in three stages. First, the movements are learned.. Second, the breath is incorporated into the regime by learning an inhalation or exhalation that is connected to each movement. Thirdly, a relaxation element or awareness of the flow of energy through the body is learned. Although the first step offers many benefits from the first day; the benefits get richer and deeper with each level you learn.


"Unless we know what we want, we stand a poor chance of getting it”


'A famous Vietnamese monk once said that we are like glasses of dirty water. Each day the dirt gets shook up, and we become cloudy and unclear. If we take time to sit still, our stress settles down, and we again begin to see clearly.’


Please Park Safely and Avoid Problems

Now that the dark evenings are here members are requested to make sure that they park their cars in a orderly fashion when visiting the centre. Care should be taken to ensure that other vehicles are not blocked in or obstructed because of careless road manners. Good parking will ensure that cars will be able to exit the centre grounds without difficulty. All should be aware that if a situation arises and damage is caused to a car because of inconsiderate parking then the careless driver must accept responsibility for his /her actions. Cars are the responsibility of the owners and are not covered by insurance. Owner's Risk applies whilst vehicles are within the confines of the site.


'Someone wise may sometimes change their mind. A fool never does'


Therapeutic Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong

The following list contains some conditions that may benefit from regular practice of the art:- Allergies/ Asthma: TC & QG help the body maintain elevated DHEA levels, Low DEHA levels have been directly linked to allergies. High stress levels are linked to the frequency and intensity of asthmatic reactions.
Angina: Biofeedback aspects of Tai Chi can help students learn to regulate blood flow, by awareness of the warmth in hands and feet. Evidence suggests this skill may alleviate some forms of angina.
Anxiety: The relaxed abdominal breathing can promote a beneficial adjunct to therapy.
Arthritis; Tai Chi is low impact causes no joint damage while its weight bearing aspect may encourage development of bone mass and connective tissue.
Balance Disorders: Tai Chi players fall only half as much as those practicing other balance training.
Depression: Regular practice of Tai Chi lowers incidence of depression; and mood disturbance.
Diabetes: Tai Chi's stress management and increased circulation qualities make it ideal for diabetics.
High Blood Pressure: Tai Chi -practice can significantly lower high blood pressure.
Posture Problems: Tai Chi's gentled mindful awareness of postural adjustment makes it a wonderful therapy for posture problems.
Infections: Regular practice increases T-cell count. T-cells are thought to help in the consummation of virus, bacteria and even tumour cells.


Tai Chi Community Supports India's Children

Derryman and Civil Rights activist Mr. Eamonn MeLaugh travels to India each year to assist and feed the poor people of that country especially the children. Eamonn has been doing this great charitable work for many years and has provided clothes and food for children in Mexico, India and Egypt. He has many friends in the city that continually supports him in this work. On every trip Eamonn has committed himself to and has succeeded in feeding and clothing one child every hour of every day. In fact once before travelling to Mexico he raised enough money to provide a wheelchair for a legless nine year-old girl. Those who know Eamonn will tell you of a most wonderful human being who has dedicated his life to the welfare of others more particularly the poor and dispossessed. His charity works in this city are genuine and legendary.
The Tai Chi Community has sponsored his works to the value of £5O and from this he will feed and clothe an Indian child on our behalf during his forthcoming visit. We are delighted and humbled that our community is associated with this work and commit ourselves to be as generous as we can to the orphan children that he cares for. We wish him well and will keep you informed of developments.
