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Tai Chi News.

January 2002

Happy new Year Dudes!

The Tai Chi Community wishes all our members every prosperity, good health and happiness for 2002.


World Master Judo Championship 2002

The World Master Judo Championship is being held in the city this year. The first time such an important event has been held on this island. Competitors will be coming from all over the world, which will be accolade for the city and will be covered by the world’s press. Terry Watt the event organiser and great supporter of our Tai Chi Community has suggested that the Community demonstrations team become involved in the opening ceremony. As details develop members will be informed.


“When you are down you are not necessarily a failure. It’s staying down that makes you a failure.”

“It would be a better world if we spare for others a little of the sympathy we have for ourselves.”


Well Done Vonnie

The Tai Chi Community would like to warmly congratulate and thank Vonnie Harvey for once again organising such an enjoyable Christmas night out. It is by no means easy to take o such a major responsibility, which demands a lot of preparatory work to ensure that things go well on the night. Vonnie, as usual, delivered an excellent fun event enjoyed by all that were present. Thank You.


Charlie Cullen

Members will be delighted to hear that our friend and leader of the Tai Chi Community in Gweedore, County Donegal, is making an excellent recovery from recent surgery. We look forward to working with him this year and of course spending quality time with him and out other Tai Chi friends in West Donegal during the springtime Tai Chi festival.


Springtime Festival Of Tai Chi

Last year the community organised a weeklong festival of Tai Chi to celebrate the visit of Tai Chi Master Wen Hui. Many activities were organised including specialist and detailed instruction from the Chinese master, a night of ten pin bowling at the Superbowl, Tai Chi instruction in the wider community and local schools, and also a weekend school of Tai Chi in Gweedore, Co. Donegal. This year, which incidentally is the 10th anniversary of the Tai Chi Community in the area, will be a time of celebration.
We are currently discussing possible events with Wen Hui and will keep you informed of developments. If any member has an activity idea please let us know. All activities should be such that they allow all members to participate. We do not want to organise anything that may exclude anyone, whatever the circumstances. When we do know exact dates of the festival we shall be issuing further information. Each member will have the opportunity to participate in all activities.


The Principles Of Qigong

What do we get from regularly practising these beautiful movements? Do we have to execute them perfectly to gain benefits? Thousands of people in the west have gained great benefits from the practise of Tai Chi and Qigong and today many more are seriously interested in learning. However, many of these people learn only the physical aspects of the form and therefore gain very little from it. Many hours are spent in practise, yet without discovering the full potential of the art, no more than the surface is being scratched. This is a shame, for after setting out to learn the art form over a period of time, their efforts have often been wasted because they have not concentrated on the other dynamic aspects of this truly wonderful art. The Truth is that there are five (5) sections in Qigong and Tai Chi training which the student must apply in order to gain maximum benefit in every respect from this art. Let us now look at the five sections:

The first step is to ensure that you are eating and drinking sensibly. The second step is to start to practise the various physical aspects aiming towards perfection of the stances (legs), posture (body) and technique (hands and arms). Try to magnify your sensitivity by learning to feel the rhythm and flow within the technique of your arms and hands. Match and harmonise the rhythm and flow from one stance with your legs and feet, to another. Dedicate yourself and practise a few movements every day. Try not to use physical strength, as this will restrict development. Total harmony and perfection of all movements is essential.

The Mental
From the very beginning of your physical practise you will find that you become mentally active and concentrated. The stances to the left and right, the variation of the hands and arm movements, which all can move in totally different directions and speeds are all created by the mind, and must all be created from a mental source. A simple act of emptying the mind, as in meditation, is necessary. Dynamic mental control creates a tranquil mind, it can utilise power without the use of strength, cause heaviness without weight, create length from shortness and speed from slowness. Always utilise mind control when practising Tai Chi disciplines.

People breath every day and never give it a thought, unless they have a respiration problem. The Taoists of ancient China created over fifty specialised breathing exercises, all of which are incorporated into our art. Very few people have learnt to breath deeply in the lower abdomen (Dan Tien). In the early stages of learning let your breathing be as natural as possible and then co-ordinate it with your movements and mind, then let it sink to the lower abdomen. Never ever force your breathing as this can cause internal injury.

Shen Chi
The development of natural energy is dependant on eating and drinking sensibly so that the tissues of the body become supple and flexible. Chi energy is invisible, it has no aroma and you cannot hear it. Yet, it is a colossal energy force within the body. Our art teaches us; where it is stored and generated, how we can cultivate, utilise and control it. Shen chi depends for its strength and regeneration on the personal good health of the person. We must learn to cultivate, store and conserve Chi energy before we can use it. When you have mastered it enough to feel the energy the next step is to direct it to any part of the body by mental control.

Ching Shen Li
This energy is known as ‘macro-cosmic’ energy. It is the natural energy of the universe that we all tap into. It comes from the heavens, passes through the earth, including our bodies, enters the earth and, after gathering further vitality and power, returns upwards form whence it came. It can be harnessed, stored, controlled and utilised by everyone, providing they have the mental training to do so. In men (yang) on it’s downward journey this energy passes down through the spine and out through the lower abdomen. On it’s upward path, or return journey from the earth it passes through all women (yin) as it comes up from the ground, along the spine and up through the head. When these two directions are placed together the represent the well known yin and yang symbol, which shows the two sides of everything. It also expresses the idea that nothing has a beginning or an end. This natural ‘micro-cosmic’ energy cannot be destroyed, it can be harnessed, stored and utilised by us all. When you next practise try to think about these things and embrace them into yoru Tai Chi activities.
