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I am, I said...

Hello, and welcome to my site. The main purpose of this site is to educate my visitors about the history of Europe since the French Revolution (1789).

This subject is the focus of my current education ( 2001 BA History, Salem State College, Salem, MA) and most likely my future education as I slowly, but surely proceed towards an MA in History.

I live in Massachusetts with my wife Gail and our dog, Holly. Some day when the scanner is working properly, or we when purchase a digital camera, I will post some photos.

I hope that you enjoy visiting this site, and I really hope that you are able to learn something, or that at least you can find links to sites that will help you find out about whatever it is that you would like to know!

One of the main reasons that this site was started was due to my growing frustration with web sites that are never maintained; i.e. dead links. For this reason feedback is always welcome, and is encouraged.

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Michael J. Saporito.

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Chow Chi Leong

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