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(September 18, 2004) Wow. I completely suck. I apologize for the lack of updates.. ever. I've pretty much given up on the process of moving the site because I have been too busy lately, graduating from college, getting a job, working, etc. I will try to tweak this site a little to get rid of the kinks that are left because I was planning on moving it, but I really don't have any time for a significant re-hauling of everything. But the good news is, I have an update from Davey! Here it is:

Hey there folks,

Davey Nipples here, I am back from my 16 month sabbatical in the Amazon, studying the bot fly and it's breeding habits. Ah yes, it's good to be back. Well, the laziest band in the world, otherwise known as "Storm and the Balls", (that would be the latest and greatest Davey project) are keeping very busy. We have been playing a regular weekly gig at a club called Dante's for two years now, and believe it or not, it is still going strong with new fans every week! We are very stoked, since James Beaton and I have been post "Everclear", we have been just as busy in town doing what we do best: the littlest amount possible, and maintain the army of followers that the Balls have amassed. Storm is a giant of a man trapped in a hooker's body, so so sweet to watch from behind............did I say that outloud? Uh, yeah, we are soon to record a follow up to our last release "Hanging with the Balls" (available through the Storm link on this page) very very soon, as well, a friend of ours named Keith is doing a wicked remix record of about ten cuts that we layed down a LONG time ago, these songs are completely revamped, as much as what we do to the songs in the first place!, and they sound AWESOME. So that record hopefully will soon follow as well.

There has been alot of activity in the Portland music scene which is really exciting. Craig Montoya, my former biology partner and dental dam pioneer, has started a rockin' new band called TRI-POLAR, with none other than Brian Lehfeldt (drums, backup vocs), and Scotty Heard (guitar, vocs), from Sweaty Nipples, they ROCK. Craig of course is on bass "playa" duties, and extreme rock vocals. I unfortunately could not join their band due to a little mixup at the Egyptian embassy, when it was discovered that some of my distant relatives owned some of Craig's distant relatives, which entitled him the option of having my head cut off, and a legal battle would have been too messy, so Craig and I just played a good 'ol game of spin the bottle, (of which we drank the entire contents of), with the delegates at the prison and all was healed through the power of the tongue. Craig's a great kisser............. at least that's what I heard. ANYway, thank you all for the support over the many many years of my musical adventures, and thank Katie for having our "lovechild" without letting anyone findout, woops, did I say that outloud too? Uh, gotta go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yours truly,

Hotrod Davey Nipples

(July 27, 2003) I'm in the process of moving the site over to a new host and re-doing the layout and all that good stuff. It's taking me forever, mostly because I'm very lazy. :-P I hope to finish it by the end of the summer. In the meantime, head over to Storm's site for info about shows, new pictures, etc. Also, check back here for an update from Davey sometime in the near future.

(May 3, 2003) Here is an article about Storm and the Balls (Davey's new band). According to Davey, they're in the process of recording a CD. If you're in the Portland area go to one of the shows or keep an eye out for any articles on them. And then send them my way! I'm trying to find another place to host the site because Angelfire drives me up a wall. Hopefully it'll happen soon. I should have some time to work on the site over the summer. I have some Sweaty things to scan, so I'll try to get those up here soon!

(March 13, 2003) Man, it has been FOREVER since I updated. I'm sorry. I'm kinda fed up with Angelfire and I've had absolutely no time. Besides, now that Davey is no longer touring with Everclear, I have trouble keeping up because he's in Portland and I'm alllllll the way over in Boston. Davey IS still playing shows with Storm though. Head on over to her website to see when and where. And if anyone has any news or picture, let me know!

(July 29, 2002) I've been having major issues updating my page because Angelfire is being incredibly stupid. For now, all of the links back to the main page will go back to the non-updated main page. And a lot of the pictures won't work and it'll just look really crappy. Sorry about that. I don't have the time to fix it now, but I wanted to get some new news up here. Davey has been playing shows in Portland every Wednesday night with Storm. The shows are at Dante's and it's called the Hellfire Anti-Social Club. Check it out if you're in the area and if you happen to go, take some pictures if you can for me... ;)

(April 25, 2002) I added some fun pictures today. Two new Sweaty Reunion pictures up.. I don't remember where I got them from. Also two new wannabes were added. I also put up some amusing pictures of Davey playing with Sweaty from forever ago.. I'm not sure how old he is in the pictures, but he's probably 20-ish. You can see them here. Super humongous thanks to Alex for those :)

(April 18, 2002) Happy Davey's Birthday everyone! :D

(April 13, 2002) Hey everybody! Davey emailed me a message to put up on the site for you guys to let everyone know what's been happening with him... Yay!! He's awesome for doing this. So, here's the deal on what's going on with Davey, straight from his mouth:

Hey there , this is Davey Nipples . It's been awhile since...well actually , I've never written since I STILL don't have a computer or e-mail , or any of that grown-up stuff . Right now , my friend , Storm , is writing this for me while I stand behind her holding a baseball bat yelling at her to TYPE FASTER !!!!

....just kidding .

First of all , I want to thank Katie and everyone who have supported and cheered for me and the boys in Sweaty and Everclear . We all love these fansites and are stoked that we've made you all so happy through the years . You all are what makes playing music so rewarding . Thank you so much !!!

There have been so many changes in my life recently ; from my departure from Everclear , (more on that later,) to my recent separation . My wife , Debbie , and I both made the decision mutually , and though it's really difficult at times , our friendship is better for it . We are equal partners in our son , Case (who'll be 5 this year!) and we will always respect and love one another . She is a righteous lady .

OK , Everclear . On our summer tour with Flipp and American Hi-Fi , Art announced his plans for a solo album and told me that he wouldn't need my services for it . That sounded totally reasonable to me . The confusion began when the solo record became an Everclear record . Most of the band and crew live in Portland , and we all stay in close contact and often hang out together , but none of us knew what Art had planned for us , since it wasn't a solo record anymore . Then one day , a man I barely know came up to me and said that he heard Art announce on the radio that the upcoming acoustic show ( back in March) would be my last . A few phone calls verified that in fact , the announcement had been made and me , along with Basil , Robbie and most of the crew , would no longer be involved with Everclear . It shocked everybody . We figured that Art would call everyone in short order offering an explanation .....but that call never came .

There was a ton of miscommunication around the whole deal , the last show came and went . Art went into the studio to begin tracking the basics for the next Everclear record , then took off on his solo tour .

It was a frustrating few weeks and not exactly how I would've liked things to have gone down . Looking back on it all , though , all I can see is the great times I've had on the road and onstage with my brothers these last few years . I am so lucky to have had the chance to play music with such amazing people , for such great fans all over the world .

I have so many incredible memories and stories from my time in Everclear I can only feel a deep gratitude .

So to Art , Craig and Greg , all my love , thanks , and good luck with this next record . As for me , now , the adjustment to single fatherhood has taken up a lot of my focus lately , but music is my first love , and let's just say we've been dating .......

I promise I will let you all know here first who , what , where , when and how loud . Stay tuned , and Thankyouthankyouthankyou again !!!

love , Davey

Thank You.

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(Hi. My name is Katie. I'm not Davey. I am a fan of his who runs his site. Many people in the past have emailed me thinking I'm Davey. Please don't do this because it's weird. If you have something you'd like to ask him, please feel free to email me and I'll send along the message to him. Thank you.)

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