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Dana's Lair - The Archives

Hey! Welcome to the Dana's Lair Archives, which is where I will store all the old pages of things that no longer interest me. Or thing that don't interest me as much anymore. Take a look around, and don't get too nostalgic! ;)

Lance Bass (archived 5/14/03)
Lance is a member of the boyband *N Sync who I used to think was pretty cute. I still think he's a handsome guy, but I'm not into boybands anymore and I've moved on to other cute guys ;)

Prince Harry (archived 5/14/03)
I've had a crush on Prince Harry for, oh, probably close to 14 years now (yeah, I'm a freak hehe) but I'm just not as interested as I was during high school. I'm still maintaining my site on him, Especially Prince Harry, so if you want to find out more about him, cruise over there and check it out.

Evan and Jaron (archived 7/7/03)
I started liking Evan and Jaron back in 2000, and I still think they're totally awesome and very talented. However, this page is totally out of date, and I'm planning to make a new page dedicated to them. I just figured I'd archive this one just 'cause it makes me laugh, lol.
