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Bryan McFadden

Thanks to Westlife Corner for use of this picture


Full Name: Bryan Nicholas McFadden
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
Birthdate: April 12th, 1980
Height: 6'
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blond
Parents' Names: Brendan and Mairead
Siblings: 1 younger sister - Susan
Pets: a Shih Tsu named Chip
Previous Bands: Cartel
Favorite Book: The General
Favorite Place to Visit: USA
Fave Food: Italian
Fave Band: Backstreet Boys
Previous Jobs: bingo caller, security at McDonald's
Did You Know?: Bryan wanted to be a comedian when he was a kid

Bryan on his style:
"I like Abercrombie & Fitch, and Dolce & Gabbana. I don't shop that much. I just get the stylist to go for me and pick out the stuff!"