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Mark, Kian and Shane on the Ups and Downs of Fame

Mark: "We're so lucky to have everyone at home behind us. A lot of people aren't that lucky. A lot of people turn against them and people get jealous. We're so lucky that every single person has been good to us, everyone is supporting us. I think that's very important, when you're doing something like this. When you are starting something like this and you say, 'Am I good enough for this? Am I good enough to be in this band?' And then you look around and see everyone supporting you and it just kind of gives you more self confidence, because doing TV and stuff you do need a lot of self confidence. It's very important. They're all great.

Shane: "The only bad side of it friends-wise is you get a lot of new friends. You get a lot of people that kind of used to not like you when you were younger or didn't get along with you and suddenly it's like, 'Hey!' You do get a bit of that, but we kind of see through that. You know who your true friends are. Your family and your best friends are the closest people to you. You just look after them.

Kian: "It's like you've got three or four main best friends and that's it. Because a lot of other people don't want to know you because of who you are but because of what you do."

Shane: "You can't trust them."

Kian: "You can't trust a lot of people."

Shane: "You can't trust a new person, because it's gone too far into it. Unless you meet them like in another band and they're doing the same thing."

Mark: "Or if we meet someone over here [in the USA] where no one knows us. You tend to become a lot more paranoid about things."