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Kian Egan

Thanks to Westlife Corner for use of this picture


Full Name: Kian John Francis Egan
Birthplace: Sligo, Ireland
Birthdate: April 29th, 1980
Height: 5' 10"
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blond
Parents' Names: Kevin and Patricia
Siblings: 3 brothers - Gavin, Tom and Colm & 3 sisters - Viv, Fenella and Marielle
Pets: none
Previous Bands: I.O.U. and 2 rock groups
Favorite Book: Bravo 2 Zero by Andy McNabb
Favorite Place to Visit: USA
Fave Food: Italian
Fave Band: Backstreet Boys
Previous Jobs: worked at a clothes shop
Did You Know?: Kian used to be a kissogram

Kian on his style:
"I am quite slick. [laughs] I like fitted tops, loose-fitting trousers, and nice, chunky shoes. I like a really nice leather jacket."