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Win An Award

Do you have a Westlife site? Would you like to win one of my awards? Just fill out the form below, I'll check out your site, and send you the award if I feel you deserve it. :)

Click here to see who's won!


  • no xxx stuff
  • can't be anti-Westlife
  • if your site isn't all about Westlife, you can still win an award if there's at least a page or two about them
  • creative and original


award #1 award #2
There are two awards in case your site is smaller (a pop-up,etc) and you want a smaller award so that it will fit. **The bigger award is award #1, the smaller is award #2**

Fill out this form:

What is your name?

What is your e-mail address?

What is your site's name?

What is your site's URL?

Do you want award #1 or #2?

Why do you want to win an award?