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Nicky Byrne

Thanks to Westlife Corner for use of this picture


Full Name: Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
Birthdate: October 9th, 1978
Height: 5' 10"
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blond
Parents' Names: Nicholas and Yvonne
Siblings: 1 older sister - Gillian
Pets: none
Previous Bands: none
Favorite Book: The Mammy by Bruce O'Carroll
Favorite Place to Visit: New York; Sydney, Austraila; the Carribbean
Fave Food: pasta with chicken, cream and mushrooms
Fave Band: Boyzone
Previous Jobs: goalkeeper (goalie) for Leeds United
Did You Know?: Nicky wears a pair of lucky socks whenever he's on stage

Nicky on his style:
"I love to be able to wear baggy jeans or track bottoms. I'm also into trainers, hooded tops and baseball caps - I love baseball caps. I love to kind of dress up and look really good for some events."