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Shane Filan

Thanks to Westlife Corner for use of this picture


Full Name: Shane Steven Filan
Birthplace: Sligo, Ireland
Birthdate: July 5th, 1979
Height: 5' 9"
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brown
Parents' Names: Peter and Mae
Siblings: 3 brothers - Finbarr, Peter and Liam & 3 sisters - Yvonne, Denise and Mairead
Pets: 2 German Shepherds - Kaiser and Oscar, plus his family owns some horses
Previous Bands: I.O.U
Favorite Book: anything by WB Yeats
Favorite Place to Visit: Tenerife, Canary Islands
Fave Food: Italian
Fave Band: The Corrs
Previous Jobs: worked at a hardware store
Did You Know?: Shane says he is in love with his BMW M-Series more than anyone else

Shane on his style:
"I love Gucci, and I shop there any time I can. I have expensive taste. That can be bad."