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Axeoth Glossary

This is a list of places in the planet of Axeoth. If you find any mistakes or want to add anything, please Email Me.

Currently ruled by: Elwin
This is the new nation the AvLee Elves have formed for themselves in Axeoth. For a short time, the Council of Elders were running the country. But when Lord Harke declared civil war, Elwin defeated him, and Elwin became king of Aranorn.

An area west of Chedian. Tribes of this area were once on a conquest to conquer all of Axeoth, but in MM9 you stop them.

A large section of Rysh. It is divided into six clans (Frosgard, Thronheim, Thjorgard, Sturmford, Drangheim, and Guberland), which in Might and Magic 9, you unite against the Beldonian Hordes.

Great Arcan
Capitol: Arcania
Currently Ruled By: Emilia Nighthaven
This country was formed by Emilia, with the help of General Tharj. Gavin Magnus, the king of Bracada in the old world wanted this country, because he wanted to be a king again. Emilia refused, causing war over this country. Gavin Magnus was king for a short time after taking over Arcania, but it was won back by Emilia and Solymr.

Isle of Ashes
This is where Verhoffin built the tower that he cast the spell that caused the Great Cataclysm. The islands are currently deserted except for an old ogre woman.

Capitol: Paledon
Currently ruled by: King Lysander
Palaedra is Erathia's new home. It was formed by Lysander. At one time, a man claimed he was a Gryphonheart and said he should be the king, and his supporters along with Lysander's supporters ended up in a civil war. In the end, Lysander had won.

This is the continent in which Chedian lies on.