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My Family

My Family Pics

The family cat
Thomas(brother) and Me
My father (a younger pic)
My oldest brother
My other brother
My parents and I at Graduation
My granmother & granfather
My father helping me with my Tuxs

Well there is also my family. My dad, I hope you take care and have fun and work hard with your job. Mom, I am sorry for all the problems we have given you but know we still love you though. And Thomas, well what can I say man your "the best" man. But if things look like they are heading down hill man mom said "you could move back(you and Monica)." Please think about that please. Geoff well man what can I say man we need to stop giving mom the problems we give her. It is heck tick on her. She is looking out for the best for us both. Granma and Gandy I know we aren't there living with you both but mom will soon be there I promise. And I love you as does everyone else in the family.

My ICQ#14940250


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