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About Me

Its been a long time since I have updated this webpage, so please bare with me. Well were do I start tellinbg you about me??? Well I have a real shity family. Well first off I have lost all respect for my dad and mother, and well I have 2 brothers and I have never had respect for one of them. Dad, ok well my he has done somethings on his job that I would have never done and never will do at all. I do not agree with what he does at all. Mom well she is just someone that I really done care to talk about. She sits on her ass all the time and complains about where I work ( I work at Sonic Drive-In). She pisses me off and calls me stupid and a while back ago she called me heartless. She what I mean when I say she pisses me off and I wuit a great paying job to take care of her. See if I ever do that again for her. Geoff, the brother that I have never cared about. He's 22 and he smokes pot, no problem there at all. Its just the fact that he always brings it in the house and because of this pot he thinks its ok to hit females. And also because of this he cares about no one. There are only 2 people in my family that I can rely on Thomas and Me. The only bad thing about Thom is he lives in California. He is my other brother and he and I get along so good.

Me well I am now 19 and I keep think'n I am 18 when I fill out applications. I am 5'11", blond hair, blue and green eyes depending on what mood I am in, and I am pretty buff people say and I think I am fat. I play soccer and was accpected to play for the USA teen team in Swenden. I wasn't able to go due to a really bad car wreck. And my parents still won't let me play. And i have a great girlfriend named Cynthia Nicholson. She is still in high school and I have graduated in 2000 and I am pursuing a photography degree. I love photography and I will later on put some of my pictures on here. I love black and white more than color so a lot of the pictures will be in B&W and maybe some in color.

Best Major League Soccer Team

I love fishes cuz there so delicious, Honz Goldfish

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