So, what can I say?? Well, I got into DD's music in the 90s, which is pretty typical for me - I'm late for everything! OK, small detail of not being very old in the 80s might have been another factor...!
As you *might* have already noticed, I'm a Complete Nickaholic. Let's face it, he could pout for his country. (Yep, proud Brit here!) And there has to be something special about a guy who can wear some of those erm... *interesting* 80s outfits and still look gorgeous...
and he's so talented too! **sigh**
Ok, this is rapidly turning into mush, so here are some of my Durannie favourites:
Fave Albums: No-no-Notorious (sorry!), Rio, Medazzaland
Fave songs: (well, some of them!) Notorious, Is there something I should know?, Out of my Mind, Midnight Sun, Ordinary World, Like an Angel, Winter Marches on, The Chauffeur
Fave videos: Nightboat, Come Undone, Electric Barbarella, ITSISK, Notorious (notice a common theme here..?!)
Fave side-project: Has to be Arcadia
Fave band member: Oh, don't get me started again!
It's always great to hear from other Duran fans, so feel free to drop me a line
~†~ emma ~†~
Oh, yeah, random useless information: My Nick pages are called 'Pretty Little Rhodes' 'coz that's what I heard a little girl once call him! (plus it sounded like a DD lyric... addicted, moi?)