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Welcome To The Seekonk Skywarn Weather Network Web Site


The purpose of the Seekonk Skywarn Network is to provide the National Weather Service with up to the minute reports on severe and dangerous weather in the MA/RI regions. The Seekonk Skywarn Network works closely with National Weather Tauton providing reports on everything from thunderstorms to snow storms. Our members are active amateur radio operators making it easy to give reports during periods of skywarn activation through reporting nets.


Our region experiences frequent thunder and rain storms often producing hail and other hazards. We notify our members of a activation mode by means of a tone alert system on low band radio. Our members each have a low band radio monitoring a certain frequency 24/7. The different tones indicate different levels of activation. A Warn activation mode does not require our members to stand-by but simplies reports to them that their is a possibility of going into Stand-by mode should dangerous weather develop. Stand-by mode means that our members stand by ready to give reports through amateur radio should an official Skywarn Net become active. The next mode of activation is known as Active. Active mode is when an official Skywarn Net has been activated to report to the NWS. The final mode of activation is Report. Report mode involves our members giving the NWS a report of the current weather situation in our region. Should weather conditions become extremely dangerous, such as a during a hurricane or microbust, our members receive a special distinctive tone alerting them to the dangerous conditions. This type of activation is called alert mode and it is used only during the most severe weather. Feel free to view our activity logs showing the dates, times, and detailed descriptions of various activations.

Activation Levels

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