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Elise, 2001, 2002
History: The Rise of Technology
And the Fall of Magic
An essay by Wylaven Basharond
Corrected by Professor Anrissa Mardevelan

The first world, what we now call the Moon, was a world of magic. The will and desire to do something made it possible, and the earth spoke to it's people. It is not so anymore. With the advent of the human societies and the increasing isolation of the Old People, magic becomes a decreasing skill, and the humans compensate by creating machines that will do things for them.

Magic was the ability to control nature, to focus one's will to accomplish things. This ability was quite common on the old Lunar races, who were part of the world itself and were an extension of the Web of Power that covers the world(akward phrasing). This ability was even inborn into the human race, although they are a purely Azterran people.

But the humans have opposed their magical nature, supressing it with rules to its use. They created complicated spells requiring materials, complex chants and conditions, and wild gesticulations that keep any but the most dedicated from accessing their powers. And then they decree that only the priests of their human deities may even learn these gestures. So the study and learning of magic is retarded in the younger race, while the elders draw away, fearful of the humans reactions to their differences and power.

To make up for their magical lack, the humans have been developing machines and tools (to substitute). Their time devices are driven by water or gears. They have created a carriage that runs n the power water releases when it becomes steam. Called a"train", this carriage allows them to go to distant towns in mere hours instead of days, and they clear lands to lay the tracks so it may go where they please. Their mechanical devices encroach in the wilderness, killing the natural magic with their leavings from construction(akward). The farther they build, the more magic dies.

Someday, when the elder races no longer walk in the "civilized" world and the humans have conquered the natural world, magic may die out completely. Not from the killing of it, for no force can completely destroy magic and keep the world alive, but simply from lack of use.

Wylaven, I know you're capable of better. Do try to write your papers BEFORE the night before. I don't appreciate having to correct your grammar, so I did not. This is not a grammar course.
Altogether a solid effort, but you need to prove to me that magic is dying in the first place. You pass, but if your next paper is this cheeky, you'll see the headmaster. -Professor Mardevelan

I love you too, prof... >_<

Those Who Fell From the Sky|Thanatos|Love's Bounds
