Tourmaline Gaia- Roleplay Log Part 2- Summoner Organization Torin sheathed his sword and led Darian out of the building, making sure no one saw the bloodstains on his shirt. He wished the fight had been longer. Darian was more than willing to stay hidden behind Torin. He had made quite a mess while fighting, and he didn't want to be caught again before they escaped the city. He glanced back over his shoulder once, to make sure the others where following. Satisfied, he leaned forward to whisper in Torin's ear, "Head west. The nearest gate is in that direction. The sooner we get out of this Gods blessed town, the better." Leon picked his way around the bodies, whimpering whenever he actually touched one, but made it to the door without passing out in fright. "Why are we whispering?" he whispered to Darian. "Anyone around would have heard the fight and come running." Chretian overheard, and grinned. "Well if any one comes around those doors their likely to get their heads cut off. Plus we don't want them to find us again. So keep quiet." He headed on, following the group and setting his bow behind his back. He had no more arrows, he would have to fix that when they stopped some place. He headed west, using his short sword as defense in case anyone came around. Ciro dutifully followed the rest of the party out of the jail, wondering how they were ever going to get out of the city without being noticed. Sure, they could most likely power through anybody who came their way… but there were downsides to fighting out in an open street. "Say, Leon, you know any, ah, alternative routes out of here?" he asked the thief. Ciro could only hope that the boy was a better thief than he was a fighter. Seth just shook her head slightly, keeping an eye out for any more guards who might try to attack from the rear or catch them unaware. She remained silent, not finding the need to speak. Her face was flat and emotionless but for her eyes, which sparkled with reckless glee. Phi didn't bother walking around the bodies, he just kept a straight line towards the door. When he got outside he realized, Great, I just remembered why I got in jail in the first place. Not knowing the area can seriously cause you troubles.... "Do any of you know this area?" he asked. "I do." Meg gestured for them to keep walking. The sky was the deep blue of night, perfect cover in any area, and especially in a city that was as provincial and quiet as Sharvalla was after dark. **** The town was simply laid out, and the group was able to make their way west with little problem. Torin followed them, keeping silent. He hoped the authorities didn't decide he was a worthy target... You can't make money in prison (again). It didn't take long for them to reach the edge of town, and slipping through the gate unnoticed was surprisingly easy. Darian was thankful to the darkness that helped cover their movement. When they were safely hidden from view of Sharvalla by a light tree cover, Darian gestured for the others to gather round. "I see we've all managed to escape. Rather easily, I might add," he said as he glanced around the group. "Here is where we can either stick together, or separate. I, myself, was in the middle of a journey. I'm heading east. If anyone would like to join me, I wouldn't mind the company. And I'd like my possessions back, as well." He brushed rather ineffectively at the blood stains on his hands and clothing. "I need to change, and I need a bath." Leon plopped down in the shade and began rummaging through his pockets, muttering about the contents. "Cat's claw, that's mine; emergency jerky; a paper bird for good luck; a flattened coin; three, four, five dropped pouches; a sock; flint and tinder... And a few shiny feathers. Now, what's in the next pocket...?" Chretian chuckled lightly, "Well, an adventure is what I need the most. I would prefer to come with you and take care of some long range enemies." He crossed his arms walking towards Darian, "I'm coming with you, I suppose... Looks like you need more help than a swordsman." Ciro remained silent as he followed behind Darian. He didn't really want to go to the mountains, but he didn't think anybody back home would welcome him. He was, after all, a labeled summoner. "I'll come with you," he finally said, hanging his head. "I'm..." Seth paused, not really sure what to do. She wanted to go with the group, to be sure, but she wasn’t sure if they wanted another member in the already large party. "Well, I'd like to go along with you all, if it's not too much trouble. Not really anywhere else I could go." She laughed wryly, a crooked smile crossing her face. **** Meg sat, folding her legs neatly under her, and put down the bags she carried. "Whew!" she sighed. "I felt like a pack horse!" She poked in the smaller pouches, peaking in their mouths until she found one. She settled this in her lap protectively, and then checked the pack that held her own belongings, leaving the other bags for the rest of the group. Finding hers messy and minus a few bundles of rations, but otherwise in acceptable condition, she put it behind her. She looked up at the group. "I think the real summoners have something to discuss," she said, a hand over the bag in her lap. "Some one should probably also stand guard, just in case." Seth walked over to Meg, flashing a slight smile before she sat. Real summoners? What, now are there false summoners? Torin thought. Whatever, you're just in it to get paid. "Darian, since I'm not welcome, you can dig through the piles of belongings to find my stuff. I'll keep an eye out (along with my knife)," he muttered under his breath. Torin stepped out of earshot before muttering a few curses to himself. God, this wasn't how things were meant to happen at ALL. "Don't be cranky, Love," Darian said to Torin as he settled himself beside Meg. "She just means she wants to talk to those of us who actually own summoning stones. No kshamikshil is touching my stones, so I believe she's right in calling over only the real summoners here. All you falsely accused, go find a place to set up camp. I'd prefer us to be staying in a place with easy access to water tonight." Torin stepped out of earshot before muttering a few curses to himself. God, this wasn't how things were meant to happen at ALL. **** Ciro sighed in relief at Darian’s words. "I can finally get clean!" The thought had him on his feet and trying to get the rest of the non-summoners to come with him to set up camp. "I don’t even care that I have to do work," he added with a smile. Chretian stood there a while hearing about the true summoner meeting. He did have a stone, he just had no idea how it worked. He might as well keep it hidden for now. He sat down on the ground setting the bow and the quiver on his lap. He pushed a hand through his hair and then yawned loudly only to say at the end, "I'll help stand guard if you all don't mind..." He pulled out his short sword and let it rest beside him, "I need more arrows..." Torin hoped the other summoners would at least be civil to Darian, but he resisted his urges to eavesdrop and scanned the area once more. "No one... we may have gotten out scotch free." **** Attracted by the shiny feathers, Phi gravitated towards Leon. He crouched down beside the boy, "May I take a look?" He pointed towards the feather. He gave Leon a smile. Oddly enough that smile hurt his face. It’d been a while since he last smiled. Leon grinned back at Phi and held out the feather. "Sure! I found it sitting on top of a pile of dog poop, and it was so pretty I just had to keep it. I love the rainbow colors it makes in the light... I used to have more, but they got squished." He scooted closer to the demon and asked, "So what's your name? I'm Leon. Here, check out this, too. An old fisherman carved this fish out of a bone. I like fish, don't you?" He grinned broadly. Phi took the fish and examined it carefully, "This is very might have sentimental value. I suppose i like fish. I have never been fishing. Oh.. right my name is Phi Linion. Just call me Phi. What is your name?" "Phi, huh? That's a cool name. I'm just Leon." He leaned over and poked Phi's face. "You should smile more. You look like you're going to throw up." He grinned at him to show he was joking, then plucked a blade of grass. "Can you whistle? I've never been able to. I always thought it was cool, though." Phi blinked as his face was poked by the smaller boy, "Err..." He continued staring at Leon, in slight disbelief. He was snapped out of his reverie when Leon asked him about the whistle, "Hmm...I can't really whistle... but I can use a blade of grass to do it..." He took the blade from Leon’s hands and pursed his lips against it, blowing a high pitched tune. "COOL! Can you teach me? Please? I've always wanted to be able to do that!" Leon plucked another blade of grass and began enthusiastically attempting to whistle. Phi chuckled and took another blade and showed Leon how to position it and how to blow. "Now you try..." Leon tried to copy Phi's grass, but couldn't get it quite right. The most sound he could make was a bizarre farting noise, which made him burst into giggles. "Oh! Oh! My sides! Hee hee... You see, though? I just can't whistle. I can howl, though!" Leon threw his head back to demonstrate, letting loose a startlingly loud wolf call. Phi jumped back. Of all things the boy could do, he had not expected the kid to howl. A rather unusual talent I suppose.... "That was frighteningly there any particular reason for it... Not that I mean there has to be one... I'm just curious..." Leon flushed bright red and muttered, "Well, it was the only thing I could do that the Thieves' Guild taught me... It's a warning call from the lookout. I was never good enough to actually go steal, yanno? But they kept me around 'cause I'm fast and I could howl really good." He perked up and grinned at Phi, practically bouncing where he sat. "D'you have any special tricks? Can I see?" "I do not really have any special tricks that would be considered special." "Aww…" **** Meg turned to the people around her. "Are we assembled? We need to figure out whose stone is whose, and if there are any extras. We'll be honest, right? I personally am starting to miss my bratty fairies...." She loosened the strings on the bag she held, revealing several gems of various size, setting, and value. Darian pointed, being careful not to touch anything. "The gold ring there with the garnet, the opal earring stud, that aquamarine stone with the silver chain, and those loose obsidian and diamond are mine," he said. Once Seth had gathered all her things, other than her summoning stone, she settled back. Her eyes wandered over the many stones and she cleared her throat. "So. While we're getting this all settled , I figure I'll take the opportunity to point out that I don't really know any of you, and you probably don't really know me. So I think an introduction is necessary. I'm Seth." "Megri Linsuet, formerly of Braghton. Yes, the 'gh' is silent," she added
automatically. Any literate persons were puzzled by her hometown's name, so she
automatically clarified if she was with someone who seemed formally educated at all. After Seth announced her stones, they quickly divided the bunch up. Darian smiled at
the two. "I am Darian Kinfol, of Zevelle. I grew up a summoner, but left
home because home was far too boring. I've lived in Zevelle for somewhere
around 7 years now, and I make my money as an actor. I was on my way home to
visit family when I was caught there in Sharvalla."
"The Haven. My family's lived there as long as anyone can remember." He grinned. "I'm on
my way to visit. Unfortunately, those louts stole all my gifts for them... I can't believe
they took my strawberry juice! Ridiculous."
Seth blushed a little, but Meg laughed. "You are fond of him, aren't you? Did you know each other before you left Zevelle, or did you just get attached on the road?" she asked as they started in the direction the other men had left in. "We met shortly before we left Zevelle. But I do like to tease him..." Darian smiled. "I suppose you could say we became close on the road. I wonder where he's gotten off to." He paused to listen for a moment, then shrugged. "I suppose we'll find them eventually." The small woman looked around, as if they would be in sight. "Weren't they going to set up camp? Do you think it was them howling like a wolf a minute ago, or was that the other two? I don't think there are wolves about now...." "Well, why don't we head that way and find out?" Darian checked his surroundings, then headed in the direction he'd heard the howl from. "If we do encounter any wolves, I'm sure we can chase them off..." Meg laughed again. "I have a handy little Fire effect for dealing with wolves and the like, so no worries there. Let's check on... whoever it is that likes to howl." Darian nodded, and the three summoners headed off. It didn't take long for them to spot two of their travelling companions through the trees. "I think that's the little thief and the blond haired young man," he said, pointing. **** "We should go." Phi stood up and held out his hand to help Leon up. Leon grabbed Phi's hand and hauled himself onto his feet and brushed himself off. "Thanks, Phi! We should see what the others are up to, huh? I bet the summoner types are being all important and stuff. Or we could go off by our lonesomes." He winked at Phi with a giggle. "Just kidding! So what do you want to do?" Phi was a bit reluctant to venture toward the other summoners. They should of guessed by now what he was. He really didn't want some summoner to try and claim him... or reveal his identity. Then again he didn't really want the boy to tag along... not that he wasn't growing fond of the boy. Yet... a thief might be useful... "Lets go off by ourselves. I'm not fond of summoners" He adjusted his cloak. Leon blinked several times, actually being still for once. "R-really? I was kinda kidding... I've never been on my own. Wouldn't we, like, starve to death? I think maybe... Maybe we should stick together, ya’know?" He looked to Phi for reassurance, not seeming entirely sure of himself. Phi looked down at Leon, "You never been on your own? Well, I wasn't going to leave you by yourself...." The two
heard a voice calling them by name. When they turned, they could see the
summoners approaching. "And what are you doing way out here?" Darian asked. "Do you know where my body guard is?" "Oh, hi!" Leon waved to them energetically. "We're having lots of fun! Phi was trying to teach me how to use a grass whistle, but I'm hopeless." He grinned and bounced in place. "Your bodyguard, you say? Which one was that? The big guy that doesn't talk, right? I thought I saw him over there, making friends. Right?" He nudged Phi with his elbow. *notes- This is where the RP trailed off. If we resume, I will continue this, but for now, here it stays.* |