* Old Update Archive*
Ancient updates from 2000/2001


12-20-01, 9.57 pm: Updated Forever Blue Skies layout. The image map wasn't doing it for me. Expect tweaks but nothing solid for awhile. I want to get everything perfect before I move on (to fanfiction probably. It's my #2 or 3 obsession).
12-20-01, 7.42 pm: Tweaked Ryvius. Most of the links are working. I also finished watching the series today; check my blog for the gushing about how great it (and the Lord of the Rings movie) was.

12-18-01, 10.40pm: Uploaded the new layout for infinite Ryvius under the new name, Future Without Limits. A couple links aren't working; I haven't finished transferring the files. Anyways, I'm hoping to upload all the new layouts this week. Man, I love this winter break thing! It's very conduscive(sp) to my motivation.

11-17-01, 6.51pm: I'm not actually updating. I just want to say that I haven't died or anything.
Due to the massive computer problems I've had all month, and the complete crash of Sharon, I lost the new layout for iR, and I need to fix FBS. Again. So I'm pretending that I'm starting from scratch and redoing everything. Slightly. Some of it will remain the same, to save time. I have several new ideas and things to put up, and may cut out things (that otakon page is more trouble than it's worth. i lost all my scans). So once I finish that, I'll be redoing things and getting back to work. Until then, have fun and stuff.

10-11-01, 11.46 am: There's something special about today, and I don't remember what!!!!! Is it someone's birthday?
Anyways, all I did this morning is tweek the Desktop a little bit. Fixed links and stuff. Nothin' special.

10-5-01, 9.39 pm: Added a couple fanarts to FBS, and played with the links page. I'm also in the process of joining some cliques. Yeah. I gave in. I wasn't going to join any cliques, because they drove me nuts in high school, but web cliques are much better. *nod nod* I'm thinking of a new name for the infinite Ryvius page. (not that any of you will give me any input huh? I know. It's a pain:) How's "Future Without Limits" sound?

9-28-01,9 or 10-ish pm: Uploaded the new FBS layout and tweaked some of the pages. Added links to Mini-Oro, a Himura Kenji shrine! Yay, go Kenji!!!!!!

9-22-01, 2.38 pm: Tweaked Ryvius. Added my new characters, links and image page. Expect more tweaking, but very little new content. I'm getting too lazy to type.

9-5-01, 9.26 pm: After much internal debate, I've taken down the House of Cards and Sora's Bish of the Week. I haven't gotten around to promoting them, and I want to focus on FBS, CT, iR, and the Desktop and fanfiction. I'm just doing too many things. Which is especially true now that scool is starting. The up side is that my Graphics Arts class is focussing on learning Photoshop. So I'll finally learn that program.
I'm in the process of scanning my Otakon pics, but there's so many, I'm taking my time so I don't fry the scanner (it's my baby). I am on Fanfiction.net, under the name Eigwayne, so my fanfiction will be up there as well. Right now it's just duplicates of what's up here, because 1)I frankly don't trust ff.net to stay up very long sometimes, and don't dare take anything down here 2) I don't type enough and 3) I don't write anything innappropriate for Angelfire. (I can write a hell of a lemon sometimes, but that doesn't mean I'm going to.) Oh well.

8-22-01, 8.14 pm: Messed around with Forever Blue Skies, fixing things up. I can't get certains things to work, for some reason, but most of the downloads are finally downloadable. Uploaded the new version of the desktop page, now titled Disgruntled Chibi Desktops! Added Chapters 12 and 13 of Slayers Retry. Almost done! In a few days, I should have my Otakon pictures developed, and then I can start the Otakon 2001 page! Next time, I plan on checking the Crystal Temple for errors, at least.

8-9-01, 1.21 pm: Added chapters 9-11 of Slayers Retry. Only 5 more chapters to go! Added the transcription of the dis- full length version in infinite RYVIUS, courtesy of Sylphid. Added a Winamp skin of Omi from Weiss Kreuz to the random skins page. And I've been tweaking FBS all week. Gotta remind myself to finish the new format of the Inn Left Standing...

7-30-01, 11.13 am: Fixed up FBS again, and added some pages. Personality Quiz, baby! Also added a link to Tenken no Soujirou.

7-24-01, 9.43 pm: Added a couple links. And I forgot to mention that the guestbook is being added to all sections of the site! Making it easier to write to me without having to say anything!
AND! Forever Blue Skies is on the Anipike. Finally. Go, Gentatsu-sama!

7-21-01, 12.29 pm: Lessee... Posted new versions of Desktop, Crystal Temple, infinite RYVIUS. Added a bunch of desktop stuff. New Notebook, Inn Left Standing, and Forever Blue Skies are almost ready, and I've been typing new chapters of Slayers Retry, so with luck those will be up soon-ish.
Poor Aoi is still broken- her modem IS fried, I just know it!- but things are moving along. I'm planning to get a faster modem for her, if I can find out if we can get cable access or something out here. Sometimes, I hate living in the country. Oh well. At least I'm almost done with all the new versions!

7-10-01, 10.10pm: Gomen... There won't be an update for awhile... I just started a time-intensive class (four nights a week and not of my own volition! *cries*), I think the modem on my upstairs computer (MY computer, with all my links and pictures!) got fried in one of the thunderstorms, because it sure as hell ain't working! So I have to not only fight for internet time, but now computer time as well. Sonofa... So once I transfer everything downstairs, I can get back to sort of work again.
On the up side, I'm writing lots of stuff, especially fanfiction, and redoing everything to be nicer-looking and easier to navigate. So once it's done, everything will be phat. See you hopefully on Fridays!

6-29-01, 12.23am: I got myself a handy new link-checker, so I'm playing with that. Which means I fixed some links. Re-uploaded the winamp skin pages, but they're not done yet. I haven't gotten to them. I've been very creative lately, so expect some weird new fanfiction in the next couple weeks as I type it up.

6-10-01, 8.21pm: Index up. Finally. Now I just have to stop reading all those Omi/Nagi Weiss fics and check my links to finish....

6-03-01, 1.02 am: Finishing the update. Got a bunch of things up this week, but the new index with the links to them is not one of them. That'll have to wait. Things still don't work like they should. Fixed CT earlier this week. I think. *shrug* Phibby'll just have to be patient.

5-25-01, 12.19 am: I'm working on the Crystal Temple, so nothing there works yet. Maybe tomorrow (ie. later today after I've slept).

5-20-01, 1:35 pm: Finished the FBS update and started the Infinite Ryvius one. Look for updates on and off all week as I completely re-do the site even better!!!!!

5-18-01, 11:52 pm: Uploaded the completely new Forever Blue Skies, and everything there should work. However, due to the Big Update In Progress, a couple things don't work. Also, last Sunday was Taski's birthday! *toots horn* Happy Birthday, Taski sweetie! To celebrate the occasion, I made some new winamp skins and stuff. Check these out at Taski's 2001 Birthday Celebration (the links are a bit messy to this from other part of the site. my sister was bothering me to get off-line. Saa~ Such is family, ne?) Expect a couple closings and a new layout for some stuff next week.

5-11-01, 1:45 pm: Uploaded some stuff. Deleted some stuff. I'm in the midst of another big re-do. I think I'm going to make Friday my update day, but we'll see how that goes. Expect new stuff on Sunday, and functional updates soon.

3-28-01, 9:23 pm: Dear Goddess, it's almost done! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I'd never see the day! Anyways, there are only a few things to get up and finish. The chapters of Angel's Blade are down, but the images work (that was a pain and a half even with the simple format). Some pages are still forthcoming, especially in the Crystal Temple, Forever Blue Skies, and Infinite Ryvius. But everything that's actually up should be working. Please let me know if you find any broken links; I didn't have the patience to fix everything yet. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah right. In my Baldur's Gate game with my first character, T'Gellan Lioth, Bodhi stole Aerie and made her into a VAMPIRE!!!! See, T'Gellan had romanced Aerie (very simple, if you can put up with her whining until she falls in love with you), and before the final fight with Bodhi, she stole her! So I wanna see if there's a way to bring her back. Because that's what T'Gellan would do. Oops. Rambling. Sorry. Anyways, Enjoy the new site. And any info on Aizu during the Bakumatsu would be greatly appreciated! Jaa~ Elise


2-6-01: Well, partway done... I have to get off the compy. Mom wants to play Freecell. I prefer Tetris, myself.

1-16-01: Hmph. So much for the Big Update. More like, the Complete Overhaul. Nothing is working quite right at the moment. I'm still HTMLing everything. But the next time I sign on, everything will be mad cooler. I promise! Can't say when that'll be though....

9-4-00: The BIG UPDATE is underway! A lot of things aren't working at the moment because I screwed up some HTMLing and my fortunecities account has this thing with question marks and..., but I'm going back to school TOMORROW, so it'll have to wait. Expect lots of fun stuff, like new House of Cards, new Angel's Blade, fanart, goodies, my weekend at Otakon... Maybe by next weekend things'll be fixed? We'll see.

8-something-00: Yeah, I have no idea what day it is... It's been such a long time too! To be quick, added La'cryma and Lareine pages, redid Phibby's Temple, and fixed some stuff. Expect new Angel's Blade, House of Cards, a write-up of my weekend at Otakon, and other miscellaneous stuff soon!

5-30-00: So much for getting things done... I haven't been doing a whole lot of work. My bad... But I finally did some work on the Lina shrine! I added a whole PAGE of chibis of just Lina! Now THAT's accomplishment!

5-15-00: Saturday was Taski's birthday. I meant to have a special picture up for the occasion, but I haven't gotten to a scanner in ages! Expect a boom in the size of his gallery sometime in the next month, though. And hopefully I'll get going on all that typing I have to do soon! Part 2 of House of Cards and the next chapter of Slayers Retry are halfway done!

5-9-00:More tweaking. Over the last month, I've slowly joined some webrings, added links, started the La'cryma page, posted a fanfic, got on the Anipike... OK, I'll take this slower. I joined two webrings and the Anime Web Turnpike for the Inn Left Standing. This page has been my focus for attention, so the Kenshin Dojo (in need of a better name. Suggestions?) has been sadly neglected. Except for the addition of the new fanfic, Oniwa Rurouni, which I think came out rather well. I finally have a site to all my favorite bands in the links *sigh* I'm such a fangirl... I posted the beginnings of my sad, sad La'cryma Christi page. I still think anyone interested in finding out more about this wonderful, and seriously under-appreciated, band, should go to Tsurara's page, www.geocities.com/in_forest/. Ummm... Sore dake! That's all folks!

4-6-00:Tweaked some stuff. Added the banners on the links page. I've got big plans, but they'll take a while (that whole translation deal...). I want to add a page about La'cryma Christi, my absolute, #1 favorite Japanese rock band (I have such a crush on Taka. and Koji. and Levin and Gackt, but he's not from La'cryma Christi. I just thought I'd throw him in here while I was on the subject of crushes:). But it requires scanning and translation... I also have a new obsession with an anime series calles Infinite Ryvius. I know nothing about it, but it's in all my new Newtypes, and it looks really cool! If anyone knows ANYTHING, let me know! PLEASE!

4-3-00:Minor touch-ups only... Or so I thought. I re-organized the Slayers page, a little. AND I added Minmei's Scrapbook. I just couldn't wait any longer. That's it for now. Jaa.

3-28-00: I've only touched up a couple things this time. I'm a busy student-type, so the major rehaul I want to do is put on hold. I can't play on the Wired all day and work on the site when I have school. Yeah. I've been watching Lain. In the anime club here. Nope. I don't understand it.
Anyways, there's a new Lina pic in the Inn Left Standing, a couple new pics in Taski's gallery, and a couple new links. I got rid of the Bannered links page, because I just didn't see the point of having two links pages. The best and smallest banners will go on the links page though. Nya, that's it. Until my grades start coming up, Sayo-nara (sung to the tune of La'cryma Christi's Lhasa.)

3-6-00: It's been awhile compared to two months ago... But then again, I DO have school, so... Anyhoo, I added Phibrizo's Temple, fixed some links, tweaked Taski's bio for the House of Cards, added the Temple of Useless Ranting, fixed some Faces of Oro. And from awhile ago, my bio was tweaked and some links were added. I still have a few links to add, but hey, I'm gettin' there.

2-18/19-00: Well, today's update went smoother than last time, and for that I am grateful. Today, I added the rants page and everything on it, the Faces of Oro, the Misao fic, fixed a couple of links, and corrected a couple typo's. I didn't do the stuff on my list, but no biggy. Maybe I'll do it later today. Doubt it, though.

2-13-00: ARGH! There. I feel better. I had such a time of it today. It was awful. Never in my life have I seen so many things pop-up that said 'error' or some other such nonsense. I would say what I updated, but I get the feeling no-one cares. So I won't. But I will put up my plans for next time, if just to remind myself. I will redo the House of Cards stuff. I will add the four thousand links I've been meaning too. I will have the mini-shrine to Phibby-chan started. I will SUCCESSFULLY upload the stuff I have. Yeah. Right.

2-4&5-00: This update took two days because I kept screwing things up and had technical difficulties. Not fun. I added Gentatsu's shrine, Soujiro's images gallery, and the Toons page. Fun! Updated the links, too, but don't I always? ^_^; I'm so repetitious... Mou... I have some more sites to find because I lost the addresses, and that's not going well. Today, I decided my goal is going to be (drumroll please) to have the most complete collection of Phibrizo pictures on the net. Sad, huh? It's not going well; there just aren't pics of Phibby-chan, I guess. But there has to be; the Phibrizo Fan Club has lots of members (well, lots to me, but when twenty people show up to an anime club meeting around here, it's a day for the record books...).

1-29-00: So early in the morning the parties are starting to wind down and the drunk kids are going to bed-Well, here I am back at school. I have a major overhaul in the planning, but the connection here is really slow and I don't like working with it. I've decided to put the updates on a separate page so my index doesn't look messy. Today, I updated the links. Besides moving the old updates to this page, that's it. Yes, I realize that the old ones are centered and this one isn't: I don't care in the least, and don't feel like uncentering all the old ones. Call me lazy. I've heard it before, I don't mind.

1-20-00: Afternoon-ish:Added some links. Posted Slayers Retry Parts3 through 6, and Tales from the House of Cards Part 1, plus added the bio pages for me, Taski, and Phibby-chan in House of Cards

1-17-00: Very early in the morning:Added some more links. Updated the Inn Left Standing. Added a kawaii Gourry to the Slayers page.

Real early Saturday morning:Added some links, the House of Cards page, and the banner for Phibrizio's Fan Club. Do I like the Hellmaster? HAI!

Hmmm...I wonder what day it is now...Anyways, I made thumbnails for Lina, making page 2 obsolete, so I erased it. AND- added a new pic. Posted the first chapter of Angel's Blade, and the second chapter of Slayers Retry.

Update:The REAL January 14th (I misdated; I have no sense of time. My brother had to tell me what day it was. Hey, vacations'll do that to ya.) Saa, today I only re-did the links page and added the second page of Lina's shrine. I was having computer problems, and thinking in HTML hurts...And I was planning so much...

Update:1-14-2000, some god-awful hour of the morning: I learned some real basic HTML today, so the site will be jazzed up. YAY!

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