* Current Updates*
This is fairly simple. It's the updates, the What's New section of the site.


11-21-10: Not dead, just very, very, VERY busy. Site overhaul in the planning, but the main focus will be on the Ryvius site. There are some fics in my writing journal that have been added in the last... forever ago.

4-9-06, 9.34 pm: I could have sworn I at least logged in between now and the last update... Oh well. Rearranged some pages, fixed some errors. Added one short story to original fiction page, and FIVE new one-shots to the fanfiction page.

7-6-05, 4.17 pm: Layout is changed. Pages gone, pages added. Original art had to go, because I won't be updating that often. However, I dug up two fanarts, one of Iceman (j-pop group), and the other of Kurikara and Souryu. Eventually, I'll go through the journal and see if there's anything worth putting up here.

7-6-05, 12.05 pm: In the process of updating the layout and other tweaks. Things were very static all over the board for a few months, as I was working overtime. I am not the type that should be pulling overtime. I was so exhausted, I thought there was something really wrong with me! Anyways, I hope to have things completed today, with a tidy site and less clutter. (Scanner still has issues, but I now have a new writing journal, which you are all welcome to visit or friend, if you so desire. This is what I do now, mostly.)

10-20-04, 10.38 pm: When you look at this update log, I am pretty pathetic. Most of the updates this year were to other sites of mine. Anyways, today I added two Yami no Matsuei fanfics, and fixed another that went up a while ago. My scanner is not compatible with my new operating system, so all art is on hold.

11-5-03, 2.12 pm: New layout! This layout features Tsuzuki and Hisoka of Yami no Matsuei. I really have a thing about grey layouts, lately...
Anyways, the update consists of a new preview pic, two chapters of The fairy Project, two old essays posted, one new Gravi fanfic, links fixed in Fanfiction, Fanart, Essays, and Writing, new snippets in WIP, and a revised Links page. Next on the list to update: In Media Res.

9-18-03, 11.40 pm: Today's update is solely to Iridescent Soul. I have some things planned, as I lost my temp assignment job and now have a little time, but we'll see when it gets done. Lots of stuff in planning, not much in production.

6-30-03, 9.22 pm: A while ago, I changed the layout to my profile page. I believe Angelfire was doing some maitenance after I did some of it, so I couldn't put up an update. Anyways, today I'm back with an all new (?) section- Iridescent Soul, the page for my project with Hikage. Those of you who stumbled across my blog have probably heard something about it. Any updates after this will be random, as I work full time (for now), and have random days off.

5-13-03, 9.59 pm: Happy Birthday to Taski!! Today is an Angel's Blade update, with *gasp* an actual chapter of the story!! There are on couple things I'm working on for many of the sites, so expect something soon unless I get a rash of Busy in my life. Although I -still- don't want to do all that typing ^^;;;

4-15-03, 2.58 pm: A totally Yami no Matsuei update!!! One fic and three fanarts are up. More Kurikara than most people can handle, in celebration of my upcoming cosplay as the diminutive RyuOu at Anime Boston next weekend. Oh man are my kimono short!!!!

3-24-03,9.40 pm: Fixed the Fanfiction page. It works now *crosses fingers* Added Three new stories- a one-shot Phibrizo fic, the first three chapters of my AU Ryvafic, and the first two chapters of my Pre-Potter Percy fic. All of which were on ffnet... For the next update, I need to get a couple more things ready- Sapphire Waters Chapter 1, some Yami no Matsuei fanart... Also on the list is Winamp skins and more fanfic chapters, but I'm terribly slow at typing. We'll see how it goes. I'd like to update like a normal person, say once a month, hell maybe even once a week!! So wish me luck.

1-15-03, 3.37 pm: Added a couple images to my Art page. And the teaser for Sapphire Waters in Writing. I've been trying to actually type things up to have a story update, but we'll see how that goes. For now, just check out my ffnet for the first chapter of a Ryvius fic.

1-8-03, 1.51 pm: Changed the address for Nexus Reality, since keenspace doesn't work for me so often (I wonder if they're still having server problems?).

1-3-03, ~1 pm: Fixed the image pages in Asara. I'm still working on some real updates, but I haven't been home very much lately.

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