Lissa's Cursors My Opening TeddyBear Page
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Please Visit this special website below, it's time we put an end to child abuse, togehter we can make a difference!

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I have 4 Children ages 14 to 6, 2 girls and 2 boys and I am:

I am also a:

I love being at home with my children because:

I am also married to a wonderful guy! His name is Mark and they say:

They also say that:

They must be right because, I count my:

Every Day!!!!!!!!

I must admit, I am:

The Hubby Keeps telling me he is going to install a keyboard on his lap LOL!
I keep telling him to and:

I will stop adding great things as I find them (SOMEDAY ) NOT!!!!! :)

Stuff, so when I saw all these great graphics, I said to myself, I just have to make an opening page out of this great stuff!

I love Country Furniture like this!
Last but not least, some words of wisdom!
Befor you go maybe you could:Me
or maybe you could:
and your always welcome to:
I would like to hear your feedback about my pages!

Enter my other pages by clicking on my door!

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