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IMA Thalassery






























































Important Activities of IMA Tellicherry of this Year


After the office bearers led by Dr.P.Ravindranath was installed by our present State President Dr.M.Bhaskaran on Oct 2, 1999 our branch has done various activities at all levels- Organisational, Social and Academic


Organisational Activities  

Executive committee meetings and General Body was held every month. We added 44 new members to our branch this year, which includes 39 new members inducted during the membership drive month. 8 members have newly enrolled in the SSS and 6 in the PPS.

We protested in a strong way when one of our member Dr.M.V.Viswanathan was attacked at his Hospital at Kadirur .We could take the local people to our side and the protest meeting at Kadirur was well attended which included apart from our members in large numbers, the Grama Panchayath President and the representatives of all the major political parties. Our leaders contacted the top police officials and the culprits were nabbed with in 24 hours.  

Academic Activities:  

We conducted 7 clinical meetings in which interesting cases, case reports etc were presented by our members.  

Eleven CME sessions on topics of different specialities were conducted by our branch in the last 7 months

A Quiz was conducted in one of our clinical meetings and Dr.Nazimudheen walked away with the honours.

AIDS orientation programme for the doctors was arranged in our branch with the help of State AIDS cell on 31.10.1999.


All the important days to be observed were done at different places with public participation.  

Anti Quackery day on 14.11.99.

World Diabetes day – A free Diabetes detection camp and Health education at Pinarayi on 14.11.1999. Dr.T.S.Rajasekharan

1.      World AIDS day on 1.12.1999 – awareness camp for college students at Govt.Brennen  college Dharmadam .-  Dr.T.N BabuRavindran  

2.      IMA Community service day on 15.1.2000 at Christ college.-Blood grouping,Blood donation and awareness class .-Dr.T.Rameshan (Blood bank officer, GH Tly.)  

3.       National Leprosy eradication week from 30.1.2000 to 5.2.2000.

    Detection camps and awareness classes at : GH Tly, Govt. Girls’High school Tly ,Islamic women’s college Tly,and CHC Pinarayi. Dr.Deepa


4. World Anti- TB week was observed (17.2.2000 –23.2.2000). Two camps were held at GH.Tly and at Chalil. Dr.T.Madhusoodanan

5.A free Medical camp at Eddakad on 27.2.2000.

6. A lecture on  “Adolescent Problems”by our President P.Ravindranath at Govt.High School,Kavumbhagam.on 11.2.00.

A Medical camp on 12.3.00 in association with New frontiers charity club for women and child health at Abala mandir.and the camp has become a once a month routine.

World Measles Immunisation day at Kadiroor on 31.3.2000. 100 children were given free MMR Vaccine. An awareness class by Dr.P.P.Jayagopal for Anganwadi teachers and mothers.It was a very well attended meeting.

Three free Diabetes detection camps at different places in Kadiroor in collaboration with Kadirur Grama Panchayath.

Awareness on Eye donation at New Mahe community hall.-Dr. K.Abubacker.

World Health day on 7.4.2000

FreeBlood grouping camp,blood donors’ forum formation, and blood donation at GH Tly. 17 people including our President Dr.P.Ravindranath donated their blood.

An awareness Rally with the participation of our members, Municipal councillors,Health department and nursing students.

A public meeting in which RDO, Municipal chairperson, DeputyDMO Dr.K.P.V.Narayanan and other eminent people joined our branch to observe the day.

IMA through a Press release highlighted and warned about the Health hazards arising due to the non disposal of the wastes and garbages in Tellicherry town and this had an impact on intesification of public pressure on the Municipality authorities to find a quick solution to this problem.


  1.  Rs59000/- was given to State IMA HQ building fund by our members this year.

  2.  We donated Rs15000/- and medicines worth Rs1 Lakh/-

  3. We sponsored an artificial limb for a disabled person during the Artificial limb week of Lions club.

  4. Rs1500/- was donated to Leprosy Welfare society .

  5. A gift to the millennium child of GH Tly.  

  6. Dr.K.T.P.Nambiar memorial endowment scheme  (Rs5000/-) for poor medical students was handed over to Amritharaj a poor medical student.

  7. IMA Tellicherry has donated an immunisation counter at the General Hospital Tellicherry. It was formally inaugurated by the District Immunisation Officer Dr.Rajendran on 13/5/2000 at a function attended by the President Dr.P.Raveendranath , Secretary Dr.Ramesh and senior Doctors of GH Tellicherry . The counter has improved the facilities for giving immunisation at the General Hospital.  

  8. Our branch has donated RS.16000/- towards Dr.P.V.George memorial fund which is utilised for helping poor patients.