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Ryo Sanada - Leo / 0x

Key Characteristics;
Focused, Forceful, Obstinate, Serious

EAST- Leo brings dramatic `elan enliven the erstwhile stolidity of the Ox.

WEST- The Ox gives the Lion determination and strength of purpose.

The Leo-Ox duality produces leaders; people who are compelled to take charge and control of every situation in which they are involved. Leo-Oxen takes themselves very seriously, throwing their whole being into whatever they undertake-something that applies not only to their professional work, but also to their personal lives as well. Leo's are sunny creatures and therefore bring a buoyant influence, adding warmth and lifting the spirits of the usually dour Oxen personality. Generosity is marked in the Leo-Ox. Magnanimous and giving, members of this dual sign are at their happiest with an adoring, loving partner at their side.

Loves - Likes - Dislikes

Leo-Oxen are proud people-proud of their achievements, proud of their homes, families, and partners. They possess extraordinarily high standards and expect themselves and their loved ones to live up to them. They are not great socializes, putting their time and efforts into their work and their homes, so that little energy is left for spare time pursuits. When they fall in love, they give themselves over body and soul. For the Leo-Ox it is one hundred percent or nothing.


All to often, Leo-Oxen are reluctant to take advice from anyone else because, essentially, they usually think they know best.


Information Found From;
East Meets West Asrtology
By: Loi Reid