Nicollo Machiavelli was a 15th century Italain philosopher whose works were considered evil by the Catholic Church. And in that time if you spoke out against the church you were put to death. So to prevent being killed Machiavelli faked his death. While Tupac was in jail he read all of Machiavelli's work and i think starting planning his own faked death.

In the last album before he died he renamed him self Makaveli, and then he "died". The reason I think he changed the spelling is because if you rearrange the letters in it, it spells I AM ALIVE with the letter K left over. I really don't know what that K means. Someone thinks it means "I AM ALIVE,K?" but i dont think so. I think that K symoblizes something. If any y'all have any theory of what that means hit me up wit a e-mail!
