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About Us

My name is Eric and I started playing Warhammer 40k early this year. I play as the Eldar, a very complicated choice for a beginner, but now I have the hang of things. My main opponents are Lee, who plays Space Marines and is beginning an Imperial Guard force, and Tim, who is starting his own Orc Horde. Just to get the facts straight, they usually win... --- Also, Lee has begun a painting business. He will find and buy you a miniature, and paint it to your liking for CHEAP. All you have to do is tell him what kind of model(s) you want and how you want them. If you're interested in this offer, e-mail him at or me at, and I will tell him about your offer. An example of his work is the Farseer at my home page and my work is the scout on the Eldar page.