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Rho Pi Zeta Photos

Check out Rho Pi Zeta in the community and around the way!

Sorors Nicole & Nikki at our Foodraiser Party at Boston College

Sorors LaTanya, Alicia, Caecenia and Nikki at the March of Dimes Walk America in May

Sorors from MA & CT along with some Deltas doing a Habitat House

Sorors and Frat at our Annual Safe Youth Halloween Party

Sorors Nicole and Nikki working the arts & crafts table at our Safe Youth Halloween Party

Soror Jenny and Frat that came in town to support at the mummy wrapping table.

Some of the children waiting in line at the Moonwalk at our Safe Youth Halloween Party.

Soror Cheryl Underwood with Soror Alicia at a local Boston comedy club.

Yours Truly, Soror Alicia, webmistress, at home sweet home.
