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CHX Alamar’s Angel HS Stds Otds ATDS

Angel recieving Best of Winners and becomes a New Champion

CHX Alamar’s Angel HS Stds Otds ATDS

OFA Excellent Eyes CERFed clear

Angel came to us when we spoke to Russell McCord who said he had a dog we just had to see. He called her the “hollywood dog”. Angel is a split faced, black and white bitch with a blue eye. She is named after the lyrics in the song from Phantom of the Opera-Angel of the night. Her personality is as striking as her face. She is a love to all people with a drive to work, typical of the American working Border Collie.

Angel entered her first conformation show with her first love, Alan, at the end of the lead. It was the first conformation show for both of them. She was in the 9-12 month puppy class. Since Alan taught her to stack in 15 minutes, it wasn’t much of a stretch for her to pull off a 5 point major her first time out and reserve the next day. We finished her championship with limited showing and she became the first CHX in the state of Texas.

In between shows, she earned multiple herding titles. She has a lot of eye and bite when you need it. She puts that loving temperament into her puppies as well as stock sense.

Angel has produced 2 lovely litters, both from Russell McCord’s Sam. These puppies all showed nice working ability at 7 - 9 weeks of age and were true to their breeding as adults. We kept 2 puppies out of the last litter due to the working ability of a couple of the dogs from the first litter.

Be watching for Angel puppies to hit the show and trial circuit soon.

Come see CHX Alamar’s Angel X Alamar’s Spur past litter born April 2002

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