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Alamar’s Rosie O, PT

Alamar’s Rosie
PennHip Top 80%

Rosie, littermate to BJ, is the apple of Alan’s eye. She came into the house when Mike left us and promptly wormed her way into everyone’s heart. Except, perhaps for her big sister, Storm. (She’s still waiting for her to go away.)

Rosie is a traditionally marked bitch with a very athletic physique. Her PennHip score is in the top 80%. She is fast and agile and easily keeps up with the big dogs. She is extremely friendly with people and dogs. She is also best friends with the head guard llama.

Rosie has started stock training. Alan is taking it very slow to allow her to develop her confidence and instinct. She is very keen to work, has nice balance and covers well. She is very biddable and has a lot of “go”. Rosie has a very athletic build and is fast and tough. She has her mom’s sweet disposition and stock sense. She is promising to be a terrific little dog!

Rosie has two legs towards her AKC HSAS. She recieved first place with a High-in-Trial the first day; and second place the next day.

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