Christina's Story
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Christina was miscarried on August 21, 2000. She would have been our 2nd child, a beautiful daughter. Unfortunately, she was not meant to stay with us. Instead, God wanted her with Him where she could play in paradise and be eternally free from harm. At first everything was fine with the pregnancy. All my bloodwork and even the sonogram came back perfect. We were so happy to be pregnant again, our first son (Dennis) was 1 & 1/2 years old and would be just over 2 when Christina was born. Everything seemed to be working out perfectly. I didn't even have a touch of morning sickness, unlike my first pregnancy, where I was extremely sick for the first 6 months. We thought everything was going to be fine. Then when I was 3 months pregnant we went on vacation to Tennessee. On the 4th day of our vacation I started bleeding. We went to the emergency room, where they did an exam and told me to go home and "put my feet up." I stayed in the bed all day and the next morning the bleeding was a lot worse. I was so scared, I remember walking in the bedroom and telling my husband, "We're losing this baby." He tried to reassure me that everything would be okay, but I knew that my baby was gone. The pain kept getting worse and all I could think was how badly I wanted to be home. We left that night and when we finally got back home, I had to go in the hospital and have a D&C to remove the remaining tissue. I felt horrible, my baby had just been taken away from me, I wanted her, I needed her, and most of all I loved her! I will always love Christina, her body may have been taken away but I know that her spirit is with us always! I kept asking the doctors for an explanation, all they could tell me was that 1 out of every 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, and that the fetus most likely didn't develop correctly and so my body "aborted" her. I felt that if I knew what had caused it that I could "move on", but now I know that I could never move on and I don't want to. Yes, I cry when I think or talk about Christina, but the thoughts of her fill my heart with love. I have joy in knowing that she is in Heaven with God, watching over us and awaiting our arrival. Sometimes I wish that she was here, I know that we would have so much fun together and she would be so loved, but then I am thankful that she is safe in Heaven, free from all danger and pain, no matter how much we miss her! I will never forget Christina. She will have a place in my heart and in my life for all eternity.
We love and miss you!

~*~A Mother's Prayer~*~

"Dear Lord, I wanted to hold my baby close, and tell her all about you. But, I never got the chance. So, could you hold her close and tell her all about me?"

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~*~Christina's Mommy~*~
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