Updated 10/18/2012

Developed by  Larry Caputo  for the  purpose of  keeping  an active file of current names and addresses of our beloved classmates. Just take a look below for a complete list of people from our great class of 1960.

The Class List with updated contact information has been moved to a new page. Click here for the Updated Class List.

Update October 18, 2012

Regarding our Class of 1960, Belmont High School Web Page

October 20, 2012

I started our Web Page sometime back in the 1980’s and It was a lot of work tracking down people and trying to get some interest and help on the project. I got no help and generally got the feeling that most people had the attitude of “who cares” with regard to having a Web Page for our class. Most people in the class probably don’t know that a web page for our class even exists and furthermore don’t know how to access it from their home computer.

As I remember, I was in my 40’s then. Since that time we have had 3 class reunions of which I attended all three. The 50th class reunion attracted just over 100 class members (about 1/3rd of the graduating class). Although the actual social dance evening was somewhat of a loud music event which limited our chance to socialize, I enjoyed the whole reunion including the tour of Belmont, seeing the new High School, participating in the breakfast social and the attending the social event at the Women’s Club in Belmont Center.

Next month I’ll be 70 years old. During the last 10 to 15 years I’ve tried to update the Web Page by adding small bits of information I gather from others in the class that have enough interest to contact me and let me know what’s happening in their life. But I’m not going to do that anymore.

I hope I live to see 100 and I hope all of you live that long too, but probability says that won’t happen. My parents lived into their 80’s and I hope I can even live longer but just in case I don’t live to be ancient, you can consider these final comments to be the end of the class tracking and a conclusion to what I’ve considered to be our class web page.

I would hate to think of this document as an electronic piece of information that lasts forever without a reason to use it. As we get older there are fewer of us who can utilize the information on the Web Page and eventually there will be no need for such a document. So, consider my comments to be conclusive. Thanks to those who thanked me for creating our web page entitled:

Sincerely, Larry Caputo

Update July 25, 2012

I received some email from our classmate Richard von Fuchs. He says that his life has been quite tumultuous having been married 4 times and having held over 100 jobs over the years. He is presently in Hungary teaching english part-time. The "H9400" at the end of his address is his Hungarian zip code.

Latest update for members of the Class of 1960   May 24, 2011

Click picture for full size

On Friday Oct 22 our class had its 50th reunion. It was held at the Double Tree in Waltham. One hundred and five people signed up and paid to be part of the reunion but only 103 people showed up. The two who were missing and failed to sign in were Dr. Richard Stone and Mr. Walter Crowley. So, I might say that about one third of the class being there 50 years later is still a pretty good showing.

I noticed that Marilyn Piazza from Sacramento, California wasn’t there so I called her several days later. We talked and she had a few thoughts of insight into the matter and I wholeheartedly agree with her comments. She said that the last reunion (When the class of 60 turns 60) turned her off. The music was too loud and she could not enjoy herself because she felt quite uncomfortable with all the blaring noise.

And, I have to agree. I’m 68 years old now and no longer enjoy bouncing around and screaming like a teenager. I used to like baseball but now find it difficult to swing a bat. I used to run track but now would prefer walking slowly, I used to like playing hockey but find it difficult to even move on a pair of skates and I used to enjoy loud music but not anymore.

A very popular country singer, Earnest Tubb years ago sang a song about getting up in years. It was entitled, “When my Getup has Got up and Gone.“ Well my getup isn’t gone quite yet but at 68 my mind has settled down somewhat.

My purpose in attending the reunion was social. I wanted to talk to my fellow classmates and find out how others made out, but while the loud music was being played at an ear piercing level, communication was at a standstill. I’m not going to yell to be heard.

I don’t know how much the class spent on hiring the disc jockey but personally I feel that we can save our money and forgo the loud music if, in ten years we have another reunion. Can you imagine we’ll be 78 by then - a great time to be dancing the Twist or the Jitterbug while holding your partner with one hand and a cane with the other.

The tour of Belmont by trolley was a wonderful idea especially for people like me who haven’t lived in Belmont for years. It was interesting to see the new high school located near Concord Ave., close to the lake that’s filled with Carp (Goldfish).

Having a breakfast/lunch on Sunday morning as a final fling was also a great idea, although it did leave me with a feeling of nostalgia realizing that this was the end of a wonderful social event and a great weekend.

Comments by Larry Caputo

Latest Information for members of the Class of 1960   January 18, 2010
     This year, the year of 2010 is special because it marks an historic point in our lives. Why? We  all graduated from Belmont High School  exactly 50  years ago . And, this gives us a good excuse for getting together again and celebrating with a Belmont High School reunion. Yes, our class representatives have been working diligently  and have now arranged for a 50th class reunion. Our last class reunion was in 2003 when the "Class of 60 turned 60" and what a great event it was. Everyone who was still alive (and that was most of us) was in good health and most everyone had a success story to tell about life after high school.
     So, when, where and what have the class delegates planned for us. Recently on January 12 the class reps met at Mary Riley's (Mary Boyle's) home in Winchester and arranged for the following events:

Welcome Reception and Dinner at the Doubletree in Waltham                                 Friday     - Oct 22
A tour of Belmont by trolley plus a sock hop and dinner                                             Saturday - Oct 23
A Brunch at the Doubletree in Waltham                                                                      Sunday    - Oct 24

     Most of us are retired now so, hopefully we'll see  a lot of classmates that couldn't make the other reunions we've had. See you all at the 2010 class reunion.        Sincerely,     Larry Caputo  (

Updated Information from Larry Caputo   August 21, 2008
      I understand that there is a reunion coming up, the 50th in 2010 but I haven't got any information as to the exact date yet. I'll let you all know just as soon as I find out. Mary Riley asks for suggestions as to where it should be held. I thought the Double Tree in Waltham was a pretty nice place for the last reunion. 
     After 25 years of leaving the instrument alone, I'm back to playing the banjo. In May of this year in Tucson, Arizona I attended a function known as the "Arizona Banjo Blast". Since we have two classmates living in Tucson, John Hildebrand and Stuart Cohen,  I contacted them prior to  arriving in Tucson and the three of us got together for dinner. Actually there were 5 of us altogether as my wife and John's wife also joined us. We all had a great time talking about our high school days, our teachers, our classes, and our classmates. John Hidebrand commented that although Stuart looked quite different his voice was unmistakeably the voice of Stuart Cohen. And, yes, I noticed it too. His voice is exactly as I remember it. Our parting comments were, "See you in two years at the 50th  reunion." 

A few comments from Larry Caputo November 18, 2006
      I received a nice complement from John Alcock who says "You do a good job of keeping track of people although you live on the other side of the US." Thanks John, I appreciate your comment. I recall that John played trombone in the high school band so I asked him if he still plays. His response was, "I have not picked up a trombone since Memorial Day of 1960."
     I received some e-mail from Stu Cohen. Stu is retired now and says that if we have another reunion, he'll be there. 
     I heard that Freddy Labanara picked up Parkinson's decease a few years ago and died recently. Fred was in our class  all the way through Junior High and High School, but was not recognized as being a member of the class of 1960 because he ended up graduating with the class of '61.
     Mary Boyle e-mailed me just last week and told me that a few years ago she started having a few friends over for dinner once in a while and that the function has turned into an annual class event. Wayne Frese told me that he attended  the recent November function and about 20 class members were there. He said there is some rumor of planning a 50th  class reunion. I talked to Jim Robbio and he made the same comment regarding the possibility of a 50th class reunion.
       Well, it's a small world. Recently on November 18, 2006, my wife and I attended the West Coast Ragtime Festival in Sacramento, California. Being retired, I've had plenty of time to practice banjo and have quite a repetoire from that era, the 1920's. So, I brought my banjo with me. My banjo case has my name on it and my wife was sitting in the lobby of the Red Lyon's Hotel. I was in one of the rooms watching a piano player play the Maple Leaf Rag. Just then, the door opened and  my wife came in. She said that there was a lady in the lobby who recognized the name Larry Caputo on the banjo case and asked where the person was that owned that case. It turned out to be Marilyn Piazza. To make matters even more interesting, she was with a friend named Vic, and Vic turned out to be the son-in-law of my wife's step father. So, we had a great socializing and that involved all 4 of us.
        Ok, that's all the latest news of interest to the class for now unless anyone else wants to add more. I noticed that some of the e-mail addresses are obsolete. So if you've changed your e-mail address let me know, so we can update the Web Page.

Update from Joanne Castagno (DiFillippo)  Sept 22, 2005
       I just thought I'd let you all know that I use 2 e-mail addresses. The one I use most commonly is My husband and I happen to  love Las Vegas. We plan to  celebrate New Year's there this year and already have our reservations for December 30 through January 3rd. We're even thinking of buying a Condo in Henderson, Nv. which is just outside of Las Vegas. Well, Sal and I have this goal in mind for our old age "ha,ha,ha".  Isn't that what we're nearing now?
       We still live at the same place, as listed, in Everett but our permanent move to the Las Vegas area is for sure a definite thing within the next couple of years.
      My best regards to all.  See everyone at the next reunion.

Comment from Joe Vultaggio   August 6,2005
I have an update for the class listing. My cousin Linda Pizzi passed away about 6 months ago after losing her fight with beast cancer. She is missed by all who knew and loved her. Take care,   Joe Vultaggio

Note from Pamela Bradford (Perry) July 23, 2005
Hi from Sedalia, Colorado. As you may remember, I lived on Goden Street in Belmont. Ann Havice and I were friends since the 1st Grade. Dean Carmeris told her about the Web site and she sent me the address. I was very excited to learn about the site but saddened to see how many of our classmates have died. Found out that Kathy Hooper lives in my area. Kathy and I played basketball together in high school. I'll give her a call.  Keep in touch. I would love to go to the next class reunion. I was listed on the Web site as "address unknown" but Larry changed that to 3421 Christy Ridge Rd. because now I've been "found".

This was an update made in 2003
         We might as well call this part of the Web Page the 'lost and found". As you know we recently lost John Barry and Anthony Mondello. We found one  person who was on the "Unknown" list, and  we learned that some of our classmates on the "Unknown" list had already passed away.

    Among the latest to pass away were:
                    William Evans
                    Thaddeus Hubbell
                    Peter Quigley
                    William Redgate
                    Jo-an Sylvester
                    Nancy Sylvester
                    And a  death back in 2001 that we just found out about,  Judy Sullivan (Davis) passed away.
  Among the latest to be found were:

                    Ronald Nelson
                    Carol Barry

A special note from Linda Golden Graesser : You folks have been listing Robert Flint as dead. Well he's not dead. He lives in Concord, Mass.

A special note to Linda and the rest of the class: We found Robert Flint. Yes he has been living in Concord but as of November 1st he's moving to Cape Porpoise, Maine. I (caputo) talked to Robert and we had a few laughs over the situation. Robert said that if he had known about the reunion, he would have sprinkled ashes and dust on himself and shown up as a ghost.

We also had a Reunion in 2002. Click here to go to the Reunion 2002 page.

Class members who have never been to a reunion . "We're all anxious to see these folks at the next reunion"

Nick Albano                       Robert Flint                   Kent Larson                      Francis Roberts
Linda Angell                       David Fonseca               Barbara Lettieri                 Arlene Runci
Mary Apholt                      Sheila Ford                     Robert Lettieri                   Lois Seamonds
Delores Argiro                   Sheila Forsythe               Carole Listro                     Elaine Selvitella
Nancy Bacon                    Amy Forziati                    Richard Loomer                Betty Selwyn
George Balsama                Elaine Foster                   Walace Lord                     Linda Selwyn
Cynthia Barber                  Alan Freedman                Linda Lord                        Barbara Sesser
Janice Barden                    Bradley Frost                  Jaqueline Luke                   Robert Silvagni
Carol Barry                       Norm Gan                       Joseph Macauda               Peter Spinella
Robert Beairsto                 Rachel Giordano              Elizabeth MacIver              Robert Stella
Carol Benedict                  Paul Goldberg                  Bruce MacKerron             Ann Sullivan
Charles Bere                     Marjorie Gorman             Theodore MacLeod           Kenneth Tigar
Warren Berthelsen            William Gorton                 Lilliam Maggio                    Frank Tortorella
Lelia Biggs                        Ellen Groden                    Thomas Mahoney               John Tulley
Anna Bornhofft                 Kathleen Groden              Arthur Manjourides             Catherine Twomey
Susan Brady                     Marie Guillemin                Carol Marchisio                  Frank Veneri
Linda Brenner                   Charles Hannon               Kenneth Mazzocchi            Geroge Viglirolo
David Briggs                     Robert Harris                   Karen McAuliffe                 Richard Von Fuchs
Roger Bryning                   Richard Haugh                 Larry McCormick              Janet Waterhouse
John Callaghan                  Ann Havice                      James McDonald                Linda Waugh
Roberta Carlson               Michele Henry                  Paula McFadden                 Martin Wein
Carol Ciano                      Richard Hentz                  Maureen McGrath               Sybil Weissman
Stuart Cohen                    Steve Hoffman                  Kathleen McLean                Don West
Helen Coleman                 Katherine Hooper             Mary McNulty                    Lisa Westlund
Joseph Collins                  Wayne Hulbert                  Frank Meehan                    James White
John Conway                   Beverly Hunt                     Zonda Mercer                     Brenda Whitney
Frederic Corsiglia             Francis Hynes                   Donald Morrison                 Marcia Wilkins
Rosemarie Corso             Thomas Jackevicz              John Nazzaro                      Wilbur Wood
Michael Curran                James Jensen                     Ronald Nelson                     Sandra Woodfall
Elinor Dankner                 George Johnson                 Robert Olive                        Linda Zacheus
Daniel Days                     Francis Kearns                   Joanne Paster                      Elizabeth Zartarian
Catherine Devine              James Keefe                     Walter Pheeney
James Dewing                  Francis Kelley                    David Phillips
Philip De Iorio                  Maureen Kelley                 Heidi Piontek
John Dresser                    Jeremiah Kiley                   Ed Plekavich
John Dunlop                     Carolyn Kinney                 Dianne Polcari
Mabel Dunn                     Ilse Klemperer                   Lee Pollock
Margaret Edwards           Heide Klopver                   Elaine Powers
Janet Ferreira                                                            Pat Redgate
William Fiocca                                                          
Peter Fiumara


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