Present: D. Arden, E. Petti, R. Halpern, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, E. Larkin, and C. Gasior.
Absent: C. Bowmar-Perry, and J. Bacigalupi.
Guest Speaker:Attorney Michael Curran
Audience: Bea Perkins, League of Women Voters, Jim Morgan (FinCom), and Deborah Dami (Town Clerk).
Dr. Petti, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Attendance…Dr. Petti noted that Cathy unable to attend tonight and also noted that Cathy will be out of town from September 6 through September 21.
Public Comment…None.
Approval of Minutes
Ruth Maney motioned to accept the minutes of July 30 with corrections; this was seconded by Dean Arden; and unanimously carried.
Michael Curran – Guest Speaker
Dr. Petti introduced Attorney Michael Curran. He stated he is here to help Commission to get started. He began by giving Dr. Petti a copy of the “Guide for Charter Commissions” publication by the National Civic League. He mentioned he sent a letter with suggestions. Ed Larkin had a copy of the letter and he will provide a copy to each member of the Commission.
Mike Curran then gave details of his background and experience, including that he worked with Barnstable Charter Commission; worked with more than 50 cities and towns; and worked with small and large communities. Some of the highlights presented by Mike Curran:
Per Chuck’s request, Mike will send a written proposal outlining the 3 stages and what each entails.
Questions and Answers
Elizabeth What kind of publicity should we do?
Mike responded the Guide says publicity starts the date you’re elected and ends when last voter goes to polls on election day. He recommends making arrangements to get out and meet with organized groups in Town…speak and meet with groups as often as you can. This should be done in addition to the usual publicity routes like newspapers, etc. He said many places they broadcast Charter meetings. Get feedback…Tell people here are the problems; here’s what we’ve done; what do you think?
Richard Have any of the towns you deal with had Districts?
Mike…Yes, but none he worked with had wanted to take them over. Richard then asked: conversely, can you take from town and put in district? Mike said none he worked with did this. But it can be done.
Deborah Dami… Water is private entity. How can Town take over?
Mike responded that under Charter it could be done. Ed Larkin added because Water District was set up under Special Act.
Ed Article for $20,000 will be presented in October. From now until then we don’t have time to research. In the meantime should we continue meeting with boards and committees?
Mike…Yes, do that. Good experience for Commission and can raise everybody’s level of knowledge…very beneficial! However, Mike issued a word of caution: Everybody coming in will recognize that changes needed, but not their office.
Ruth New Seabury can do whatever they want. Can Charter do anything to change this?
Mike…If contracted with Town, then Charter can’t do anything.
Jerry How do you win support if you recommend committee elected vs. appointed and committee feels differently?
Mike…Put together the best approach and then let Public see at Public Hearing. You’ll have an opportunity to say what you did and why. People elected you to do a job they are not prepared to do. Hopefully they’ll give weight to what you’ve proposed.
Cost: Talk with local newspaper. Will they publish Report for free? Biggest expense will be publication of Preliminary Report. Could run $7,000.
Dean …What about putting non-binding question on ballot re open town meeting vs. representative town meeting?
Mike…Not in favor of this because sometimes voters makes up mind on insufficient information and this can hurt vote later on.
Richard: In your opinion, how do unions come into play?
Mike…Not at all. Nothing in the Charter.
The Commission thanked Mike Curran for giving of his time and said they look forward to seeing his written proposal. Mike then exited from the meeting. The Commission returned to their meeting agenda.
Chuck mentioned to the Committee that there was a letter from Tom Groux, which he distributed to each of them. Following discussion, Ruth motioned that we see proposals from both Mike Curran and Tom Groux; Jerry seconded this motion; and it was unanimously approved. Chuck will send letters to Messrs. Curran and Groux
Old Business
Ed said he agrees with Jerry. Take original charter, take that portion stating specifics of a Committee, and then ask Committee what they feel? Ed said we have to get more specific; don’t be too general. He reminded them that Marilyn Contreas said “Keep it simple”.
Dean said he supports Jerry’s proposal…Put in writing.
Mission Statement
Everyone said the Mission Statement Jerry sent out was excellent. Ruth motioned to accept the Mission Statement as amended; Jerry seconded the motion; and it was unanimously carried.
Ed will release the accepted Mission Statement to the press and Jerry will post it on the Web Site.
Article for October Town Meeting
Jim Morgan (FinCom) addressed the group and said that on August 27 FinCom is to do final look at Articles for October Town Meeting. Jim suggested the Commission be clear in their request and justify the need. He said they will not let Dean sit in that meeting.
Jim explained the FinCom consensus feedback.
The Commission thanked Jim for all his input.
Ed and Dean will write the document to justify the $20,000 funding request to be presented prior to FinCom’s August 27 deadline. Richard, Ruth, and Elizabeth will go to the August 27 Open FinCom Meeting.
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 7 p.m. Working Meeting…Do Finance portion of Charter.
Public Comments …None.
Ruth Maney motioned the meeting be adjourned; Richard Halpern seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti
Recording Secretary