Minutes of Meeting Held Thursday, December 12, 2002
Mashpee Town Hall Meeting Room 1
Present: E. Larkin, R. Halpern, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, D. Arden, and J. Bacigalupi.
Absent: C. Gasior, and C. Bowmar-Perry.
Invited participants: George W. Baker, Fire Chief.
Glen Harrington, Board of Health.
Jim Long, Director, Council on Aging.
Tom Fudala, Town Planner.
Audience: Alan Samry, Mashpee Enterprise.
A quorum being present, Ed Larkin, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Ruth Maney motioned to accept the minutes of November 21, 2002; this motion was seconded by Dean Arden and was unanimously approved.
Richard Halpern motioned to release the July 30, 2002 Executive Session minutes; Juan Bacigalupi seconded this motion; and it was unanimously approved.
Interviews were held with George Baker (7:20 p.m.-7:45 p.m.), Glen Harrington (7:48 p.m.-7:55 p.m.), Jim Long (7:55 p.m.-8:15 p.m.), and with Tom Fudala 8:20 p.m.-8:50 p.m.). Each one basically described their current job responsibilities. In addition various issues were discussed, including:
Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.
Ruth motioned to adjourn the meeting; Richard seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti, Recording Secretary