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Mashpee Charter Commission

Mashpee Charter Commission
Minutes of Meeting Held Thursday, January 16, 2003
Mashpee Town Hall Meeting Room 1

Present: E. Larkin, R. Halpern, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, D. Arden, J. Bacigalupi, C. Bowmar-Perry, and C. Gasior (7:05 p.m.).

Absent: Warren Freeman.

Invited participants: Water District: Russell Babcock, Chairman, and Mr. Richards, Director of Operations.
Sewer Commission: Tom Fudala.
Attorney Mike Curran, Consultant.

Audience: Ed Baker.

A quorum being present, Ed Larkin, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Ed informed the group that Warren Freeman was involved in an auto accident and is unable to attend tonight but he will be at the next meeting.

Approval of Minutes

Ruth Maney motioned to accept the minutes of January 2, 2003; this motion was seconded by Jerry Blumengarten and was unanimously approved, except Cathy Bowmar-Perry, who abstained.

Approval of Invoices

Ed informed the Commissioners that Town Hall prefers 5 members of the Commission sign approved invoices for payment. Therefore, that is what we will do.

Meeting Dates

Next meeting…Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall. Delete March 6 from schedule of meetings list drafted by Mike Curran.

New Business

Jerry informed the group that he attended the January 8 School Committee meeting and presented the Charter Commission Web Site as a learning experience. Also, after January 22nd, notice of the web site will be displayed.

Audience Comments

Ed Baker addressed the group with the question: Has the group thought about election vs. appointment for boards which have financial or quality of life impact? Various aspects of this topic were discussed. Water District and Sewer Commission

Russell Babcock detailed the operations, progress, and financial posture of the Water District.

Tom Fudala gave a run-down on the Sewer Commission.

There were in-depth discussions as well as viewpoints and suggestions from Messrs. Babcock, Fudala, and Ed Baker on the topic of considering combining Water/Sewer into 1 entity under the Water District. This topic was discussed at great length.

Ed Larkin thanked everyone for coming and for their input. Ed Baker expressed his thanks to the Charter Commission for listening.

Cathy motioned to adjourn the meeting; Ruth seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti, Recording Secretary