Present: D. Arden, J. Bacigalupi, J. Blumengarten, C. Bowmar-Perry, R. Halpern, E. Larkin, R. Maney, and E. Petti.
Absent: E. Larkin, and C. Gasior.
Audience: Bea Perkins, League of Women Voters.
Dr. Petti, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and informed the Commission that Joyce Mason said she cannot be here tonight due to circumstances beyond her control.
Juan Bacigalupi motioned to accept the minutes of June 26 as changed; this was seconded by Dean Arden; and unanimously carried.
Committee Reports
Elizabeth Petti advised that the Selectmen would not be meeting with us on Monday night. Further she stated she will coordinate plans with Joyce Mason and Selectmen’s Office.
Ruth Maney will contact Finance Committee to try to schedule meeting within next 2 weeks.
Consensus of the group is to get meetings underway, rather than wait for Selectmen availability.
Bea Perkins offered comment that it would be very nice if you could have Selectmen/Administrator meeting first, but it really doesn’t matter what the order is…just get in touch with everybody you can get.
Charter Reviews
Elizabeth Petti…How would you like to proceed and work on this charter?
Dean Arden…Wrote some language regarding financial reporting.
Juan Bacigalupi …We can require reporting but we should not limit administrator on how to do the job.
There were in-depth discussions as to whether or not to start working on drafting certain parts of the Charter prior to meeting the various groups. Consensus was that Commission would meet with various town officials and departments and also proceed to draft certain parts of the Charter.
Motion: Dean moved that we proceed with the invitations to various town officials and departments and also proceed to draft certain parts of the Charter; Juan seconded this motion; and it was unanimously passed.
Cathy Bowmar passed around a draft schedule list and asked each Commissioner to sign-up for their area(s) of interest.
Bea Perkins asked if people from this Commission are meeting with Town, does it have to be posted? Juan responded there are no requirements to post if no decisions are made.
Motion: Juan motioned that Commission accepts as a working draft the document he e-mailed; Dean seconded this motion; and it was unanimously passed. Juan’s offer to put together rough draft of Articles 7 and 8 and e-mail it to the Commissioners was accepted with the proviso that he will not include anything that’s controversial. Motion: Dean motioned to accept Juan’s offer to draft Sections 7 and 8; Jerry Blumengarten seconded this motion; and it was unanimously passed.
Jerry asked: Does Town have organization flow chart? Dr. Petti will check into this.
Dr. Petti distributed copies of Ed Baker’s May 3, 2002 letter to Tom Fudala, Chairman, Mashpee Sewer Commission, suggesting combining Water-Sewer Commission. Juan noted that it sounds good, but in 1986 Water Commissioner established as separate government entity and it would require Legislative Act to change. Juan said if Water Commissioners and Selectmen were in agreement to do this, it would be easy to get passed as a Special Act. Richard Halpern commented he doesn’t believe it comes under Charter Commission’s jurisdiction.
Consensus of the group was even though not under our jurisdiction we should talk with Water District to get their input.
Ruth Maney will advise of meeting date once she gets date from Finance Committee.
Ruth Maney motioned the meeting be adjourned; Jerry Blumengarten seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti
Recording Secretary